Rossi Blog Reader

This website tracks recent postings to Andrea Rossi's Journal of Nuclear Physics, sorting the entries with priority to Rossi's answers, which appear under each question.

• Email to Andrea Rossi - Journal Of Nuclear Physics
• Website comments to the Webmaster (who has no contact or connection with Rossi).
• Updated: 2024-04-23 07:30:10.906704Z

  1. Mels M.

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    i read that you can produce 500,000 ecat 100W in a year and your aim is 1 million pre-orders.
    If i order now, then i have to wait full TWO years after the production started (maybe more if people in the queue before me enlarge their pre-orders ?
    Or can i hope that you will increase the production significant?
    Warm regards
    Mels M.

  2. Andrea Rossi

    Mels M.:
    This is a good question.
    We have organized the outsourcing system to increase the production as much as necessary to deliver all the Ecat pre-ordered within 6/10 months. At the most.
    Warm Regards,

  3. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Another possible application for eCat Technology – power source for Spacex Starship Tankers

    Spacex has a plan of launching multiple propellant tankers orbiting in Near Earth Orbit. They would be used as propellant fueling stations to support Starships before the refueled Starship goes to the Moon or to Mars. These tankers would be periodically refilled by Starships launched from Earth. A major issue is propellant loss due to boil off. This is a simplistic analysis towards addressing that issue.

    The Starship has the dimensions of a diameter of 9 meters and an approximate length of 50 meters. The Starship tankers will not have reentry thermal shielding as once they achieve orbit, they stay there. So, a long duration electrical power source is needed.

    Satellites in Earth orbit experience temperature ranges from -150C to +150C. The temperature range varies as approximately 1/2 of the time the satellite is in direct sunlight and the other 1/2 time it is in the Earth’s shadow.

    The propellant in Starship is liquid methane and liquid oxygen. The liquid methane is chilled to -180 °C, while the liquid oxygen is chilled to -207 °C.

    Some sort of power system will be needed within the Starship tanker to keep the propellants at their desired temperatures.

    First Order Heat Transfer Analysis

    Model the Starship as a rectangular panel of 9 meters by 50 meters, facing the Sun.

    in Near Earth Orbit, solar intensity is 1,369 W/meter squared.

    Stainless Steel, in the thermal wavelengths, has a reflectivity of approximately 88%.

    So, in direct sunlight, the power being received by the Starship exterior is about 73.4 kW.

    With 1/2 of the time spent in the Earth’s shadow, the effective average thermal load will be 36.7 kW. Over 24 hours, the total energy will be about 880 kW-hrs.

    The ship’s insulation will slow the heat transfer, but it will not stop the heat transfer. It is likely that vacuum insulation will be used to decrease the thermal conductivity to a value of 2 W/(m/K).

    If we assume some sort of cryogenic system will be in use, especially while the Starship tanker is in the Earth’s shadow, and an assumed efficiency of 10%, then the electrical power requirement will be around 2.2 MW for cooling in over 4 hours.

    It is likely that two separate cryogenic cooling systems will be required, but the total power should be around 3 MW (allowing for environmental conditioning of the NGU unit and other control equipment) as the cooling process may only be accomplished efficiently while in the Earth’s shadow and not while either being refueled or refueling another Starship. So, the cooling should be done quickly, so as to not interfere with the refueling mission.

    Alternatively, the Starship tanker could surround the propellant tanks in liquid nitrogen and then use a single cryogenic cooling system would cool only the nitrogen.

    Another alternative would be to keep the orientation of the tanker pointed at the Sun to minimize thermal energy.

    Tanker orientation could be accomplished by using a very small amount of the propellant to control attitude and/or rotation.

    The proposed system would pump the boil-off from each propellant tank, compress it (thus heating it up), radiating the excess heat into space, and then cooling it down to the desired temperature by expansion.

    Problems such as propellant transfer, separation of liquid and gaseous propellants, are left to Spacex.

    Perhaps the cryogenic cooling is only done while the tanker is rotating to induce an artificial gravity to facilitate liquid/gas separation and transfer?


  4. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  5. Gavino Mamia

    Caro Dott. Rossi
    Il suo prototipo di riscaldatore da 3KW è bellissimo, ma mi ricorda la mia infanzia quando c’era il caminetto in cucina e la vita si trascorreva lì tutto il giorno, perché tutte le altre stanze erano freddissime.
    Mi fa pensare alla caldaia a Gas che possiedo e tutto l’impianto di tubi e radiatori necessari per portare il calore in tutto l’appartamento.
    Mi fa pensare alle stufe a pellet che usano un sistema di ventilazione per cercare di scaldare più possibile lontano dalla fonte di calore, oppure a quelle più costose e complicate Idro Pellet.
    Col suo Ecat che produce energia elettrica basterebbero delle stufe elettriche da poche decine di euro messe nelle varie stanze per riscaldare un appartamento intero.
    Chi vuole spendere di più userà dei climatizzatori, col vantaggio di avere anche aria fresca in estate.
    Quindi trovo ottimo il suo riscaldatore ma solo come test per l’Ecat, oppure per una demo pubblica.
    Consiglio quindi di concentrarsi solo sulla produzione di corrente elettrica.
    E sulle prossime demo, al più presto possibile ovviamente.
    Buon lavoro
    His prototype 3KW stove is beautiful, but it reminds me of my childhood when there was a fireplace in the kitchen and we spent our lives there all day, because all the other rooms were very cold.
    It makes me think of the gas boiler I own and the entire system of pipes and radiators needed to bring heat throughout the apartment.
    It makes me think of pellet stoves that use a ventilation system to try to heat as far as possible from the heat source, or of the more expensive and complicated Hydro Pellet ones.
    With its Ecat that produces electricity, electric heaters costing a few tens of euros positioned in the various rooms would be enough to heat an entire apartment.
    Those who want to spend more will use air conditioners, with the advantage of having fresh air even in summer.
    So I find its heating excellent but only as a test for the Ecat, or for a public demo.
    I therefore recommend focusing only on electricity production.
    And to the next demos, as soon as possible obviously.

  6. Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    You are right,
    Warm Regards,

  7. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You posted that you wanted me to redo my math on the new heater.

    “Generally, space heaters use 1,500 watts (W) of electricity, depending on the model. Most space heaters use about 15 amps and connect to a 120-volt outlet.”

    So, to be competitive, we are likely looking at a 1.5kW space heater application. With a stated price of $2.50USD per Watt for eCat technology, the price of the new space heater will be $3,750 USD.

    Space heaters are used an average of 8 hours per day, depending on the location and user needs.

    If we assume an average cost of electricity to be $0.20 USD per kW-hr, then the breakeven time, in terms of the cost of electricity savings, will be 4.3 years.

    Current space heaters cost around $100 USD.

    Most current space heaters have temperature controls so that they turn off when the room reaches the desired temperature. For example, if the average duty cycle is 50% on, then the 4.3 years will double to 8.6 years.

    My point being that eCat technology is best served when the use is 100% of the time. Space heater, I suggest, are not the ideal platform for eCat technology.

  8. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  9. Todd Burkett

    Hello from the beautiful island of Utila Honduras, I have been following you for more than 20 years I think. I wanted to know if you have ever reached out to Elon Musk? There is great demand for intense energy supply for AI computing, and also various things, of course. I have had a variety of orders since the first day you made that available and I’m looking forward to the day I can get the devices I’m in the mist of needing to install either solar power, which is quite expensive or in the ultimate hopes that your device is ready within the next 6 months for shipment I’m truly hoping it would be within six months as it would save me a great deal of money over solar power. I would still need to purchase the charge controllers, of course, but they are the least expensive part of the solar systems these days. also, it would change the lives for people in places like this electricity cost $.57 per kilowatt here!

  10. Andrea Rossi

    Todd Burkett:
    Thank you for your high fidelity !
    When we will be ready to deliver we will contact you.
    Warm Regards,

  11. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    The following was posted on another site regarding the NGU Heater.

    “a prototype heater we have under development in our lab. This heater is powered by the E-Cat NGU, no connection to the grid is needed.”

    1. Is there a 3 kW eCat NGU unit inside the heater?
    2. Or is this a resistive load for an external NGU unit?
    3. Is the unit shown on its side — the fins are mounted horizontally when they should be vertical for convection heat transfer.
    4. Where is the on/off switch, the temperature selection, the temperature display, and the necessary safety equipment to turn off the power?
    5. What are the dimensions of this “cube”. It appears to be about 40 cm on a side.
    6. Given a current price of $2.50USD per Watt for eCat technology and the average space heater usage is less than 8 hours per day, it seems it would take a very long time to pay for itself in electricity savings. Comments?

  12. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1. no
    2. no
    3. yes, but this is not a product, but a prototype made along our spedific R&D and eventual measurements
    4. not shown
    5. 30 cm/side
    6. please redo your math
    Warm Regards,

  13. Ron Stringer

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    The new heater is very interesting, and will make a great demonstration device. However, there are a lot of manufacturers who could make this, I’m not sure why you would want to. You will create a self-charging EV battery pack for a demonstration, but I imagine it would be better to let EV manufacturers design and build their own, rather than manufacture them yourself. You have had a huge number of very good ideas for products which would incorporate E-Cats presented on the blog, you can’t build them all!
    You have a plan, obviously, I am just struggling with what seems to be a sidetrack. It is going to be a huge effort to just build enough E-Cat units to keep up with demand once they are introduced. Every product that uses electricity could potentially use an E-Cat, and every producer will want to design products that will incorporate them. It seems to me that your currently planned production of 100MW per year (1 million units of 100W) is just the barest start!
    Maybe I misunderstand your manufacturing strategy.
    1. Do you really intend to have Leonardo Corp. manufacture specific products like this, in addition to the E-Cat in its various forms?
    2. Is this not a distraction from your main effort, which is to bring the E-Cat to market?
    3. Or is this something you will do with a manufacturing partner?
    All the best,
    Ron Stringer

  14. Z.Roeden

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    thanks to your new heater you can save heating costs at your office.
    But is it possible to connect such a heater with 230V-2000Watt for just 30€:ölradiator&i=diy&crid=2HL300K7HO66K&sprefix=ölradiator%2Cdiy%2C72&ref=nb_sb_noss_1
    directly to an ecat 3KW ?
    Best regards

  15. Andrea Rossi

    Any heater can be powered by the Ecat,
    Warm Regards,

  16. Jan Srajer

    Mr. Rossi
    1. Is the Ecat SKLed safe against falling from 1m
    2. Will Ecat SKLed still work at 9V?
    3. Is the Ecat SKLed rain resistant?
    4. Is the Ecat SKLed resistant to frequent switching on and off
    Warm regards

  17. Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    Actually, it is a heater; this said, an electric cooler can certainly be powered by an Ecat,
    Warm Regards,

  18. Jan Šrajer

    I see an E-cat NGU cooler in the picture. I wonder what the temperature of those coolers is.
    All the best J.Š

  19. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    When asked about the voltage output of the 3kW NGU units you posted:
    “from 12 through 110, but the Voltage can be modified with step up/down”

    1. Is the step up/down converter separate from the 3kW NGU unit — user provided or is it part of the 3kW unit?
    2. If the output voltage was 12VDC, you would have a current of 250 Amperes. Can your cabling accommodate that current?
    3. If the output voltage was 110VDC, you would have a current of about 27.3 Amperes. Can you cabling accommodate that current?

