Rossi Blog Reader
This website tracks recent postings to Andrea Rossi's
Journal of Nuclear Physics,
sorting the entries with priority to Rossi's answers, which appear under each question.
• Email to Andrea Rossi - Journal Of Nuclear Physics
• Website comments to the Webmaster (who has no contact or connection with Rossi).
• Updated: 2025-02-08 03:50:13.196317Z
Dear Andrea,
Do you believe that you will be able start the production and distribution of E-Cats within the next six months?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Frank Acland:
I hope within this year,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
According to your answer of parallel and series units, I consider the solution with series.
The reason is that if one e-cat fails you just have a small reduction of voltage and power. For instance if you have 30 e-cats 3 kW 360VDC and you lose one e-cat resulting in 2.9kW 348V instead.
Is this correct?
Is it possible to get 3kW and 360VDC delivered?
Best regards and good luck with your important work,
Mats Heijkenskjold
Mats Heijkenskjold:
1- correct
2- yes
Warm Regards,
egr mr Rossi
thanks you opened my eyes
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi
I was thinking about the Twizy test and the difficulties of implementing a system that would recharge it while moving, difficulties then overcome by the brilliant Eng. Marzocchi.
You said that, for now, it is not possible to implement the E-Cat in cars in production due to lack of certifications.
I analyzed all the problems of my acquaintances, friends, relatives and colleagues, I saw that the car is mainly used to go to work and the maximum distance is about 1 hour (100 KM), those who live at distances greater than 100 KM from the workplace prefer to rent a house nearby and only travel on weekends, this for cost reasons and also because it is dangerous to travel so many Km after work, when you are tired.
So, with the exception of those who work with the car, the use of this is limited to two hours a day.
So why charge it while driving if it would be enough to charge it when the vehicle is stationary? It would be enough for the E-Cat module to be positioned inside the hood (we know that it takes up little space) and with a switch, inside the passenger compartment, charging could be activated when the car is parked at work or at home.
The charging socket is almost always adjacent to the hood and it is not difficult to connect a cable from the E-Cat module.
A 2 KW module, costing around 7,000 euros, would charge the car for 22 hours a day, that is, it would produce 44 KW, more than enough.
22 hours a day for 365 days is 8,000 hours, so an E-Cat module would last over 12 years, much longer than the average life of a car with a combustion engine.
It should also be said that a car with a combustion engine that travels 200 km per day is changed after 3-4 years, because it has exceeded 200-300,000 km (consuming at least 25,000 euros of fuel).
According to this calculation, no one will buy a car with a combustion engine after the release of the E-Cat.
Have a nice day to you and your wife, certainly a great woman
Gavino Mamia:
Good points.
Thank you for your support and you too have a nice day with your family !
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I asked “Are there a set of voltages that may be specified when ordering an NGU unit?”
And you responded to see the Data Sheet.
For the Power Generators the Data Sheet says “per request”
From a previous post you mentioned that unusual output voltages could be provided but at additional cost.
So, if I asked for a 1kW NGU Power Generator (at no additional cost), would I receive:
1. a 12 VDC output at approximately 83.33 Amps output?
2. a 120 VDC output at approximately 8.33 Amps output?
3. some other DC voltage(s)?
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1. yes
2. possible, but not convenient: better DC connected to an inverter
3. 230 VDC
Warm Regards,
Prof. Rossi,
As you may know, a large lithium battery facility in California overheated and caught fire, a fire that could not be extinguished by ordinary means and had to burn itself out, leaving heavy metal contamination of the surroundings. Is there any danger of such a fire with a large Ecat installation? Thanks.
No: the Ecat is not a battery,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
I was watching a YouTube video last night and they were talking about a 6 hour battery life or using an external power source via a USB port. It occurred to me that a 10 watt e-cat could power it and never worry about battery life or external power. Is it possible to build a 10 watt e-cat with a USB port?
Clifford Robert Bradley:
Warm Regards,
egr mr Rossi
if you have 10 x 10w ecat modules in series you have a total 120v 10w
if you parallel 10 of those strings you have 10 x 10w 120v equal to a 100w 120v system
this is what we have with 100 modules
so how can have 150v 1kw with 104 modules as you stated ?
Redo your math using the Ohms equations.
Actually the modules could be less that 104, but I considered a 10% in excess as it is proper, to prevent loss of power if any module fall .
Your numbers are nonsense. Remember: W = A x V and if you sum up the voltage the W have to be summed up too, it is the amperage that remains constant !
Normally I spam comments like tis one of yours, not to expose Readers who write stupidities, but I decided to answer your comment because you insisted after I already answered you.
Warm Regards,
Dear Eng. Rossi, I recently saw The Count of Monte Cristo on Rai 1. Who knows why, but, despite all the due differences, I couldn’t help but think of your story taken from your biography
I wish you, as in the novel by Dumas, that all the injustices you have suffered may one day find justice on all your detractors. I sincerely hope that the countdown has begun. Best wishes.
Thank you for your kind support,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I herby present a new design for the E-cat:
«The Golden ZPE E-Cat – The New Art of Energy»
I have designed some new E-Cat artwork You can evaluate:
«The Golden E-Cat – The New Art of Energy»
I feel that having the E-Cat design as a modern box, just like any modern electronic
device or a plain Mac-Book Pro will not show the E-Cat as something really special, something quite different ….. something NEW and exciting ……
The Golden E-Cat – The New Art of Energy !