    Please clarify. It would seem that such a low output voltage for a 3kW unit would produce a very high current. If true, I would expect to see battery type of cabling.

  20. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1. it is not part of the unit, because its characteristics will depend on the specific situations. We will be able to supply it as an optional upon request of the Customer
    2. same as in 1
    3. same as in 1
    Warm Regards,

  21. Maico

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Thanks again for keeping us updated on the evolution of your products.

    the publication of this photo

    takes us inside “his laboratories” and indirectly makes us understand the “immense work” that he and her team are doing to bring to the market, in the shortest possible time, his wonderful discovery which sees in Ecat NGU “its greatest expression” 😉

    I notice that lately he’s been making us “income”
    more and more often in “His World” and at the same time announces, indirectly, new demonstrations which, for us who follow his, are the culmination of his and her team’s sacrifices to achieve the objectives he has set herself and which we hope he will achieve as soon as possible.

    And now the question:

    The publication of these photos, the announcement of new demos and new prototypes, makes me think that 2024 could be the “turning point” year….. 😉

    I think so 🙂

    the conditions are all there!!!

    Do you believe this too?



  22. Andrea Rossi

    Yes, I believe this too,
    Warm Regards,

  23. Gavino Mamia

    Dott. Rossi
    the prototype of the heater posted on Twitter is beautiful.
    But why all those cables?

  24. Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    These are prototypes for R&D in our laboratories; there are many cables for measurements, comparative analysis, etc. Surely the eventual products will not have all these items and issues.
    Warm Regards,

  25. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    1. Currently how many 3kW units have your constructed and/or tested?
    2. What range of output voltages are supported – 100VDC to 1,000VDC?

  26. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1. Ten
    2. from 12 through 110, but the Voltage can be modified with step up/down
    Warm Regards,

  27. Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Today on X you posted an interesting photo of a prototype NGU heater:,

    Some questions if you don’t mind:

    a) Are there resistors inside the box?
    b) How far advanced are you with the development of this product?
    c) What is the power rating of this heater?
    d) Is this prototype running in complete SSM mode at the moment (no connection to an outside power source)?
    d) Do you plan to sell NGU heaters as separate products?
    e) Do you plan to demonstrate this heater this year?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  28. Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Thank you for the links and for your questions.
    a- yes
    b- enough
    c- 3 kW
    d- yes
    e- yes
    Warm Regards,

  29. Julia

    Is there any woman among the principals of your team ?

  30. Andrea Rossi

    Yes, of course,
    Warm Regards,

  31. Maico

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    It’s been a while since I wrote on your blog.
    I follow daily the answers and information that he provides to his “readers” about the development and planning of demonstrations of his “splendid Creature” ;): the Ecat NGU.

    This time I’m not going to ask any questions, but I wanted to openly thank you for what you published on “X”:

    it’s nice to see, even if with “minimal details”, some aspects of his many years of work :).

    Part of his “instrumental surveys”, of the developments and evolutions that he has managed to achieve over these years.
    He managed to “transform” a “phenomenon” that she discovered several years ago, theoretically not very exploitable at the time, but with considerable potential, in something that probably, starting from this year, will be able to “completely” revolutionize the “energy sector” on a global level.

    I thank you in advance for all this, with the hope that the next demonstrations will allow you to reach the much desired objective on which you based your certainly well-thought-out “industrial plan” (reaching one million pre-orders), thus allowing the start of mass production.

    For whatever it is worth, I consider your industrial strategy absolutely “shareable” and perfect for maintaining control, in the medium to long term, of what you discovered ;). Allowing it to start, with the right guarantees, a “sustainable” production line, with the right economies of scale and certainly revolutionary.

    Regards Maico

  32. Andrea Rossi

    I agree.
    Warm Regards

  33. Bob Belovich


    Thank you for the posting the photo on twitter. The photo shows graphically what your team has been up against to bring a product to market.

    1. Is the ecat skl ngu presently safety certified for marine use?

    2. Is the ecat skl ngu presently safety certified for aerospace use?

    3. Is the ecat skl ngu presently safety certified for any kind of mobile use


    Bob Belovich

  34. Andrea Rossi

    Bob Belovich:
    1. no
    2. no
    3. yes, EV
    Warm Regards,

  35. Klas

    I guess a grid connection could also be valuable in the future while the general infrastructure develops to accommodate E-Cat Power.
    While users set up constant decentralized E-Cat power production, the grid can be used for exporting the
    the power you do not use, peak load supply, and power backup during planned or unplanned E-Cat Power outages.

    Best regards

  36. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Ben König,

    I agree with you totally. In the future, there will be something different than our current electrical grid. That is why I suggested an off-grid inverter. It can accept power from the electrical grid but does not supply power back into the electrical grid.

    The issue is the transition from our present electrical grid to a future one. How to get to the future? I would suggest that, like most things, cost will be a factor. The current eCat price, as I understand it, is $2.50USD per Watt. If that is the correct price, then most residential homes will go with an average energy consumption design, only drawing power from the expensive electrical grid as needed.

  37. Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Here are the stats of your publications I found today on
    Total Readings: 140000 ( more than 99% of 1.5 millions of single authors publications on Researchgate )
    Recommendations: 10956
    Research Interest Score: 2825
    Most Readings by Cathegories: Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics
    Most Readings by Seniority: Professors, PhD Students, Researchers, Seniors
    Most Readings by Geographic Areas: USA, Europe
    And counting…

  38. Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia and Gregory Daigle:
    The date is correct, the photo has not made public so far. That is the form of the current upon which we are working since the year 2018. Now we are able to turn it into usable forms, which has been the result of 5 years of work. We thought it could be interesting.
    Warm Regards,

  39. Dr. Rossi,

    I just saw your posting on X showing the current form inside the reactor of the E-Cat. One question… the date in the lower right corner of the scope’s display is Sept. 09, 2018 00:19.

    Is that the date of the reading being taken? The manual for the scope says you can use the Set Date and Time menu to set the clock date and time. The oscilloscope displays this information…

    Was this image taken in 2018?

    Warm regards,

  40. Gavino Mamia

    Dott. Rossi
    a photo was posted on Twitter showing the current inside the ecat, but the instrument shows the date September 2018
    is a mistake?

  41. Ben König

    In the future there will be no need for a grid. Maybe not even a need for household power grids.
    In germany we have to pay 10 ct/kwh plus 19% tax, just for the use of the grid. No, if it is possible then everyone will get rid of the grid.
    Maybe in your country it is cheaper, but it is nevertheless a waste of money.
    Best regards

  42. Louis Chevalier

    Dr Rossi,
    You published many papers on Researchgate; to help us to save time, can you suggest the pages that can shortly offer a synthesis of the theory at the base of the Ecat ?

  43. Andrea Rossi

    Louis Chevalier:
    Please go to
    and read the paragraphs 5, 6, 7
    Warm Regards,

  44. Steven Nicholes Karels

    There are questions of whether the US electrical infrastructure can handle complete conversion to electrical power vehicles.


    The number of housing units in the United States has been growing year-on-year and in 2022, there were approximately 144 million homes.

    The average U.S. household consumes about 10,500 kilowatthours (kWh) of electricity per year. This would be an average daily consumption of approximately 30 kWh.

    Although Americans drive an average of 14,263 miles per year, insurance companies generally consider driving 10,000 miles a year or less to be low mileage. The daily average (assumes 250 days per year of driving) is 57 miles.

    At a driving efficiency of 0.23 kWh/mile, the average daily energy use of an EV is about 13 kWh.

    The average EV battery system has a capacity of around 40kWh, but some cars now have up to a 100 kWh capacity.

    Home battery storage capacities are pretty varied, but the average home battery capacity is likely going to be somewhere between 10 kWh and 15 kWh.

    Can you use your Tesla car battery to power your house?
    Yes, you will need a bidirectional EV charger, because ordinary EV chargers cannot power your home or feed electricity back to the grid. Bidirectional chargers function more like inverters than standard EV chargers, meaning they can convert AC to DC while charging, and reverse this when discharging your EV’s battery.


    If every residential home had eCat NGU technology of enough capacity to cover the average electrical energy consumption of 30 kWh per day, which equals about 1.25 kW, and had an off-grid inverter system, this would free up 144 million times 1.25 kW or 180 million kW of electrical power from the existing grid.

    While this would meet the average power needs of a residential home, it would not handle peak needs nor the charging energy of one or more Evs being charged daily at the residential home.

    Peak electrical power would be required for heating and cooling needs. A supplemental battery system could support the additional power needs during peak times.

    The needs for EV charging would require additional eCat NGU capacity of about 0.6 kW of power.

    So, assume the eCat NGU residential unit would supply 2 kW. At current cost of $2.50USD per Watt, the NGU would cost about $5,000USD.

    A residential battery system might be 10 to 15 kWh in size. Although the residential battery system’s capacity could be reduced or eliminated if Powersahare was implemented to use a portion of the EV battery capacity to provide power to the residential inverter system.


  45. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Ben König,

    I think that the largest market will be where constant, continuous power is required. Water heaters and heating do not have a constant demand — they go on and off. I suggest that the electrical grid Baseload power generation is the most natural fit for eCat NGU technology. Other natural applications are industrial furnaces, where the need for energy is continuous — 24/7, such as in steel or aluminum plants.

    If the eCat NGU supplementation of solar panel can provide constant, maximum power, 24/7, then that is another possible application.

    Consequently, I do not believe using eCat NGU technology for Electric Vehicles (EVs) is a cost-effective solution. I have posted before that eCat NGU technology might have an EV application for small slow charging systems in dense urban environments, where parking is at a premium, and there are insufficient EV charging stations available. 

  46. Ben König

    The biggest market for Leonardo will be heating and hot water heater, by far.

  47. Tom Kaminski

    There are a number of markets where wireless power sources could make a big impact. EV Autos are a big one – you have already identified this as a significant market. There are many smaller markets where the cost of penetration is small and the technical hurdles to overcome are small as well. Here are my thoughts on potential markets.

    Home Security Cameras: 2021 estimated market size of $8.1 Billion to grow to $21 Billion by 2030. Often the cost of installation is large than the cost of the equipment. With WiFi coinnections and a wireless power source, installation becomes inexpensive.

    Trail Cameras – related to home security, but more remote: 2021 size of 70 million units, to grow to 84 million by 2027. Since these are in the woods away from power sources, wireless power sources are an ideal add on.

    E-bikes: 2022 size of 36 million units with 10^ growth to 77 million units by 2030. Similar to the EV Auto market, but many fewer technical hurdles to over come. E-Scooters are a sub-market.

    Cell towers: 2023 estimate of $29 Billion to grow to $110 Billion by 2030. A portion of this, the Telcom power systems market is estimated to be $2.1 Billion in 2021. Though the tower structure cost is significant, the sites also have back up power systems that can be expensive. Use the Ecat-NGU as the primary, inexpensive power source and the grid as a backup.

    Outdoor lighting power: The global outdoor lighting market size was valued at $15.34 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.0% from 2023 to 2030. It is easy to put in a lighting pole. Finding a route for the power lines might be harder.

  48. Andrea Rossi

    Tom Kaminski:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  49. Giuseppe Censorio

    Dear Andrea,
    Your recent responses suggest that the industrial project around the Ecat is now at a very advanced stage.
    Can we affirm that 2024 will be the year of its definitive consecration?
    Or do you think much is yet to come?
    Regards, Giuseppe

  50. Andrea Rossi

    Giuseppe Censorio:
    I am optimist about this. We are very advanced.
    Warm Regards,

  51. Tony

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    I think Zacharias Roeden is right, and I appreciate your answer, now few questions:
    Q1 are you ready to manufacture 500000 modules per year ?
    Q2 did you already organize the necessary agreements with all the out-sources ?
    Q3 will the EV you will make the demo with by this year be powered by the Ecat NGU ?
    Q4 did you experience attempts of espionage ?
    Q5 if the answer to Q4 is yes, which precautions did you set up ?
    Q6 are you very close, or did you already close an agreement with a big investor ?
    Q7 about your ability to turn into regular orders all the pre-orders you received, in a scale from 0% to 100%, at which level would you settle right now ?
    Thank you if you can answer,

  52. Andrea Rossi

    A1 yes
    A2 yes
    A3 yes
    A4 yes
    A5 confidential
    A6 yes
    A7 90%+
    Warm Regards

  53. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another eCat application

    magnetic levitation trains

    1. Assume small robotically controlled, self-propelled railcars that are aerodynamically shaped and can travel up to 300 mph (about 500 kph).
    2. Assume each car has seating for 12 people.
    3. The published energy consumption is 0.4 MegaJoules per passenger-mile.

    The energy consumption per mile is 4.8 MegaJoules per mile for the 12 person railcar.
    At 300 mph, a mile is completed every 12 seconds.
    The power requirement for the railcar is about 400 kW.
    Additional power would be required to exact Nitrogen from the air and cool it to LN2 to keep the superconducting magnets cool.

    In the envisioned system, a single railcar would quickly load up to 12 passengers and depart the station, accelerating until levitation speed was achieved. GPS could be used to monitor each railcar’s location, speed, etc.


  54. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  55. Anonimous

    I think the best thing is that the Ecat makes electricity and the customer makes of it what he wants enjoying the whole efficiency of the Ecat NGU, although to couple it with existing solar systems can be a good way to make easier to exploit the exixting authorizations and grid agreements

  56. Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  57. Anonymous

    Dr Rossi,
    I am curious to read your answers to the questions of Tony.
    Besides, I have another question: is the Ecat NGU able to recharge batteries ?

  58. Z.Roeden

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    without many demonstration you can’t reach the aim of one million pre-orders.
    At your website you show a 3 KW ecat ngu. So why you don’t show all kind of tests with it?
    Also your office surely has a coffeemaker, an electric kettle or else.
    Why no short videos about some tests?
    Best regards
    Z. Roeden

  59. Andrea Rossi

    We are preparing what you are asking for.
    Warm Regards,

  60. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    What should a demonstration of a NGU-based solar panel supplementation look like?

    A suggestion:

    1. An outdoor demonstration using actual sunlight and subject to normal conditions (sun angle, clouds, weather effects).
    2. Two identical solar panels, mounted in the same manner, facing south (towards the sun).
    3. Each solar panel has a power meter. This could be a measure of the DC voltage from the solar panel (preferred), or the output from an off-grid inverter (acceptable), into a resistive load.
    4. Each power meter should display voltage, current, power, and total energy.
    5. A clock (analog or digital) to show the passage of time.
    6. Internet video showing each solar panel’s output.

    Another available video showing the two solar panels power performance for one complete day before the installation of the NGU supplementation.
    Another video showing how the NGU supplementation was integrated with the solar panel including testing and validation methods employed.


  61. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  62. Jan Holt

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    which E-CAT model is or will be suitable for being combined with photovoltaic panels?

    10 Watt model?
    100 Watt model?
    Some new model?

    Best Regards

    Jan Holt

  63. Andrea Rossi

    Jan Holt:
    It depends on the specific situations,
    Warm Regards,

  64. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    An alternative way of funding the initial NGU manufacturing – leasing

    Assume an existing State-owned solar park with the capacity of 200 MW solar production (or more).

    Divide the solar park into two conceptual parks, each of 100 MW (or more) each. One will be equipped with NGU units and the other left untouched and used as a basis for comparison.

    1. Manufacture 333,334 300W NGU unit for solar panel supplementation – use leasing capitol to pay for the initial manufacturing.
    2. Assumption – with a sales price of $2.50USD per Watt, it is reasonable to believe the actual cost to manufacture is $1.25USD per Watt (or less).
    3. The cost to manufacture the initial NGU units will be 100 Million times $1.25 USD or $125 million USD (or less).
    4. Install the 300W NGU units on each of 333,334 solar panels in the solar park supplementation side.
    5. While the NGU unit runs 24/7, it will only add power to the solar panel output when the solar panel is NOT exposed to the maximum sunlight – assume 14 hours per day of less than maximum exposure – nighttime and early and late times of daylight or cloudy days or weather events.
    6. Assume a reimbursement (sale) price of $40USD per MW-hr.
    7. Number of MW-hrs per day is 1400.
    8. Reimbursement per day is $56,000 USD.
    9. Annual reimbursement is $20,440,000 USD.
    10 Annual Return On Investment (ROI) is 16.35%.

    Compute the non-supplemental solar park total energy per solar panel per day and compute the increase in the supplemental solar park total energy produced per day per solar panel as a basis for reimbursement. The two solar parks are assumed to be in the same environment.

    This assumes that the installation is trivial and the NGU units are reliable and they operate correctly over the environment.
    Reimbursement rates taken from US figures (on the low side).
    14 hours per day is likely on the low side, but depends on location (e.g., latitude).


  65. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  66. Steven Nicholes Karels


    The inverters already exist. They are called solar all-in-one inverters. I like the EG4 6000XP. Each unit accepts 2 phases. Use three such units for 3-phase power. They self-synchronize. They also accommodate generate input, and storage batteries (possibly needed for motor transients) and communications to a cell phone to a status and control app. Instead of using solar PV inputs, use NGU units, serially connected to be in the proper voltage level. Each unit can handle 6kW, so, three units would accommodate 18 kW. Each 6000XP costs about $1,500 USD. You can look on YouTube for reviews, etc. They can also be used in off-Grid applications. Higher output units also exist, i.e., 18 kW. They can handle both US and EU power.

    Using existing, certified equipment is generally less expensive, and more likely to be accepted by local electrical inspectors when approving a new installation. If AR did such a demonstration using two 3kW NGU units per inverter, I believe that would be a significant selling point.

  67. Giulia

    Dr Rossi,
    Are the inverters included in the price of the Ecats ?

  68. Andrea Rossi

    For singular modules up to 100 W yes, for assemblies no. Leonardo Corporation will be able to sell them as an optional, but the Clients can also buy them independently depending on their specific situations,
    Warm Regards,

  69. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    In India along, there are at least five major solar parks with a combined total power capacity of 7.17 GW of electrical power generation.

    Assume that you were to add eCat technology in parallel with individual solar panels and the NGU units were running at 75% of the maximum solar panel output, so as to reflect lower nighttime demand. If fully implemented, the added eCat technology would provide about 5.3 GW of electrical power generation.

    This might be implemented with three 100W NGU units, tied in series, to produce 36 VDC at 300W running in parallel to the solar panel’s output. The solar panel would produce a higher voltage at peak illumination but a lower voltage at low levels of solar illumination. The panel’s inverter, regardless of whether it was a microinverter, or if the solar panel was part of a string of panels going to a string inverter, the inverter would see continuous power from either the solar panel or the NGU units, whichever had the higher voltage.

    If you started with one of the smaller solar parks, say the Rewa Ultra Mega solar park, which has a power generation capacity of 0.75 GW, you could demonstrate an NGU capacity of 0.56 GW. This 560 MW NGU addition would include more than enough units to meet your requirement for 100 MW to go into full scale production.

    And there are other countries with large solar parks.

    I would assume you would develop a unit that produces 300W at 36VDC and that it would mount beneath the solar panel. It would accept power from the solar panel. The unit would output the highest voltage, providing power that goes to the existing infrastructure inverter. Of course, the unit would need to be weatherproof, etc.


  70. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    Thank you for the suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  71. Wilfried

    Dear Andrea

    In the meantime, I’m no longer really convinced by the idea that the large orders should come from the automotive industry, because car companies certainly demand proof of a low MTBF in mass production and of course you can’t prove that before mass use. So the automotive industry won’t be a starter.
    I would find universal generators much more promising:
    4 kW peak load, small capacitor for high starting currents, inverter to national voltage (240 Vac in EU), mains socket for consumers, data connection to synchronize three such devices to three-phase current with 12 kW (with cable adapter three-phase socket and three mains cables) and connection option to domestic grid with battery and photovoltaics.
    This would be a completely universal device that could also be used as a charging station for cars or as a power supply on construction sites.
    Think about whether this would be worth a second strategy. I would order three such devices for three-phase current and house connection.

    Best Regards

  72. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  73. Anonymous

    Dr Rossi,
    Do you confirm the streaming of the EV powered by the Ecat NGU within this year ?

  74. Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  75. Roberto

    Dr Rossi,
    I think you are pursuing the correct strategy, either under a technological and the commercial point of view.
    All the best,

  76. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  77. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another eCat application – fire fighting boats (aka fireboats)

    “the NYC fireboat is “the most technically advanced fireboat in the world.” At 140 feet long and with a 36-foot beam, the vessel has a top speed of 18 knots and can pump up to 50,000 gallons per minute (gpm), reportedly the highest volume of any fireboat ever commissioned.” Almost 9 MW of power is required.

    Conceptually, the four engines could be replaced with electric motors to provide propulsion and/or water pumping.

  78. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  79. M. Lucas

    A live counter with all pre-orders would trigger an order boom. This would be linked everywhere on social media. The goal would be achieved in a few weeks

  80. Andrea Rossi

    We prefer not, because the situation is fluid, we receive many pre-orders that turn out to be fake. We prefer to communicate the result when it is certified.
    Warm Regards,

  81. Dott AT

    Dear Dott. Rossi,
    I think there is a quick way to reach 1 million preorders. Just send and sell a thousand or less ecats, even to a greater price, and after that anyone will buy more, would like to become an affiliate partner, and spread the world to any of his Knowledge.
    Just my opinion.


  82. Andrea Rossi

    Dott AT:
    Impossible, as I already explained many times: we would give the possibility to the competitors to copy our technology before reaching the power to defend us.
    We have a precise strategy and we will follow it.
    Warm Regards,

  83. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another application for eCat technology.