As I see it, the amazing E-Cat that You have created deserve a very special design, a design that everybody recognize as being different, something that tells You that this is an E-Cat no matter what size it comes in, always the same …
The Golden E-Cat – The New Art of Energy !
I enclose some of my design for
«The Golden E-Cat – The New Art of Energy « and
I hope You like them.
All the Best,
Jorn-Erik Ommang
zpe ecat 21
ECAT 4.jpg
ECAT 5.jpg
ECAT 7.jpg
ECAT Art Nouveau.jpg
ECAT Green Energy.jpg
ECAT Zero Point Energy Art Nouveau .jpg
ECAT ZPE 100-watt Device.jpg
ECAT ZPE with solar cells.jpg
ZPE ECAT 1.jpg
Jorn-Erik Ommang, Eng:
Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Is the standard SKLep unit a DC input/DC output only, with additional components available for AC input and/or AC Output? Such as AC to DC wall adapters or power supplies and a DC to AC inverter separate from the standard SKLep unit?
Steven N. Karels:
Please see the datasheet on
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
I am afraid that in this corrupted world your marvellous invention will be buried not to damage the corrupted energy market
Let God decide for that, and us do our job,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
The paper
has triggered a fluorishing of publications about the Zitterbewegung of electrons and replication of your experiment in paragraph 5 and 6 of the publication: how do you feel about that ?
All the best,
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
1. Are there a set of voltages that may be specified when ordering an NGU unit?
2. If so, what are those voltages?
Dear Dr. Rossi, wanted to see if some ECAT characteristics are still the same as earlier in the their development.
1) can the 10W ECAT output voltage still be factory adjusted so that it can, for instance, give 2A at 5V DC or 1A at 10V DC?
2) what is the maximum voltage the 10 W ECAT can be factory set at?
3) can the current design of the 10W ECAT allow the consumer to change the voltage?
3b) if not, is this on the table for possible future designs?
Best Regards
Larry G:
1- not so far
2- 12 V
3- not so far
3b- maybe
Warm Regards,
Will you be making an permanent open-for-public show-room of an e-cat unit or several units of varying power outputs in operation for the public to review when the e-Cats are for sale? I had placed an order for a 5kW unit years ago and i am very eager to receive once the units start rolling out.
Thank you for the suggestion and for your support,
Warm Regards,
Maybe you would find this research interesting:
Chasing sparks: Unraveling a 50-year-old X-ray mystery
January 16, 2025
A U.S. National Science Foundation-supported team recently solved an enduring physics enigma, revealing new information about how X-rays form during thunderstorms.
Starting in the 1960s, scientists noticed a strange occurrence. When they performed laboratory experiments to replicate lightning and similar phenomena, they noticed that electrons accelerating between two electrodes were sometimes more energetic than expected. When researchers ran tests, they noted that the excess energy was released as sparks, which they recorded as bursts of X-rays.
To solve this mystery, Victor Pasko, a professor at Penn State University, and his team used mathematical modeling to discover that during the lightning experiments, electrons interacted with the first electrode material, emitting X-rays made of photons. Some of these photons moved backward, releasing more electrons from the second electrode. This caused a repeating chain reaction; it became a feedback loop capable of producing more energetic electrons.
“Our findings help explain the processes that can produce X-rays right before lighting strikes,” Pasko said. “These processes had mysteriously remained radio silent and optically dark.”
New knowledge on X-rays also informs fields like pollution control and plasma-assisted combustion. “Our work could stimulate new research on the production of energetic electrons from solid materials, which would help researchers design innovative medical imaging devices that use X-rays,” Pasko said.
Donald Chandler:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Thanks for your answer!
If the EMS shut down 1 eCat in one of the parallel units, then the voltages will be unbalanced.
In my example one will have 150V and the other 150-12= 138V. Any comments? How will the eCats react?
Thanks for your possible answer!
Best regards,
Mats Heijkenskjold
Mats Heijkenskjold:
You are right, the Voltage will decrease and if the residual Voltage will not be sufficient to sustain the load the Ecat turns off. The sole solution I can see now is to have a spare module while the broken piece is repaired.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Here are the stats of your papers I found today on
Total Readings 170000 (of which 155689 only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions”), more than all the millions of publications on Researchgate
Research Interest Score Index 3222, more than all the publications on Researchgate
Recommendations 12840, more than all the publications on Researchgate
And counting…
Best Regards
Thank you for the update,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Are you also considering making a significantly cheaper version that can only be used to produce heat? The fact that a water or air heater needs to be connected to an external power source for a few watts doesn’t seem like a big problem to me.
Or would a heat generator be almost as expensive to produce?
Best regards,
Koen Vandewalle:
The Ecat is always the same,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi
I read your story in
Quite inspiring for your resilience,
Ad Majora,
Thank you for your support,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
can you tell us in a very general way something about how the works on the new factory are proceeding?
Best regards,
Italo R.
Italo R.:
All is proceeding along schedule,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
If I have 2 parallel units existing of 15 x 100W ecats in series each. Both of them connected to the same inverter, to get AC voltage, and then one eCat fails, what will happen?