    Recalling my days as an engineer, I would use rentacars when I went on business trips. The cars mostly sat in a parking lot othrr than trips between my motel, the place of business, and restaurants. And I didn’t like having to fill up the rentacar just before returning to the reantacar agency (or pay elevated costs for them refueling.

    Electric Vehicle (EV) rentacars could have a low power eCat unit that would charge the rentacar while it was parked. If used for a long trip, superchargers are available. It might be a nice feature for an EV rentacar.

  84. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  85. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another eCat application.

    “Tugboat diesel engines typically produce 500 to 2,500 kW (~ 680 to 3,400 hp), but larger boats (used in deep waters) can have power ratings up to 20,000 kW (~ 27,200 hp). Tugboats usually have an extreme power:tonnage-ratio; normal cargo and passenger ships have a P:T-ratio (in kW:GRT) of 0.35 to 1.20, whereas large tugs typically are 2.20 to 4.50 and small harbour-tugs 4.0 to 9.5. The engines are often the same as those used in railroad locomotives, but typically drive the propeller mechanically instead of converting the engine output to power electric motors, as is common for diesel-electric locomotives. For safety, tugboat engines often feature two of each critical part for redundancy.”

  86. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  87. Roberto

    Dr Rossi,
    What you are doing has an importance that it seems few have really understood: to reach the O.U. have been invested with no avail thousands of billions in the last half century, but thanks to your team we are talking to see possibly in one year from now cars and appliances work with certified products derived from your invention. I wonder if the greatness of this achievement is understood in all its greatness.
    Thank you for your work,

  88. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support to our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  89. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    A suggestion on how to demonstrate the 3kW NGU technology.

    1. Use a 3kW pure sine wave inverter or a EG4 6000XP all-in-one inverter – to convert the DC from the NGU unit to AC. If a 3kW sine wave inverter is used, then match the output of the NGU unit to the input requirements of the inverter, e.g., 48VDC. If the 6000XP inverter is used, then match the NGU output to the PV input requirement for a single PV, e.g., 200VDC. Note the voltage and the current requirements to output 3kW.

    2. If the chosen inverter has a display, use that as part of your overall presentation to show average voltage and/or power input parameters. Alternatively, add a DC power meter to show voltage, current, power, and energy.

    3. The inverter output can have either a 120VAC output or a split-phase 120/240 VAC. The output should have at least 2 ports, each capable of handling 15 Amperes at 120 VAC.

    4. Run each output through an inline power meter – there are available units that have a connector on the input and the output of the unit and they can display parameters such as voltage, current, power, energy, and frequency. One in-line meter for each output. This should also be displayed.

    5. For the load, I suggest four submersible pumps each consuming 720W of electrical power, two running off of one output, and the other two running from the other output. This would add up to 2,880 Watts of consumed power. The four pumps would be in a nearby pond with the water output placed upwards forming 4 fountains. A water head of 30 feet or so would be nice. If available power is present, add some color changing fountain lighting to enhance the artistic presentation. Pumps are available with a 200 feet power cord.

    6. Add a clock, analog or digital, to show elapsed time/date and display it on the internet.

    7. Maybe house the inverter, NGU unit, and power meters on a glass table, showing no hidden wires, etc.

    8. All components, other than the NGU unit, are off-the-shelf, and relatively inexpensive. Or contract this out to a certified independent party.


  90. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  91. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Are you saying that the preciously posted lines (below) are not correct?

    There are several issues with using NGU technology to illuminate a solar panel for the purpose of producing electrical energy:

    1. The conversion efficiency (light-to-electrical power) is around 20%. This number varies but it is under 40% and likely more than 15%.
    2. The Sun, being very far away from the solar panel, illuminates the solar panel surface uniformly. A close-up light source would have difficulties in uniformly illuminating the solar panel.
    3. The illumination must have light energy in the wavelengths that the solar panel will respond to. Longer wavelengths than ultraviolet and shorter wavelengths than mid and far infrared.

  92. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  93. Karels, Steven

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another application for eCat Technology

    “The lunar regolith, the layer of loose material covering the Moon’s surface, has a fascinating chemical composition. Let’s delve into the major elements that make up this lunar soil:

    Oxygen (O): Constitutes 41-45% of the mass in lunar rocks and soils. It’s the most abundant element on the Moon.
    Silicon (Si): An essential component, mainly found in silicate minerals like plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine.
    Aluminum (Al): Another significant element, contributing to the structural properties of the regolith.”

    With sufficient electrical energy, the lunar regolith can be processed to provide Oxygen, Silicon (for glass), and Aluminum.

    A SpaceX Starship has a capacity of 150 short tons. With orbital refueling it can reach the Moon. 150 short tons is equal to 136,078 kilograms. 1kW of power can be provided by 2.5 kg of NGU technology. So, about 50 MW of power could be landed on the moon in one Starship delivery. Given enough time and power, vast amounts of oxygen, glass, and aluminum could be in situ produced.


  94. Dr. Rossi,

    On E-Cat World there is a discussion about the nature of dense cluster charges (EVOs or EVs) and their relationship to monopoles. Your paper on long-range particle interactions discusses cluster charges, but there is no mention of monopoles. K. Shoulders also discussed EVs but only briefly mentions monopoles.

    What is your personal option about the role of monopoles in charge aggregates?

    Warm regards,

  95. Andrea Rossi

    Gregory Daigle:
    Although the Grand Unified and the Superstring theories have proposed the hypothesis of the existence of monopoles, I am not familiar with it; surely it has nothing to do with the concepts expressed in the paper
    Warm Regards,

  96. Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I will try to ask more precisely:

    Let’s assume that the photovoltaic system has 20 PV panels (500 Wp each), a total of 10 kWp.

    1) How many 10 Watt ECATs will I need to effectively illuminate these 20 PV panels?

    2) If the 10 Watt ECATs are unsuitable for PV panel illumination, what other ECAT model would You recommend and how many pieces (for 20 pcs of 500 Wp PV panels)?

    Have A Nice Day


  97. Andrea Rossi

    Helen Olstad:
    We will discuss the specific situations of our Clients when we will be ready to deliver. In general, if you need a power of 10 kW, as you say, you will need an assembly of 100 x 100 W modules, which means a generator of 10 kW.
    Warm Regards,

  98. Steven Nicholes Karels

    To JONP readers,

    It is not clear to me the AR intends to illuminate solar panels.

    There are several issues with using NGU technology to illuminate a solar panel for the purpose of producing electrical energy:

    1. The conversion efficiency (light-to-electrical power) is around 20%. This number varies but it is under 40% and likely more than 15%.
    2. The Sun, being very far away from the solar panel, illuminates the solar panel surface uniformly. A close-up light source would have difficulties in uniformly illuminating the solar panel.
    3. The illumination must have light energy in the wavelengths that the solar panel will respond to. Longer wavelengths than ultraviolet and shorter wavelengths than mid and far infrared.

    If the process that AR proposes to use is illumination of a solar panel powered by NGU technology, then the optical power produced by the NGU unit must (roughly) be about 5 times higher than the equivalent electrical power from the NGU unit. For example, a 10W NGU electrical output would need to illuminate the solar panel with at least 50W of optical power.

    Likewise, the illumination must be uniform over the solar panel to achieve optimum results. As an example, if the surface of a solar panel is in sunlight but it is in partial shade, from a building or the branch of a tree, then the output will decrease. If several solar panel outputs are tied in series (a PV string), then the output current of all of the solar panels in the string will be limited by the solar panel that has the most shadow on it.

    I do not believe that the NGU unit internally generates optical light and converts it to electrical power via an internal PV cell. The supporting rationale is that AR has stated that the NGU does not produce significant heat. Such an internal PV conversion would generate lots of heat.

    I suggest that the supplementation to the solar panel will be done on the electrical (output) side of the solar panel. This would utilize the existing inverter component to convert the DC power to grid-ready AC power. In such a system, the NGU power will be supplementing the solar panel produced power so that the inverter was generating the most power it could both during daytime and nighttime operation. Basically, constant power being produced, 24 hours per day. If done, this would make solar panel power a Baseload power source – constant power, 24/7 for many, many months.

    I do not expect AR to confirm this hypothesis. We will need to wait for the solar demonstration before the implementation is described, or not described.

  99. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    I did not say that the previously posted lines are not correct !
    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  100. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    “The Al Dhafra Solar PV project is the world’s largest single-site solar power plant, using almost 4 million bifacial solar panels.”

    Current bifacial PV solar panels generate 460 W to 560 W in full sunlight conditions.

    Whether each solar panel has its own micro-inverter or is used in a string configuration, there is an opportunity for NGU technology to be applied here.

    If you were to develop a nominal 400W NGU unit and merged its output with the DC output of the solar panel using a diode bridge (highest voltage source conducts), you could supplement the solar panel output during nighttime, during sandstorms, or on cloudy days. There are almost 4 million panels there. Almost 4 million 460W to 560W NGU units would generate about 2GW of electrical power.

    More electrical power (from the solar panels) would be available during the daytime (assuming no clouds) and then somewhat less electrical power would be available at night. This would mirror the normal daytime vs nighttime power demand. The output voltage of the NGU units would need to be established slightly below the normal full illumination voltage of the solar panel.


  101. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    The last 2 lines of your comment are correct.
    Thank you for your insight, anyway.
    Warm Regards,

  102. Andrea Rossi

    1- no
    2- yes
    3- n.a.
    Warm Regards,

  103. Gerard McEk

    @Helen Olstad
    Hi Helen, could you tell why you want to illuminate the solar panels with use of the Ecat?
    My believe is that if you would use the electrical output power of the Ecat directly, the total efficiency would be a lot higher in comparison to the by you proposed way of Ecat -> light -> solar panels -> electricity.
    Maybe you want to convert the output to AC during the night? In that case I advice to switch over the DC output of the solar panels to the Ecat at the input side of your solar converter.
    Please ensure that your converter specification would accept the Ecat’s output specification.
    Regards, Gerard McEk

  104. Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I will try to ask more precisely:

    Let’s assume that the photovoltaic system has 20 PV panels (500 Wp each), a total of 10 kWp.

    How many 10 Watt ECATs will I need to effectively illuminate these 20 PV panels?

    Have A Nice Day


  105. W.Schulz

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    will your ecat work also with a balcony PV power plant? (like this: )

    How much Watt could a 800 W balcony PV plant produce in the dark of a night with a 100 W Ecat ngu?
    1) more than 100 W ?
    2) or just 100 W ? (so there would be no gain for the use of a PV)
    3) how much W about?
    Best regards

  106. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    As the eCat NGU has no moving parts and is said to not generate heat, the projected lifetime of 100,000 hours may be an estimate on the low side.

    From the internet “On average, New York City consumes 8,000 megawatts of electricity. However, when New Yorkers switch on their air conditioners during the sweltering summer, the citywide demand can surge to 11,500 megawatts.” The surge is almost 12 GW of electrical power.

    Consider a glass cube, 20 meters on a side with 6-inch or 1-foot-thick walls. Within the cube are 340,000 3kW NGU units. In addition to the NGU units, there are triple redundant solid-state inverters and control logic, each with the capability to output up to 1 GW of electrical power to the Greater New York City area, although the output of a single cube would be limited to about 1 GW of electrical power.

    The glass cube is buried in the Hudson River (alternatively in the ocean). Triple redundant buried cables carry the power to the existing power grid. When the demand is low, the existing power grid can send the excess power to New York State and/or to other States. Alternatively, some of the NGU units can be temporarily turned off.

    A simple, triple redundant control and status system is connected to each cube. Buried beneath the water under 3 meters of soil, each Cube is secure. Being glass enclosed, it will never corrode. The power will go on forever, with some degradation in output as a few components fail over time.

    12 such cubes are geographically distributed around the Greater New York City waterways. More can be added if needed as the population changes. Being buried and made of glass, there is no environmental impact because of the Cube.

    Think BIG or go home! LOL.

  107. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  108. Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I would still like to ask about this important thing:
    Will the ECATs that will be able to directly illuminate the PV panels be a 10W model, a 100W model or some new model?

    Have A Nice Day


  109. Andrea Rossi

    Helen Olstad:
    It depends on the power of the system,
    Warm Regards,

  110. Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers of the JoNP:
    Today has been published the paper “New Scientific Paradigm: Primacy of Movement- Low Energy Nuclear Fusion Chain Reaction (LENR) Is a New Source of Carbon-Free Energy and a Non Mechanical Engine” by Prof. Alexandr Nikitin
    The JoNP

  111. Jane Feather

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Do you think that the weight/W of the Ecat will compete in the market of the EVs and the drones ?

  112. Andrea Rossi

    Jane Feather:
    For EVs yes, for the drones we are working,
    Warm Regards,

  113. nigel appleton

    Which are the issues to connect an Ecat to the grid, like it happens with the PV systems ?

    I think the fact that no functional “Ecat” exists, or has ever existed, is the most important factor inhibiting its widespread adoption

  114. Andrea Rossi

    Nigel Appleton:
    My opinion is that the issues related to connect an Ecat system to the grid will be moreless the same of PV systems,
    Warm Regards,

  115. WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,

    Do you currently consider the E-Cat to be “Production-Ready”– that is, if, tomorrow, you had the requisite 1 million orders you would begin ramping up production immediately?

    Best Wishes,

  116. Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  117. Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    since there is complete chaos regarding the understanding of how ECATs will work with photovoltaic systems and none of the managers around me understand what You are writing, I have to ask You:

    1) Can ECATs be connected to an inverter in PV systems (and won’t it increase the power or performance of PV systems in some other way)?


    2) Can ECATs illuminate photovoltaic panels (without the need to use LED bulbs)?

    Can You give me an understandable answer please?

    Have A Nice Easter


  118. Andrea Rossi

    Helen Olstad:
    1- the Ecat can be connected to an inverter in PV systems
    2- yes
    Thank you for the wishes, sorry to be late in reading your comment: it has been recovered from the spam where it wrongly arrived: anyway, I hope you enjoyed a nice Easter !
    Warm Regards,

  119. Simon

    There will be big shifts in the energy system because of the ecat. No more need for a grid, which costs more than 10 ct/kwh plus tax just for grid charges in germany. No more import of oil, energy-intensive fertilizer and every industry has cheap energy, housing will be cheaper because no need for steam pipes or even no wiring of homes…
    So let us think the future without a power grid and without electric/smart meters (base charge 10-20 €/month) in the long term.
    If the production of ecat will start and the world know what it can do, every country wants the licence for production. In germany we saw how all prices have risen because of sanctions against russian gas – what will happen to all prices if energy/electricity suddenly will decrease tenfold?

  120. Roberto

    Dr Rossi,
    Which are the issues to connect an Ecat to the grid, like it happens with the PV systems ?

  121. Andrea Rossi

    These issues must be agreed upon with the local grid authority, whatever the power involved,
    Warm Regards,

  122. Andrea Rossi

    Jorge and Harry:
    As explained in the pre-order form in
    we need to reach pre-orders for at least 100 million Watts combined with all the assemblies to reach the necessary economy scale. This is why we are accepting only non binding pre-orders, instead of regular orders. Everybody who made or will make a pre-order, will be free to turn it into a regular order, or cancel it, when we will be ready to deliver.
    Warm Regards,

  123. Harry

    The same question as Jorge, the answer will be very informative as to the current situation.

    Harry R.

  124. Jorge

    So, which is the fact that doesn’t allow you to start the deliveries ?

  125. Jan Srajer

    Is the life time of the Ecat SKLed 100 000 hours independently from the luminous flow ?
    Warm Regards,
    Jan Srajer

  126. Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    None of them.
    Warm Regards,

  127. Jan Šrajer

    I would like to ask you if you currently have more concerns 1. technical, 2. business, 3. social

    Warm Regards J.Š

  128. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Daviid – UK,

    Thank you for the kind and encouraging words. And thanks to AR for saying “true”. My ideal position would be advocating how the NGU technology could be used to create a better, cleaner world. I will be waiting (likely for a very long time) for the call from AR. LOL.


  129. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  130. Stephen

    Dear Andrea

    I came across this interesting article on the next big future site.
    It concerns efficient production of metal plasmas in do

    I thought you might find it interesting:

    Best regards

  131. Daviid - UK

    Dear Andrea, regular poster Steven Nicholes Karels has been a stalwart contributor of suggestions on your blog and must be a firm believer in the technology. Anyone with creative and innovative ideas, on a regular basis, could potentially be valuable members of your team.

  132. Andrea Rossi

    Daviid- UK:
    Warm Regards,

  133. Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    there are thousands of companies and owners of existing photovoltaic systems who desperately need to decide which strategy to choose.

    1) Will You do the ECAT demo together with the photovoltaic system before the demo with EV?


    2) Have You abandoned the plan for the ECAT plus photovoltaic system demo?

    Have A Nice Easter


  134. Andrea Rossi

    Helen Olstad:
    We surely will do also the solar-connected demo, moreless in the same period of the one with the EV,
    Warm Regards,

  135. T.Angerer

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    please do not again wait until autumn to do the EV-test.
    Consider to make short test-videos in advance. There would be so much things to run with your already existing 3 KW ecat cube.
    Warm regards

  136. Andrea Rossi

    The demos will be made when we will be ready,
    Warm Regards,

  137. Andrea Rossi

    To All the Christian Readers of the JoNP:
    Happy Easter to you and your families from the Leonardo Corporation’s Team !
    to all the other Readers, Happy Spring Holidays,

  138. Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    An explanation of the 3 days and 3 nights.

    Have a Good Easter.

  139. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link, and Happy Easter !
    Warm Regards,

  140. Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Important information:
    We decided not to resume the streaming that has been interrupted in October.
    The reasons are:
    1- it is unavoidable and out of our control that now and again the streaming to be interrupted from other parties that do not depend on us, for reasons we did not understand. Therefore, every interruption makes the continuation meaningless, for obvious reasons. Anyway, the duration resulted from the streaming we actually did ( about 4500 hours ) is enough to proof that no existing battery with the same weight could make the same performance, even assuming a power of 1 W; all in all, the streaming we made has anyway been useful, albeit stained by the interruptions of the streaming, not of the Ecat and not for our fault.
    2- we received from our Readers many solicitations in the same direction
    3- we are focusing in the introduction of the Ecat SKLep NGU, that presently is our most important engagement
    4- we confirm that within this year we will make the point 3 and the demo with the EV using the NGUs.
    Warm Regards,
    Dr Andrea Rossi, CEO
    Leonardo Corporation

  141. Emmanuel CIlia

    Dear Dr Rossi
    I am trying to understand why the output wires in the photo of the 3Kw Ecat are different sizes. I am presuming that you have wired the Ecat modules into strings of 15 units giving 180Vdc and then paralleled the two strings (total 2×15=30 units). The total current of the 3kw unit should then be 2 x 8.3A = 16.6A. The Black output cable looks like a 4mm cable which should be large enough to carry the current but the Red wire is very oversized.
    Just curious if there was a reason.
    Thank you

  142. Andrea Rossi

    Emmanuel Cilia:
    Sorry, this isuue is confidential,
    Warm Regards,

  143. Steve D

    Dear Andre Rossi,

    Re Your response to Wilfred:

    “we are preparing already the EV test with another EV”

    1) Is this EV2 the same or different model than EV1?

    2) Is EV2 the same or different manufacturer than EV1?

    3) Is EV2 electric only or dual petrol/ electric?

    4) Is EV2 already street licenced and on sale, ie prior to ecat modification?

    5) Is EV2 a 2 seat passenger vehicle, 4/5 seat passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle, something else?

    Thank You

  144. Andrea Rossi

    Steve D:
    1- same
    2- same
    3- only electric
    4- yes
    5- the model will be disclosed just before the demo,
    Warm Regards,

  145. Simon

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    you prepare already a second EV for the test with ecat.
    1. Are these carmakers involved in the tests?
    2. Have they already willing to order ecats if the EVs adjusted to your ecats pass the tests?
    Best regards

  146. Andrea Rossi

    These issues are confidential,
    Warm Regards,

  147. Steven Nicholes Karels


    An interesting idea and it could be implemented. Some observations.

    1. The current price of eCat NGU technology is, I understand, $2.50USD per Watt. So, 4 each 3,000 W NGU units would cost $30,000USD. That is a significant price to pay for not having to charge your vehicle. In addition, there is the cost to integrate the NGU units into the mechanical and the electrical systems of your vehicle (mounting and inverters or interface equipment).

    2. The size of the four NGU units is also a consideration. Where do you want them to be? In the cargo area? The last known size of the 100W NGU units was 7cm x 7cm x 9cm.
    If we triple the volume (3x3x3 = 27) as an approximation, then the dimensions of the 3kW NGU will be around 21cm x 21cm x 27cm. And four of these units will be required to be co-located – to minimize cable losses.

    3. EV Battery System Integration. Most EVs do not allow charging to occur during vehicle operation. The EV battery system usually has a high voltage battery with an operating voltage in the 100’s of Volts.

    If the 4 3kW batteries are outputting (in series or in parallel) 12 kW, then the Amperage would be between 12 Amps (for 1 kV voltage) and 120 Amps (for 100 V voltage). So, the cabling from the NGU units must be of the gauge and have the voltage breakdown specifications to accommodate these conditions.

    Somehow, the power from the 4 3kW NGU units must be “pushed” into the EV battery system during operation. AR has indicated in previous posts that this is not a trivial task. Some device that receives the 4 3kW NGU output power and also interfaces with the EV battery system is needed with enough “smarts” so the EV battery system is not damaged and charging operation can occur during vehicle operation.

    4. You indicate that a 12-kW source will allow the vehicle to run indefinitely at 60 km per hour. That is true if the EV efficiency is at least 0.2 kW-hr per kilometer or better. This efficiency would need to be verified with the EV manufacturer.