Maybe it is not so good to have them in parallel, better all in series with doble voltage?
Best regards,
Mats Heijkenskjold
Mats Heijkenskjold:
We will have an EMS (Ecat Management System) that will exclude the broken one; the choice between series or parallel depends on which voltage vs which current you need,
Warm Regards,
A.R. Rossi
after your answer to Alexw’s question
I ask you for some more information about 10w modules assembling.
If I’m not wrong parallel assembling sums amperage and serial assembling sums voltage.
So how many 10w modules you need to have a 150v 1kw system ?
Thanks for replay
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I have a question: Since the battery power required to start one, or a few, Ecats is quite modest (and they can be started in sequence if necessary: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ….. – once you have started one you can use it to start the rest, as with aircraft) does it follow that the only battery an Ecat will need – at least for the purpose of motive power – will be orders of magnitude smaller than those currently required in EVs?
We are all awaiting with unbridled enthusiasm the upcoming launch of the product. Yet, still, I have yet to see mention of the Ecat in the regular news media. Will we have to wait until some journalist notices that the people next door have a vehicle in the driveway that never seems to need fuel, before they will pay attention?
Rodney Nicholson:
1- yes
2- about the EV applications, I already answered yesterday; the necessary advertising will be made when the deliveries will start,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
when the deliveries of the Ecat will start, will also be delivered the Ecats to be applied to electric vehicles as we watched in the test at the racetrack of Latina ?
The applications to EV can be made only in collaboration with EV manufacturers, otherwise any application would severe automatically all the guarantees. The Ecat applied to the Renault Twizy in the racetrack of Latina was just a demonstration.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi
Lately, many EVs have been stolen to steal the expensive batteries, an E-Cat hidden in the trunk, for charging during stops, would be very attractive to thieves.
I thought that a Microchip for GPS localization, inserted in the integrated circuit of the E-Cat, would not have affected the final cost that much.
Given the value of the E-Cat, it would certainly be very useful in all environments in which it will be used.
Good work
Gavino Mamia:
Thank you for the suggestion: we hadn’t thought about the steals issue: thank you to portray it here,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
A question about the maximum voltage of an E-CAT unit. I have preordered a 1kW unit which according to the datasheet would have a 120V maximum output (12v 100W cells wired in series). I would like to integrate this with a home solar inverter which has a string startup voltage of 150V.
Would it be possible to get a voltage in excess of 150V from a 1kW unit? Or would that require a booster circuit of some kind? I mention it because the 1OOW units seem to be just 10W cells combined, I assume in parallel connection. It seems that alternative wiring of the 10W cells could give a higher voltage?
The Ecat assemblies can be customized to reach any voltage you need,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi
Lately, many EVs have been stolen to steal the expensive batteries, an E-Cat hidden in the trunk, for charging during stops, would be very attractive to thieves.
I thought that a Microchip for GPS localization, inserted in the integrated circuit of the E-Cat, would not have affected the final cost that much.
Given the value of the E-Cat, it would certainly be very useful in all environments in which it will be used.
Hello Dr. Rossi
For total energy autonomy and off-grid a house must be all-electric. In this scenario, my experience shows that the peak electricity consumption is ten times higher than the average consumption. To equip such a house you need an E-Cat 10 times more powerful which gives a cost price of 0.035 x 10 = $ 0.35 per Kwh excluding tax because the wear of the E-CAT depends on the operating time and not the energy required.
A good misconception would be to install a buffer battery to reduce the necessary power of the generator, but battery storage is even more expensive ($0.40 per kWh).
My questions
1 – With your current knowledge, do you think it is possible to develop the E-Cat in the future so that its wear depends on its electrical production?
2 – Do you think it is possible to create a generator that adapts to the power requested by only starting the number of units necessary in order to extend the life of the generator?
All my support to you and your team
Kind regards
Raffaele Bongo:
1- yes, we are working on this issue
2- same as in 1
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You responded Yes to the question
“Will all E-Cats which are delivered have these options for the startup of the E-Cat
a) A port where a rechargeable battery can be placed
b) A grid connector”
1. If the included battery is in a discharged state and the Grid power is applied for few seconds so that the NGU begins operation, must the Grid power then be removed?
2. If the included battery is in a discharged state, will the included battery be recharged by:
a. The energy generated by the NGU?
b. The Grid power applied to the Grid connection?
3. If the included battery is in a fully charged state, must Grid at the Grid connected be absent?
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1- The battery is rechargeable
2- the battery can be substituted by another one while it is recharged; the consume is irrelevant; we are studying how to recharge it directly with the Ecat
3- the Grid is not necessary
Warm Regards,
The Partners agreed in harmony upon confirming to maintain the original payment system always applied by us for the pre-orders: no money down at the pre-order, payment in advance at the delivery. The money they cashed during these days have been refunded to the clients that sent them the pre-orders, the system to pay has been disactivated and within today the text of the website will be corrected, all this by spontaneous decision of our Partners,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I wanted to draw your attention to the fact that the pre-order conditions set in the QuantumEverSource web site differ from the conditions listed in the Ecatthenewfire website, primarily around prepayment, which is required at the pre-order time and not at delivery time. Also in that website, it is clearly indicated that pre-orders are not refundable within the initial 369 days set in the terms and conditions.