    5. Mass – the last specification I saw for the 100W NGU units was 250 grams. So, the 3 kW NGU might have a mass of around 7.5 kg. Four of the 3 kW NGU units will have a combined mass of 30 kg. While it is less than the weight of an adult human, it is significant in that it must be securely attached to the EV, in case of accidents, etc.

  148. Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    I would like to buy an ID Buzz GTX long version with 7 seats. This should be equipped with 4 times 3kW equal to 12kW E-Cat, which continuously charges the battery until it is full, even while driving.
    The 12kW is sufficient to drive in a kind of emergency mode even with an empty battery. I assume that the minimum speed of 60 km per hour for highways can also be achieved. This would give the ID Buzz an “infinite”, continuous range.
    It would simply be a totally awesome car and there are enough families with money around the world who would drive this car out of your hands.
    Here is the link to the ID Buzz GTX, you can also read it in English with Google:
    For this configuration I estimate a surcharge of 35,000 EUR, which I would be willing to pay.

    Best Regards

  149. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for this suggestion; we are preparing already the EV test with another EV, but your idea can be eventually useful.
    Warm Regards,

  150. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Some future applications

    1. Starship electrical energy

    SpaceX is developing Starship for both missions to the Earth’s Moon and to Mars and Starships as refueling transfer ships in orbit around the Earth. Both have a need for a long-duration supply of electrical power. The Moon and Mars transits for life-support and environmental control, communications, etc. The refueling ships for cryogenic temperature control of oxygen and methane, and communications and control.

    2. Unmanned space junk collectors

    Space junk is a serious problem and comes in all sizes. The concept is providing long-term electrical power to a collector vehicle using high specific impulse ion thrustors to locate, capture and de-orbit space junk and then return to orbital velocity for the next capture. As the capture vehicle is unmanned, and there is no urgency in the removal of space junk, so the missions could take years – the application ideal for NGU technology. A portion of the NGU-produced energy would be needed to maintain an acceptable environment for the NGU unit. And, perhaps cooling of the argon propellant to liquid or solid form.

  151. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  152. Wilfried

    @Steven Nicholes Karels,

    you speak from my soul. Humanity finally wants to see irrefutably that the E-CAT really works.

    There is no need to spend a year preparing a presentation.

    I had already suggested the fountain idea, but unfortunately it didn’t fall on fertile ground.
    I think the idea with the drone is great and it could be implemented within a week. Just take a standard small cargo drone, attach an E-Cat as a load and recharge the battery while flying. Weight to total flight time will be irrefutable proof and it would be exciting to watch the four independent livestream cameras.

    Best Regards

  153. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I am sure that you will ignore this suggestion, but here it goes.

    You need to have a powerful (appealing) public demonstration for the 3 kW NGU product. Lighting 230 100W LED bulbs (13 W power consumption each) is too boring, let along too bright! Same for boiling water (reference circa 2011). Boring!

    How about two 0.5 to 0.75 hp water pumps making fountains of water – two in case one pump fails, the other continues, to show it was not the NGU. Run it “forever” with no outside wires seen going to the pump(s), other than from the NGU. Add some slowly changing LED color lights illuminating the fountain to show time is advancing. Artistic, beautiful, not boring,

    How about a cargo-carrying drone copter carrying one or more 3 kW NGU units. These copters can carry loads from a few pounds to 90 kg. Use the onboard drone batteries to takeoff but keep the batteries charged using power from the NGU(s). Have it fly for a day or two – much longer than the onboard batteries could support. Have it fly a fixed pattern with satellite positioning reported every couple of minutes. Let the public follow the drone’s position, total distance covered, total time-duration, total energy used, telemetry, first person camera view… Aircraft flashing lights on the copter for daytime and nighttime operation. Interesting, not boring!

    Maybe also power the ground station using the 3 kW NGU. Real-time connect the video to the internet.


  154. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion; by the way, I never ignore suggestions, on the contrary, I always consider them.
    Warm Regards,

  155. Weleda

    Dr Rossi
    the 30 modules that compose the 3 kW Ecat shown in the photo in the new ad on EW are the same of the experiment published in paragraph 6 of

  156. Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards

  157. Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    The new ad posted with the 3 kW generator on Twitter/X and ECW ( states “no input needed”. So I assume it can operate independent of a solar system, correct?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  158. Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards

  159. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    For the 3kW NGU unit – voltage and current limitations will affect possible output combinations.

    Most applications I can reasonably think of will handle up to a current of 25 or 30 Amperes, based on conductor size. Likewise, a DC voltage of 500 Volts or 1,000 Volts also seems to be a limitation, based on insulation requirements and safety.

    For example, a solar inverter will have a PV voltage input range of 100 VDC to 500 VDC and a maximum current input of 15 Amps to 25 Amps.

    It is certain that Power = Voltage times Amperage.

    If these bound the output regime of the 3 kW NGU unit, can we safely assume that the output of the 3 kW NGU unit will likely be within a range of 100 VDC (and 30 Amps) and 1,000 VDC (and 3 Amps)?


  160. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Depends on the situations,
    Warm Regards,

  161. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    In a previous post I asked if 200VDC output was available from the 3kW NGU unit, and whether two such units could be connected serially.

    Your response was “1,2- it is possible, but must be done by certified electric installation contractors.”

    Please clarify:

    1. Does this mean the certified contractor will configure the 3kW NGU to output 200VDC; OR
    2. Does it mean that the delivered 3kW NGU will provide 200VDC output and any integration of the NGU unit must be accomplished by a certified contractor?

  162. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    The customized options requested by the Clients will be discussed and resolved depending on their specific situations,
    Warm Regards,

  163. Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    1 million reached?

    Have A Nice Sunday


  164. Andrea Rossi

    Helen Olstad:
    Not yet,
    Warm regards,

  165. Claude

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I noticed that the paper
    is compatible with the presentation of the Ecat SKL made in Miami during the year 2019. My question is: is it compatible also with the 3 kW Ecat NGU recently photographed in ?

  166. Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  167. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Conceptual Proposal for eCat NGU power for Hawaii.

    Problem: Hawaii consists of several island. The islands do not share electrical power. Therefore, each island has independent power. The State of Hawaii has determined to minimize the use of fossil fuels for electrical power generation. (All fossil fuels are imported by ship as well as for environmental considerations.) Solar and Wind are alternatives but they cannot be BaseLoad electricity suppliers due to their intermittent power generation (nighttime and no wind conditions). Average cost for electricity in the State of Hawaii is about $0.40 per kW-hr.

    Proposed Solution: Integrate eCat NGO 3kW units with EG4 18kPV Solar Inverters (replacing the Solar Panel power inputs with the electrical power output of the NGU 3kW units).

    Island Electrical Power Requirements:
    Island Power Needs
    Maui 273.1 MW
    Hawaii 280.5 MW
    Oahu 1,614.5 MW

    Initial Test Demonstration Unit

    Name: Baseload Supplement NGU System


    The Baseload Supplement NGU System is for technology demonstration purposes. It will augment or supplement existing Hawaiian BaseLoad electrical power generation.
    The technology demonstrate will consist of nine EG4 18kPV (retail cost about $5,200USD each).

    Each EG4 18kPV unit will receive power from three 3kW NGU units (nominal 200VDC @ 15 Amps). Each 3kW NGU will provide power to each of the three PV inputs on the EG4 18kPV unit.

    The EG4 18kPV units will be organized into three identical groups but they will be linked serially for communication purposes.

    In each group there will be three EG4 18kPV inverters with 208VAC phase configurations as shown:

    Group #1
    Inverter 1A – L1 and L2 phases
    Inverter 1B – L3 and L1 phases
    Inverter 1C – L2 and L3 phases

    The other two inverter groups shall be designed a Group #2 and Group #3 and have identical phase assignments.

    Power Analysis
    Three 3kW NGU units, combined, will produce 9kW of electrical power. On the EG4 18kPV, the PV to Grid efficiency is specified ad 97.5% efficient. Therefore, the output electrical grid power from the nine EG4 18kPV inverters will be a total of 78.975 kW of three phase 208 VAC grid power.

    Each EG4 18kPV will be outputting 8.775 kW of grid power. Each EG4 18kPV has a specified maximum output for 208 VAC is 10.4 kW. Their warranty period is 10 years.
    Each eCat NGU 3kW unit has a retail cost of $7,500 and has a warranty period of 3 years, although its useful lifetime is estimated at 100,000 operating hours.

    Grid Control
    The Utility Company can control each group of units by disconnecting Grid power going to a Group. Alternatively, there is a Rapid Shutdown Switch on each EG4 18kPV unit.

    Cost Analysis
    The equipment component costs are:

    9 EG4 18kPV @ $5,200USD each = $46,800USD
    27 3kW NGU units @ $7,500USD each = $202,500USD
    For a total component cost of $249,300 USD.
    Assuming a 10-year lifetime, the cost per kW-hr is $0.036.

    Environmental: No fuel is consumed during operation. No emissions.

    Scaling: The architecture of the demonstration could be duplicated in parallel to supplement or replace the majority of BaseLoad generation systems.

    EG4 Battery system option: While not required, an EG4 battery system could be added to each EG4 18kPV inverter. This might be used to provide more power going to the Grid during high demand times (from 8.775kW to 10.4 kW). Cost would depend on the amount of energy storage required.

  168. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1,2- it is possible, but must be done by certified electric installation contractors.
    Warm Regards,

  169. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    On the 3kW NGU units:

    1. Can the 3kW unit be configured (at least conceptually) to output 200 VDC (at 15 Amps)?
    2. If so, can two units be serially connected to (combined) produce 400 VDC (at 15 Amps)?

  170. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  171. Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please visit
    to find comments published in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,
    Andrea Rossi

  172. Andrea Rossi

    1- no
    2- the average market price of similar inverters
    3- the price/Watt remains the same as for the 100 W module you can find in
    Warm Regards,

  173. Steve D

    Dear Andrea Rossi 

    1a) The 10W and 100W reactors are different components?

    1b) 100W is the same 10W reactor but driven harder?

    2) In response to Frank you write “The 10 W, as described in our data sheet, will be available too.”

    Will  the 10W mini consist of a 100W reactor but driven at low power?

    3) Will the 10W reactor still be manufactured so therefore two different reactors are to be produced?

    4) Where two different reactors will be manufactured requiring different, though some common set up and tooling, this will affect the economics, and regardless,  is there a revised formula to calculate reaching of the 1M order target?

    Thank you.

  174. Andrea Rossi

    Steve D:
    1a- yes
    1b- no
    2- no
    3- yes
    4- it will depend on the specific custom situations
    Warm Regards,

  175. Rüdiger

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    you offer a 3KW box with the ecat. In which sizes it will be available assembled in a box incl a converter?
    Also 1KW and 2KW? More sizes?
    How much will be the price for the box additionally?
    Will there be soon a price list?
    Best regards

  176. Olov

    Dear Andrea,
    is the 3 kW E-cat assambled of 30 100 W E-cats, and you can still buy 10 W E-cats?
    So any size bigger then 100 W is assambled of 100 W E-cats?
    Thank you, the development of E-cat seems to be very positive now 🙂

  177. Andrea Rossi

    1- yes
    2- yes
    Warm Regards,

  178. Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    thanks for the previous answer; Has the ratio between output power and volume remained the same or has it increased? If yes, by 10?
    Regards, Giuseppe

  179. Andrea Rossi

    So far is the same, but it will be higher,
    Warm Regards,

  180. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Congratulations on the development of a single 100W NGU modules. A few questions:

    1. Does the 3kW unit consist entirely of 100W NGU units plus ancillary circuitry?
    2. Can we anticipate the size and volume of a 100W unit to decrease over the previous specifications (i.e., from 7cm x 7cm x 9cm)?
    3. Are you planning to demonstrate the 100W NGU unit (not including the EV demonstration)?