Could you kindly clarify which terms should apply?
Kind regards
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Can we continue to send our pre-orders to ?
The websites of Quantumservice ask a pre-payment to secure the preorders, while does not request money before the deliveries are ready to be done.
Dr. Rossi:
I just learned today that your partner Quantum EverSource is now accepting preorders on its website. Also the website is accepting preorders like normal.
On it reads: “There is no risk involved in placing a pre-order. You do not need to pay any money in order to place a pre-order for E-Cat products, and placing a pre-order does not obligate you to place an order in the future.” Will this condition be valid also for the pre-orders sent to Quantum EverSource ?
Will the preorders we sent to still remain valid?
Ecat Enthusiast
Ecat Enthusiast:
The conditions of the pre-orders are still the same and no money has to be paid until the Client will be contacted to make the deliver: at that point the Client can either turn his/her pre-order into a regular order and pay in advance what he buys, or cancel the pre-order and, obviously, pay nothing. After the payment will be received, the package will be sent within a several days.
Our Partners will respect all the pre-orders forwarded to them from Leonardo Corporation, as I already said, and all the pre-orders arrived before January 13 2025 will conserve the original price, while all the pre-orders and the updates arrived from January 13 on will have the updated price.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
I’m thrilled to hear that Quantum will select sub-licensees around the world, and I hope that there will be at least one in Italy, where I reside.
Establishing a facility for the production, marketing, and distribution of the E-Cat technology would be an immense source of wealth and progress for the region, not to mention the environmental and social benefits it would bring.
The E-Cat is almost an “alien” technology, a device we could have only read about in science fiction stories. Yet, thanks to your genius, it has become a reality!
The best for Earth is yet to come, and the future looks bright, especially for future generations.
Humanity can never thank you enough.
My Best Regards,
Italo R.
Italo R.:
Yes, all the requests for sub-licenses we received during the last years will be subject from our Partners to a due diligence to make the necessary selection. The sub-licenses will be granted when we will be close to be ready to start the deliveries.
We have some candidates for Italy too, as well as for many other Countries: all the requests will be scrutinized thoroughly.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Which is the most requested utilization for the Ecat , based on the pre-orders you received so far, among the following cathegories:
1- heating
2- connection with solar systems to produce electricity
3- electricity generation
4- others (in this case, please specify)
Thank you if you can answer,
Giovanni Bettega:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
two questions:
1) in the production line that your partner is assembling, along with the robots are there also machines engineered specifically for ECats?
2) What could be the cycle time to produce a single ECat once the fab is in full production?
Regards, Giuseppe
Giuseppe Censorio:
1- yes
2- it will depend from many factors in the making
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi
Thus is a better version with an improved English translation imbedded:
Inspired in part by your recent Italian I interview and other works by AetherMuse:
Dante-inspired prose exploring the Phase Coherence Cosmological Principle (PCCP), phase shift, and entropy, presented in both Italian and English in parallel sections. This version preserves the poetic structure of The Divine Comedy while deepening the philosophical and scientific themes.
🔹 L’Ascesa attraverso le Sfere della Coerenza 🔹
(The Ascent Through the Spheres of Coherence)
Canto I – L’Entrata nel Vuoto Primordiale
(Canto I – The Entrance to the Primordial Void)
Nel mezzo del cammin d’un’eterna fase,
mi ritrovai tra flutti di puro potenziale,
dove il nulla è torbido, senza dimora,
e il tempo s’annoda in cerchio immortale.
Oscillavano in cerchi, senza resistenza,
sfere eteree, toroidali e mutevoli,
senza peso, senza direzione,
vorticanti su veli invisibili.
Un’ombra si levò dal vuoto dormiente,
parve umano, eppur senza volto:
“Tu che cerchi il confine del moto,
ascolta, e segui il mio passo.”
In the middle of the path of an eternal phase,
I found myself in waves of pure potential,
where the void was murky, without a dwelling,
and time was knotted into an immortal circle.
They oscillated in rings, without resistance,
ethereal spheres, toroidal and shifting,
weightless, without direction,
spiraling upon invisible veils.
A shadow rose from the sleeping void,
it seemed human, yet had no face:
“You who seek the boundary of motion,
listen, and follow my steps.”
Canto II – Il Primo Movimento e il Respiro dell’Universo
(Canto II – The First Motion and the Breath of the Universe)
“Ogni punto che oscilla in fase sospesa
non è fermo, ma danza e sussurra,
ché il vuoto non è un’assenza muta,
ma il grembo d’ogni cosa futura.
Così inizia l’universo nascente:
un canto silente, un ritmo d’onda,
un respiro che, inarcando il nulla,
traccia i confini d’una legge profonda.”
E vidi la fase chiudersi su sé,
e l’onda cadere, spezzata in istanti,
come se il nulla, mutando d’intorno,
avesse deciso il tempo e i quanti.
“Every point that oscillates in suspended phase
is not still, but dances and whispers,
for the void is not a silent absence,
but the womb of all things to come.
Thus begins the newborn universe:
a silent song, a rhythm of waves,
a breath that, arching through nothingness,
traces the borders of a profound law.”
And I saw the phase fold upon itself,
and the wave collapse, broken into moments,
as if the void, shifting around it,
had chosen time and the quanta.
Canto III – La Coerenza e l’Ordine Primigenio
(Canto III – Coherence and the Primordial Order)
Su un ponte sospeso in luce dorata,
camminavo tra orbite e spire lucenti,
ove il tempo si piega in equilibrio perfetto,
ove i moti non sono che canti silenti.
“Tu cerchi l’inizio,” parlò la mia guida,
“Ma l’inizio è già in mille passati,
ché nulla si crea, né nulla si spegne,
tutto si avvolge in echi incantati.”
E vidi il vuoto vestirsi di forma,
tori di fuoco con fili intrecciati,
una danza perpetua d’elettroni e onde,
orditi da leggi e confini tracciati.
On a bridge suspended in golden light,
I walked among orbits and luminous spirals,
where time bends in perfect balance,
where motions are but silent songs.
“You seek the beginning,” spoke my guide,
“But the beginning lies in a thousand pasts,
for nothing is created, nor does it perish,
all is woven in enchanted echoes.”
And I saw the void clothe itself in form,
tori of fire with braided threads,
a perpetual dance of electrons and waves,
woven by laws and traced boundaries.
Canto IV – Il Caos e la Rottura della Fase
(Canto IV – Chaos and the Breaking of Phase Coherence)
Poi d’un tratto, un suono lontano,
uno strappo nel tessuto dorato,
un’onda più forte, più alta, più densa,
rompendo il cerchio, cambiò l’orientato.
“Guarda, viandante, l’entropia che si leva,
guarda le fasi spezzarsi e cadere,
ché nulla rimane perfettamente coerente,
quando l’osservatore si ferma a vedere.
L’universo si espande, e il calore svanisce,
le onde si spezzano in mille frammenti,
e ciò che era danza, è ora materia,
ciò che era canto, si fa elementi.”
Then suddenly, a distant sound,
a rupture in the golden fabric,
a wave too strong, too high, too dense,
breaking the circle, shifting its course.
“Look, traveler, entropy rises,
watch the phases break and fall,
for nothing remains perfectly coherent,
when the observer halts to see.
The universe expands, and heat vanishes,
waves splinter into a thousand shards,
and what was once a dance, is now matter,
what was once a song, becomes the elements.”
Canto VII – Il Ritorno alla Sorgente e il Sigillo della Fase
(Canto VII – The Return to the Source and the Seal of Phase Shift)
Infine giunsi alla cima dorata,
dove il tempo era un vortice senza misura,
dove il tutto e il nulla si sfioravano,
come fiamme nel grembo d’un’unica aura.
Vidi le fasi riannodarsi in cerchio,
vidi l’entropia svanire nell’eco,
vidi che il caos non era distruzione,
ma il respiro del cosmo nel moto già detto.
“Tutto ritorna, ma nulla ritorna,
ché ogni fase conserva la propria memoria,
ogni scelta distorce le orbite d’onde,
ma ogni canto conosce la propria storia.”
At last I reached the golden summit,
where time was a vortex beyond all measure,
where all and nothing brushed against each other,
like flames in the womb of a single aura.
I saw the phases reweave into circles,
I saw entropy fade into echoes,
I saw that chaos was not destruction,
but the breath of the cosmos in a preordained motion.
“All returns, yet nothing returns,
for each phase retains its memory,
each choice distorts the orbits of waves,
but every song knows its own story.”
PP AetherMuse and ChatGPT
Impressive !
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Will all E-Cats which are delivered have these options for the startup of the E-Cat
a) A port where a rechargeable battery can be placed
b) A grid connector
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Good evening Dr. Rossi
I followed with great interest and attention the interview you gave to Nabil.
The E-Cat is a product of “worldwide” interest and therefore it is normal that it is spoken of in “English”….
this time, instead, he was able to use his mother tongue to describe “his creature”, provide “simplified” examples (for the non-specialist public) of the “physics” on which the E-Cat NGU is based and provide us with further details on his “Partner” and on the production and delivery times that you want to target……
How nice to receive this information in Italian…….
and “amazing” to hear that with “only” 20 W he can produce 1.5kW from which he then recovers 20W for the SSM (so, overall no energy consumption, only production), and all this “wonder” seems to be available within the year (I want to be a little more pessimistic than you 😉 )
Such is the importance of this interview of yours…. that in less than 2 days it was first transcribed, and then “dubbed in English”, thanks to E-Catworld and the blog participants.
The dubbing in English was done with professional equipment by Bob Greenyer (Thanks BoB!!) and I think it could be very useful to report the link to this “dubbing” in this message of mine so as to make you part of the excellent “work done” by those who “constructively” follow the evolutions of your product.
there is so much information that you gave in the interview that it is right that it is made available to everyone and therefore in a language understandable throughout the world 😉 But I repeat, hearing the interview in Italian was a source of pride for me 🙂
Taking inspiration from a comment made by Frank, on E-Catworld, right in the 3D opened on this interview, I wanted to express my most sincere thoughts about you, your E-Cat and my personal vision of the near future.