  181. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1. yes
    2. yes
    3. yes,
    Warm Regards,

  182. Steve D

    Dear Andrea Rossi.

    A further clarification to your reply to Giuseppe’s question if I may with regard to the term “units”.

    “The 100 W Ecat SKLep NGU is not an assembly of 10 x 10 W units,”

    1) This means the 100W unit is not an assembly of 10W mini’s?

    2) A new single 100W reactor has been developed and in use?

    3) 10 x 10W reactors are in use but are assembled in the fashion found in the SKL blue box?

    4) Where Q3 is true, does this mean common electronics can be used to drive the reactors?

    Thank You.

  183. Andrea Rossi

    Steve D:
    1- yes
    2- yes
    3- no
    4- Q3 is not true
    Warm Regards,

  184. Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    some clarification regarding the 100W E-Cat NGU: is it a combination of 10 10W cores assembled together or is it an upgrade of the previous one with a single 100W core?
    Regards, Giuseppe

  185. Andrea Rossi

    The 100 W Ecat SKLep NGU is not an assembly of 10 x 10 W units,
    Warm Regards,

  186. Ron Stringer

    Dr. Rossi,
    I have a theory. When you and your team were working on a project, probably the EV charger, with the last version of the e-cat, you found a problem that caused you to stop work with it. That’s not theory, of course, you have said as much. My theory, however, is that this problem had to do with unexpected rises in the output of e-cats in series. When you studied the problem you discovered a new phenomenon (but one in line with your theoretical model) that gave rise to the synergistic properties of the NGU. You have learned to control the rise in output so that when a power source (like a PV panel) is connected to the NGU you get a predictable rise in the power output, greater than the sum of the individual outputs.
    Just curious (alright, nosy) – can you comment?
    Also, this will allow you to create larger assemblies (like the 3kw unit) in less space.
    True, false, confidential?
    Thanks for your time.
    Ron Stringer

  187. Andrea Rossi

    Ron Stringer:
    Thank you for your opinion.
    The issues we had to resolve are confidential,
    Warm Regards,

  188. Roberto

    Dr Rossi,
    The streaming you made endured more than 6 months, which means more than 4300 hours, and even assuming that the power of the light was 1 W, no battery in this world with that weight and dimensions could generate more than a tiny fraction of that energy, so what you wanted to give evidence of has been already achieved.
    I agree with the readers that deemed useless a repetitoion of that streaming, while much more useful would be a demo of the NGU performing a work.
    All the best,

  189. Gavino Mamia

    Salve, Dott. Rossi
    In Europa, dal 1° gennaio 2030, tutti gli edifici nuovi devono essere a zero emissioni e si stabilisce che, per iniziare, il 16% degli edifici non residenziali deve essere riqualificato entro il 2030.
    L’importo medio non sarà inferiore ai 50.000 euro per ogni casa, ci saranno inoltre restrizioni sulle caldaie a gas già dal prossimo anno.
    Tutto questo per limitare le emissioni inquinanti.
    Inutile dire che l’Ecat risolverebbe tutti i problemi.
    Sarà a Miami i prossimi giorni per vedere il nostro grandissimo Jannik Sinner?
    p.s. la mia ansia di attesa per l’Ecat ha raggiunto livelli impensabili
    In Europe, from 1 January 2030, all new buildings will have to be zero-emission and it is established that, to begin with, 16% of non-residential buildings will have to be redeveloped by 2030.
    The average amount will not be less than 50 thousand euros for each home, from next year there will also be restrictions on gas boilers.
    All this to limit polluting emissions.
    It goes without saying that ECAT would solve all the problems.
    Will you be in Miami in the next few days to see our great Jannik Sinner?
    p.s. my anxiety while waiting for the Ecat has reached unthinkable levels

  190. Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    Thank you for your information: surely the Ecat will help.
    I will watch our Sinner’s matches in TV, because I do not have time to attend, as well as to attend our soccer National representative.
    Warm Regards,
    I sympathize with you much time since

  191. Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    Couldn’t the four conductor loops of the electron from your model correspond to the four dimensions of the electron from the article on Dirac electrons? The material could perhaps be interesting for electron condensates. Perhaps it would be an interesting material for future E-Cats?

    Best Regards

  192. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight.
    Our theory about the contingency of the Ecat with the ZBW is explained especially in the paragraph 5 of:
    Warm Regards,

  193. Stephen

    Dear Andrea

    I thought this article and paper on Dirac Electrons may interest you and your readers.

    A way to observe them is explained and also observations including magnetic field and thermal environment dependence

    Thanks and Best Regards

  194. Andrea Rossi

    Very interesting, thank you,
    Warm Regards

  195. Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Here are the updated stats related to your papers published on Researchgate I got today from
    Total Readings: 139000 ( more than 99,9% of 1.5 million papers published on Researchgate )

  196. Johann

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    What would be the problem to make now a few short videos with your already existing 3 KW ecat ngu? Let it run with a water kettle, electric heating, a vacuum.
    All things you have maybe at your office available, like the 3KW ecat.
    Upload it to youtube, done. It is the cheapest PR and not effortful. But maybe a step forward to the one million pre-orders.
    Warm regards

  197. Andrea Rossi

    Soon we will schedule the date of the next demo,
    Warm Regards,

  198. Olov

    Dear Andrea,
    so is it not light from the E-cat that makes a PV system and the E-cat more effeicent then the sum of the two individually?

  199. Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  200. Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Based on recent comments made here on the JONP, you seem to be saying that the basic module of the E-Cat NGU is 100 W.

    On your website there are listed both 10 W and 100 W modules of NGU available for pre-order.

    Is the 10 W module still available?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  201. Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Sorry, probably I misphrased my comment.
    I meant that the basic module for major power will be the 100 W.
    The 10 W, as described in our data sheet, will be available too.
    Warm Regards,

  202. Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    ECAT has CE certifications.
    Photovoltaic systems exist.
    The sun doesn’t shine at night, which is perfect for demo purposes.
    Thousands of journalists are hungry for headline news.

    1) What else do you need to perform the ECAT + photovoltaic system demo?

    2) What specifically prevents you from doing such a demo?

    3) When can the world public expect the ECAT + photovoltaic system demo?

    Have A Nice Day


  203. Andrea Rossi

    Helen Olstad:
    Soon we will publish the demo date,
    Warm Regards,

  204. Maico

    dear Dr. Rossi,

    I am pleased to read that some of the people who follow your blog have already gone ahead with ordering the Ecat Sklep in the 3Kw power “cut” 😀
    I also believe that this is the most suitable version for use in the “Domestic” sector and I am sure that following the demonstrations he intends to carry out (demonstrations which we await with sincere interest) this model will certainly become the most requested 😉

    I hope you reach your goals as soon as possible, and as I “eagerly await” the next demos, I greet you warmly, thanking you for trying to keep us as updated as possible on the evolution of “your creature” 🙂



  205. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support.
    As you know, we also put a big effort to test its application in an EV.
    Warm Regards,

  206. Bob

    Dr Rossi,
    Reading the paper
    I understood that you have invented the practical application of the zero point energy concept born from the experiments of Nikolas Tesla.
    This is a momentous fact and I am anxious to see your product enter the market: it will be a fantastictic game changer.
    I made a pre-order for a 3 kW Ecat: I suppose it will contain a system of 30 modules of 100 W each, am I correct ?
    All the best,

  207. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team.
    Answer: yes, correct.
    Warm Regards,

  208. Ron Stringer

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    “The Ecat synergy with a PV system is not consistent with ‘shining’ “.
    See, now that is cool. I can hardly wait to find out what this process is! I think you mentioned earlier that the synergy would not necessarily be restricted to PV systems – is that correct? Will it apply to any DC source? Any AC source?
    Very exciting.
    Ron Stringer

  209. Andrea Rossi

    Ron Stringer:
    Correct and yes,
    Warm Regards,

  210. Andrea Rossi

    The Ecat synergy with a PV system is not consistent with “shining”,
    Warm Regards,

  211. Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    if the 100W ECAT is not a model that is intended for shining on the photovoltaic panels, then what model of ECAT will be intended for a shining on the photovoltaic panels?

    Have A Nice Sunday


  212. Johann

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    i regularly read along your blog.
    But now i ask myself, the ecat is ready to produce, but you mention no effort how you want to reach the one million pre-orders.
    1) Do you have already invited enough big customers to your office to test the ecat and after that you have reached the aim of one million?
    2) Could you tell us the date when you show the running ecat to these big customers?
    3) Will there be additionally advertisement, short promo, youtube influencers who test it at your office? Soon?
    Warm regards

  213. Andrea Rossi

    1- not yet
    2- see point 1
    3- will do when ready to deliver
    Warm Regards,

  214. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    In response to my posting asking the status of different NGU units you responded:

    “The 100 W is the basic module, the modules can be combined to reach any power level.”

    From this I gather that the NGU products are only theoretical and there is no status.

  215. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Wrong, it is not what I said: I just said that the basic module is the 100 W and that all the modules of higher power are made by the “monads” of 100 W,
    Warm Regards,

  216. Andrea Rossi

    Helen Holstad:
    1- I think so, eventually
    2- no
    3- no
    Have a nice Sunday you too !
    Warm Regards,

  217. Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    1) As now the basic model is 100 Watt, I would like to ask: Will a 10 Watt model be produced?

    2) Will the basic 100 Watt model shine on the photovoltaic panels of the existing photovoltaic powerplant with its own photons?


    3) will the ECAT 100 Watt model have to power an LED lamp that will shine on the photovoltaic panels of the existing photovoltaic powerplant?

    Have A Nice Sunday


  218. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Can you briefly state the status of each of the following: (e.g., in-testing, design being modified, production version ready)

    1. the 10W NGU
    2. the 100W NGU
    3. the 3kW NGU
    4. the solar panel augmentation unit.
    5. the EV Demo unit

  219. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    The 100 W is the basic module, the modules can be combined to reach any power level.
    Warm Regards,

  220. Frank

    Dr Rossi,
    Do you really think that studying the theoretic principles published on
    it is possible to make something like the Ecat SKL NGU ?
    Thank you if you can answer,

  221. Andrea Rossi

    I did it,
    Warm Regards,

  222. Steven Nicholes Karels

    WaltC (and Andrea Rossi),

    Killer Demonstration – 3kW NGU

    “The number of housing units in the United States has been growing year-on-year and in 2022, there were approximately 144 million homes.”

    Assume the following:

    1. Choose a residential home that is connected to the electrical grid – electrical power history is available from the supplier.
    2. Install an EG4 6000XP split phase all-in-one Solar inverter – $1,400USD unit cost.
    3. Install an EG4 PowerPro battery unit – $3,800USD unit cost.
    4. Demonstrate that the residential home can operate using electrical grid power only going to the Inverter.
    5. The inverter has two available solar panel inputs, each rated for 100VDC to 480 VDC, up to 4kW.
    6. Add one (or two) 3kW NGU unit(s) to the inverter’s solar panel input(s).
    7. Disconnect the electrical grid power going to the inverter.
    8. Monitor the residential home’s electrical usage for an extended period of time (months) – daily readings can be made available.

    The 3kW NGU unit(s) will supply the average required electrical power.
    The Battery unit will accommodate the peak power requirements (turn-on of motors, start-up of air conditioners, etc.)

    The EG4 6000XP performance may be monitored by a cell phone app showing energy usage – no disconnecting the configuration, shows “PV” statistics, other usage.

    If the 6000W unit is too small, there is also an 18kW inverter available.

    Note: a 3kW NGU, running continuously, will supply 72 kW-hrs of energy per day. Most residential homes average around 20 kW-hrs per day (or less).


  223. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  224. WaltC

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    Neri Accornero,

    Both of you raise issues that, I believe, are important and largely complementary:

    Steven talks about end-user applications which are important because the Ecat won’t make it into the market unless it finds real-world applications that it can serve better than current-day solutions. Identifying “Killer Applications” that would drive large-volume usage of the Ecat would seem like a very good thing.

    Neri talks about demonstrations, of which a 3kW Stand-Alone Power Source could potentially be the perfect “Universal Widget” that you’d want to demonstrate early on. There hasn’t been a lot of discussion in this forum about what might make the best “Killer Demonstrations” but I’d imagine that a highly scaleable, stand-alone power source might quickly catch interest across hundreds of industries and not just one or two.

    Anyway, I don’t view it as an either/or– I, for one, enjoy reading both of your ideas.

    Thanks and Best wishes, WaltC

  225. Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    on X @LeonardoCorpor3 shows the 3 kW E-Cat. The CE mark is shown there. As I am a professional, I would like to point out that the geometry of the CE mark shown is not correct. It would be correct if the virtual right half of the circle of the C went exactly through the left center of the arc of the E. You can find the construction drawing via Google.

    Best Regards

  226. Andrea Rossi

    The label we applied to the Ecat SKL NGU has been printed by a company that prints CE labels for many companies of any kind and nobody observed what you write, as far as we are aware of. Anyway, I passed on to them your observation,
    Warm Regards,

  227. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Neri Accornero,

    You posted “I honestly don’t understand the need for many bloggers to constantly suggest new applications for the ECAT.”

    There are many applications for eCat technology but only some of them make economic sense. The cost of eCat technology is approximately $2.50USD per Watt of electrical power. This will pay for itself if used continuously over the 100,000 specified lifetime.

    There are also applications where peak power demand is much greater than average power demand. The eCat technology may be too expensive where peak power is much greater than average power or where power is only required for short durations, e.g., a desktop lamp that is lit only a few hours per day.

    When I look for possible applications, I seek applications that have a continuous energy requirement or a very long period of usage. Such an example is a parked electric vehicle (EV) where charging stations are not easily available in a major city where there are very limited charging station locations, and very limited parking spaces.

    By suggesting applications, then AR might consider teaming with a major player in that industry or application and the eCat technology might proceed into major production.

  228. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    A combined test scenario and application – powering a residential house.

    “The average US household electricity consumption is 29 kWh per day, according to the most recent data from the US Energy Information Administration, which means the average kWh usage per month is around 870 kWh.”

    This suggests that an average power output of 1.2 kW is sufficient to power a typical residential house.

    So, as a test, install an all-in-one solar converter that outputs split phase 240VAC 60Hz power and that can receive solar panel power. The solar panels are typically tied in series so the input string voltage is usually between 100VDC and 500 VDC.

    In this test, replace the solar panels with NGU 100W units. Say two strings of 15 100W NGU units each. Each of the two NGU strings would provide 180 VDC at 1.5 kW.

    In a typical system, batteries would be included to handle surge requirements.

    Then run the home, totally disconnected from the electrical grid for a month or so, while measuring and recording the energy consumption.


  229. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  230. I honestly don’t understand the need for many bloggers to constantly suggest new applications for the ECAT. We live in an almost totally electrified high and low voltage world, once we had an almost infinite low voltage DC electrical energy source, scalable at will and convertible to AC with banal inverters, the applications would be practically unlimited!
    I would like to read more interesting questions without taking up space in the blog and wasting Rossi’s time to answer politely thanking for the obvious.
    Instead, I ask Andrea Rossi why he doesn’t show on his site the new 3KW system running with an adequate load, several filament bulbs (not LEDs) or some power tools (drills or grinders). If the generator box were transparent, enough to show that it does not contain bulky batteries, and was placed on a scale, I think it would arouse a lot of interest. It doesn’t need to be streaming, a few minutes of video is enough.

  231. Andrea Rossi

    Neri Accornero:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  232. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another eCat application


    In the USA there are at least three categories of eBikes. Category 1 and 2 are of interest in that an individual who is legally prohibited from driving an automobile (i.e., license suspended) may operate a Class I or Class II eBike as they are not considered motor vehicles.

    A Class I or II eBike may have up to a 750-Watt motor and are limited by design to a speed of 20 mph. They typically have a range of 20 – 25 miles. Recharging typically takes 3 – 4 hours.

    If the battery system of the eBike was replaced by eCat technology, the range and operating time would be virtually unlimited. Or, it could eliminate the need to obtaining remote site charging – just park the eBike and it recharges the onboard batteries.

    If we assume a speed of 20 mph and a maximum range of 20 miles, we have an operating time of 1 hour. Assuming a parked time of 8 hours (a trip to the workplace, work 8 hours, and a return trip), then the eCat power of 100W will provide sufficient energy.

    There are about a million eBikes sold each year.

    There are about 1.5 million persons arrested for Driving Under the Influence each year. If convicted, they often have their driving privileges suspended. This might allow them to get transportation to/from work.


  233. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  234. Maria

    Dr Rossi,
    Reading the paper
    in paragraph 5 we understand in the algorythm of your process there is a reverse difference of Entropy, and this is a fact against the third principle of thermodynamic.
    How do you reconcile this ? It is important to know, because the reverse difference of Entropy is the source of the Zero Point Energy.
    Congratulations for your work,
    All the best,

  235. Andrea Rossi

    My opinion is that in a system, like the one of the Universe, the TPT can be overcome only with an original ordered input that can start an eventual series of evolutive events: in the case of the paper you cited, this “spark” is the dV/dT pulsed to the electrons,
    Warm Regards,

  236. Mayr Gunter

    Dr Rossi,
    I want to buy an electricity storage for your most wonderful invention since the discovery of fire !
    I suppose you have some suggestion for me.
    Nature and all living beings are deeply indebted to you.
    Mayr Gunter

  237. Andrea Rossi

    Mayr Gunter:
    Please send us an English translation of your comment,
    Warm Reards,

  238. WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,
    Amazon sells detachable batteries for ebikes– e.g., 1000 watts, 48volts. It might be *fun* to
    – buy an ebike,
    – buy a detachable battery
    – make an ecat assembly that would substitute for the detachable battery, and then
    – scoot around the area on a ecat-powered bike (if you ever do that, post pictures!).

    Additionally, you could buy a simple stationary bike training stand and let the ecat-powered bike motor away indoors, 24/7.

    Maybe that could be a fun side-project for one of your energetic assistants?

    Best Wishes, WaltC

  239. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  240. Mayr Günter

    Guten Tag, Dr.Rossi!

    Es ist tatsächlich so, dass ich mit vielen Menschen gesprochen und noch viel mehr Werbung gemacht habe. Nur ist es so, dass Alle einen Beweis sehen wollen. Den Beweis der Funktion ihrer Energy Catalyzer! Aber in Natur, soll heißen, die Leute wollen live dabei sein.
    Ich möchte Ihnen ein Angebot machen. Senden Sie mir die am 24.1.2022 bei Ihrer Firma bestellten 5Stück e catsklepssm zu je 249 Dollar. Ich verspreche Ihnen, die Verkaufszahlen werden sich vervielfachen!
    Anders kann Ich Ihnen leider nicht helfen!
    Über eine Rückmeldung würde ich mich freuen!

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Mayr Günter

  241. Alex

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    actually i would expect PR measures to make your product more public.
    The ecat is technically ready for the start of production if the aim of one million is reached. So why no aggressive advertisement, videos of your operative ecat? There are enough suggestions mentioned at your blog reader. You have a picture of a 3 KW ecat, so why not a lot of short videos while it produces power for a washing machine, vacuum cleaner, hotplate, electric heating, electric fire, electric kettle, computer, TV, light bulbs, refrigerator and so on? Why no use of fame influencer at youtube..?
    You cannot reach your aim whilst no one know your product. And because it is in such a way genius and an unbelievable new kind of power producer you need the proof of much videos and influencers.
    Sincerely yours

  242. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  243. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another eCat application

    electric snow cat

    “Taos Ski Valley Resort in New Mexico wrote in an e-newsletter today that it has deployed the “first, fully electric snowcat in North America.”

    For those unfamiliar, a snowcat is a snow groomer that packs snow and improves skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobile trail conditions.

    Taos Valley has put a Prinoth Husky eMOTION on its slopes, which is an electric snow groomer with a 180 kW (245 hp) engine and a battery capacity of either 100 or 200 kWh, depending on whether the resort opted for basic or premium. Italy-based Prinoth says on its website that the eMOTION has a run time of up to three hours and a DC fast charging capacity of 100 kW. (Its AC charging capacity is 22 kW.)”

  244. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    60 years since now and again they say that within 20/30 years the nuclear fusion based power generation system will be put at work.
    We are working hard to do our best.
    Warm Regards,

  245. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    There is a common saying that fusion power based electrical generation is always 30 years away. It seems that eCat technology mass produced products are always a year away. Can you give your followers some hope that actual mass production will begin within some period of time, say, one year?

    Every few months I get a call from a company trying to sell me solar power for my residence and I tell them your technology is “just around the corner”. If I won the lottery, I would fund your program. Unlikely, since I don’t buy lottery tickets.

    I truly hope you can bring this technology to market.

  246. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  247. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another eCat application – powering Robot Dogs

    Unitree has a Go2 robot dog that requires 28VDC to 33.6VDC with a peak power of 3,000W. It has a payload rating of 7 kg. The Robot Dog costs about $1,600USD.

    It currently uses either an 8,000 mA-hr battery with a duration of 2 hours or a 15,000 mA-hr battery with a duration of 4 hours.

    The inclusion of an eCat NGU 3 kW power unit would provide an unlimited operating time.


  248. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  249. Jan Šrajer

    Mr. Yuri
    You wrote it exactly right. EV and its test is the best possible.
    Warm Regards J.Š.