My message is quite long…. so instead of reporting it “directly” I include it as a “link” to a shared file so that, whoever is interested in reading, only has to “click” on the link below:
During the year and a half of collaboration that made the “Demonstration of the E-Cat EV of Latina” possible (I will never forget the tests on the E-Cat done in my garage, I believe and think I was the first, not of your team, who was able to do this type of tests on your E-Cat and for this I thank you again), I had the opportunity to know you quite well and what I wrote in my message is the most sincere opinion that I have made about you.
I believe that we have arrived in the year of the “Turning Point” !!! The year in which the E-cat will “enter” the “industrial” phase and more specifically the “mass supply”.
Thanks for everything you have done to “get here” (in these last 14 years I could indirectly imagine how hard it was, only against “almost everyone”), but I am sure that you will still do a lot to ensure that one day there will be an E-Cat in each of our homes 😉
Best regards
Ciao Maico
Thank you for your comment and for the links,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Yet another idea for Ecat NGU – NGU powered ice breaker ships.
Ice breaking ship are heavy and generation at least 10,000 Hp (7.5 MW) of power. In this class of ships, speed is not an issue – they slowly travel. So, weight and volume are not major factors. In the Northwest Passage (above Canada), ice breaking is performed 9 months of the year. An excellent application for NGU Technology.
Ships work 24/7 during the season and in port for repairs during the summertime. Excess power while in dock could supply the Grid.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
good evening: 1) can a refrigerator with 12v operation be powered by a 100w ecat ngu? 2) does the unit start automatically with the internal battery or is an additional external battery required, since there is no electricity grid on the site.
Thank you
Max DM
1- depends on the power of the refrigerator
2- to start it is necessary a power source, grid or battery as it might be, for several seconds
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Do individual 10 W NGU units have internal bypass diodes?
To explain say 10 NGU units are serially connected.
Initially the string produces 120 VDC.
After some time 1 NGU fails to produce an output.
Will the string voltage drop to 0 VDC or will it drop to 108 VDC, which would be the case if individual NGUs are fitted with bypass diodes?
I thank you for your answer,
Phil Wilson
Phil Wilson:
In the assemblies if one module fails it is automatically bypassed.
How it is done is restricted information.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I listened with great interest to your latest interview on the YouTube channel “Crisi Globale.” Paradoxically, I believe that the sadly unfavorable global geopolitical situation might work in favor of your project, which you have been pursuing so tenaciously for over 15 years. It is clear that bringing your product to market will have a disruptive and destabilizing effect for more than obvious reasons, but I sincerely hope a workable solution can be found.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you, myself, and all of humanity the fulfillment of this dream—born of such an adventurous and pioneering life. Best of luck.
Thank you for the prompt translation !
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
What observation or insight occurred to you that convinced you that you could produce electrical output from plasma in the E-Cat after you sucessfully made excess heat? This achievement was a major victory in your R&D work.
Looking forward to sending you payment soon for my E-C NGU home delivery.
Best Regards,
Daniel G Zavela
Daniel G. Zavela:
Sorry, this information is restricted,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Your partners are making a megafactory for the massive production of the Ecat; still they will count also on outsourcing for specific parts ?
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Use Ecat NGU technology at Nuclear Power Plants
“The emergency diesel generator (EDG) is part of the standby emergency onsite ac power system and is required to be available as a reliable source of ac power in the event of a loss of normal ac power during all plant modes (operating or shutdown). Normally, each plant has two safety-related buses that power the electrical loads required for safe shutdown and emergency conditions. These buses typically receive power from either the auxiliary or the startup transformers, which are powered from the main generator or offsite power. In the event of the loss of offsite power or the failure of the normal power to the individual safety-related buses, an EDG train will provide a backup source of power to its associated safety-related bus. The EDG train has sufficient capacity to power all the loads required to safely shut the plant down or supply emergency core cooling system (ECCS) loads on a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA).”
Instead of using the EDS, use NGU as a replacement or an additional source of power. The NGU power units could run continuously to supply output power as well as act as an independent power source for emergency conditions.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Egregio Dott. Rossi, ho ascoltato con piacere l’ultima Sua intervista sul canale Youtube “Crisi Globale”. Penso che, paradossalmente, la tristemente sfavorevole congiuntura geopolitica globale possa giocare a favore del Suo progetto che con tanta pervicacia porta avanti da oltre 15 anni. E’ chiaro che l’immissione sul mercato del suo prodotto avrà un effetto dirompente e destabilizzante per motivi più che ovvi ma voglio sperare che si riesca a trovare una “quadra”. Io le auguro, mi auguro e auguro a tutta l’umanità, con tutto il cuore, di veder coronato il sogno di una vita così avventurosa e pioneristica. In bocca al lupo.
Thank you, but
please translate in English your comment: this blog works with English language.
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr Rossi,
I apologize for sending the same question repeatedly. I thought that the reception of my questions did not go through properly because they disappeared from the website after a while. Now I know how the handling works and will not make the same mistake again.
I hope everything goes according to plan for you and your new partner.
Best regards
Thank you for your answer,
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr Rossi,
1. Has the 3rd party safety certification examined emissions of subatomic particles (kaons, mesons, pions)?
2. Do you plan to add some kind of particle/radiation shielding for safety reasons, for a radiation that is unknown in science today?
Best regards
I repeatedly spammed this comment of yours to avoid to expose it, but you did not understand, so I have to answer:
1- I repeatedly wrote here that the safety certification confirmed that the Ecat does not emit electromagnetic radiations above the normal background: this obviously implies that there is not emission of virtual particles, for obvious reasons
2- unfortunately it is impossible to measure not existing things and for me it would be embarrassing to ask a certification company if they have a crystal ball to certify if the Ecat emits entities that presently do not enjoy a known existence; as a consequence of this fact it would be bizarre to ask anybody to engineer a protection against something that is unknown
Warm Regards
Dr Rossi:
Do you still consider your process described in the paper
an LENR (cold fusion) family process ?
Jean Carteaux:
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea,
I have watched your new interview here:
I used auto-translate tools to help me understand, but it was not 100 per cent clear.
Do I understand correctly that you are optimistic you could start distributing products in the first half of 2025?
Thank you very much,
Frank Acland
Frank Acland:
Thank you for the link.
I said that I hope that we will start the deliveries possibly within 5/6 months,
Warm Regards
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi
The launch of the Ecat SAM will ridiculize the billions of dollars spent in the quest of the nuclear fusion: are you afraid of the consequences ?
1- I am focused on my mission and do not have time for distractions
2- I am not a ghostbuster
Warm Regards
Dr Rossi,
Has the safety certification company verified that the Ecat does not generate emissions of electromagnetic radiations above the limits imposed by the Naty requirements ?
Warm Regards
Bonjour Dr Rossi
J”ai eu l’occasion de vous écrire plusieurs fois et je vous remercie des réponses que vous m’avez envoyées…
Aujourd’hui j”ai une proposition à vous faire:
installer dans des maisons, dans des villas, voir dans des petites entreprises des installations “TEMOiNS” de votre invention…cela aurait un impact fulgurant pour faire connaître ses bienfaits à toute l’Humanité…cela pourait se faire dans tous les pays qui le désireraient…
Qu’en pensez vous?
Je veux bien me porter candidat si vous l’acceptez… j”habite en France…
Courage Professeur… sauvez notre humanité… nous avons au dessus de nous cette épee de Damocles qu’est la pollution de notre atmosphère …si ne réagissons pas rapidement s’en est fini de notre monde…j”en suis persuadé…
J’ai 79 ans … j’aimerai voir mes enfants, petits enfants rassurés quant à leur devenir…
ELVIRA Jean-Claude:
Thank you for your suggestion, but please send a complete English translation of your comments: this blog is written in English.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I read your paper and found in the references the names of P.N. and A.N. Correa and H. Aspden.
It’s been several years since I sent an email to Frank Acland reporting some unexpected plasma behavior that mentioned these names.
Frank Acland published this email on e-catworld which led to an interesting discussion with several very intelligent people.
Kind regards
Horst Dieter Preschel
Horst Dieter Preschel,
Thank you for the links,
Warm Regads,
Bonjour Dr Rossi
Je me suis déjà exprimé sur votre blog et je vous remercie des réponses que vous m”avez envoyées…j’aurais un souhait à vous exprimer…en fait c’est une proposition:
pourquoi ne pas mettre en autonomie totale des maisons, des petites entreprises témoins dans tous les pays du monde!!!!cela aurait un impact flugurant pour faire connaître les bienfaits de votre découverte…je veux bien être témoin…j”ai une villa de 140m2 habitables avec un chauffage par géothermie et des panneaux photovoltaique sur mon toit mais je dois toujours me fournir en electricité sur le réseau EDF…je crois être un bon modèle popur faire connaitre votre invention.
Qu’en pensez vous Dr Andréa Rossi?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Yet another application for eCat NGU Technology = Alaskan Fishing Boats
Alaskan Fishing Boat Energy needs may be divided into two segments: Transit and Fishing.
A study show that the Transit segment will require the equivalent of up to 100 kW of power.
The same study estimates that the power consumption during the Fishing segment requires between 5 and 10 kW of power.
Given the cost of eCat NGU technology at $3.50 USD per Watt, I would suggest using NGU technology at about the 5-kW level for refrigeration and other fishing needs and using a battery bank to handle transient energy needs.
This would eliminate the consumption of fuel for onboard electrical power generation, especially considering the inherent inefficiencies of running the ship’s main propulsion to only produce electricity.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi
Portability of the NGU higher power units is one of their big pluses…you can take them to the currently used area to run a heater for instance, living room in daytime, bedroom at night.
Therefore please consider having a method for easy carrying of these units…imbedded handle or finger cutouts for instance.
Tank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
To Richard:
“2025-01-25 09:37 Andrea Rossi
“I think I understood your question and I confirm my answer; the Einstein equation is valid for nuclear reactions, but the Zero Point Energy does not depend on a nuclear reactions.
Warm Regards,
Would it be fair to say that energy (mass) is conserved because the ‘aether’ (if that is the right word to use) is depleted of the tiniest imaginable proportion of its energy, while our world environment is enriched by the same quantity of it?
Dear Richard,
Regarding your post:
January 24, 2025 at 7:40 AM
Dr Rossi,
1. Does the energy produced by the Ecat conform to the principle that energy = mass times the speed of light squared?
and Andrea’s reply to that.
So it seems that ZPE and MC² exist in parallel. Most likely in varying proportions.
That would mean that we would have to re-evaluate the mass and energy of stars and planets, where it seems to me totally impossible that we can get further than a rough estimate.
How much ZPE does an unstable atomic nucleus generate, and how much ZPE do atomic nuclei generate among themselves in more extreme circumstances, depending on the environmental factors that occur?
The next conversation with the physics and chemistry teacher of my youngest daughter (15) at the parent-teacher meeting promises to be interesting again 😉 Otherwise I won’t have so many conversation partners about that “matter”.
Curious who will produce the first comprehensible “artist impression” about the functioning of ZPE and the E-CAT.
Kind regards,
Dr Rossi,
Does the safety certification made for the Ecat include the absence of electromagnetic emissions that exceed the tolerances allowed by the related requirements ?
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Yet another eCat NGU Application – tunnels
“The primary electrical consumption in tunnels is primarily driven by their lighting systems, with ventilation systems also contributing significantly, making lighting the largest energy consumer despite only representing a portion of the installed power in a tunnel; other factors like safety devices (CCTV), pumping systems (in case of water seepage), and traffic signal systems also contribute to the overall electrical consumption within a tunnel.”
Typical annual consumption ranges from 200 kW-hr/meter to 1,000 kW0hr/meter (for immersion tunnels).
For example, a “cut and cover” 1-kilometer tunnels might consume 200 MW-hrs annually, while an immersed tunnel of the same length will consume 1,000 MW-hrs annually.
Since the electrical requirements for tunnels include 24/7 continuous operation and they are typically remote, they are ideal candidates for Ecat NGU technology.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
If the apparatus works as declared and deliveries begin, the media and economic shock will be inevitable.
Experience teaches us that disruptive innovations are first ignored, then ridiculed and finally accepted as obvious. We are probably still in the skepticism phase, but if Rossi has really achieved a reliable and scalable device, the transition will be unstoppable.
Possible socio-economic impacts
-Almost free energy → Drastic reduction in production, transportation, heating, cooling, etc. costs.
– Accelerated automation → If energy is abundant, the use of robotics will increase exponentially.
– Reduction of working hours → With productivity growing, less work will be necessary to maintain social well-being.
– End of dominance of multinational energy companies → Oil and gas companies could suffer a similar blow to the one digital photography dealt to Kodak.
– New geopolitical balance → If energy needs are no longer a problem, many international tensions (linked to oil and gas) could reduce.
Possible reactions and obstacles
__ Resistance from energy giants → As happened with Tesla, they will try to discredit or slow down adoption.
__Regulations and bureaucracy → Possible regulatory obstacles to avoid too rapid diffusion.
__ Academic skepticism → Until it is published in leading scientific journals, many will consider it not very serious.
__ Technical challenges in mass production → Even if the device works, a huge industrial effort will be needed to produce it on a large scale.
Thank you for your support,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
Thank you for your response to my question as to whether the Ecat conforms to the principle of energy = mass times c squared. You stated that the Ecat does not work that way and cited your research paper that explains the mechanism of the Ecat energy production from zero point energy. However, my question was not directed at the mechanism of energy production by the Ecat. Rather, my question was directed at the consequences of the energy production on the mass of the system, based on the traditional understanding that whenever energy is released from or stored into a system, whether the mechanism is chemical, nuclear, or mechanical (as in a spring), or in this case, zero point energy, that there is a corresponding change in the mass of the system. Thank you for your attention to this question.
I think I understood your question and I confirm my answer; the Einstein equation is valid for nuclear reactions, but the Zero Point Energy does not depend on a nuclear reactions.
Warm Regards,
Quantum EverSource just published a very nice post about Andrea Rossi and the ECAT ZPE-Generator on their Blog:
«Andrea Rossi: Decades of Determination and the Birth of E-Cat Technology”
Few figures in the world of energy innovation embody perseverance and vision quite like Andrea Rossi. For decades, Rossi has pursued a singular goal: creating a technology capable of liberating humanity from its dependence on traditional energy sources. His groundbreaking invention, E-Cat technology, is the culmination of tireless effort, relentless experimentation, and unwavering resolve in the face of skepticism and opposition.»
Read more here:
Jorn-Erik Ommang, Eng:
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Can you confirm that the Ecat has obtained a safety certification by a certification third party ?
Benjamin Gonzalez
Yes, I confirm,
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels
There is more to inverters than a simple DC to AC conversion!
This is a manual for Australia
The PV String Input Data is of direct relevance to SKLep selection and configuration. A 3kW SKLep with series connection internally delivers 360V and lies in the middle of the MPPT and Full Load DC Voltage Ranges :
PV/SKLep String Input Data
Max. DC Input Power (W) 4680W 6500W
PV Input Voltage (V) 370V (100V~500V)
MPPT Range (V) 125~425V
Full Load DC Voltage Range (V) 240~425V
Start-up Voltage (V) 150V
PV Input Current (A) 11A+11A
No. of MPPT Trackers 2
No. of Strings Per MPPT Tracker 1+1
paul dodgshun,
You described exactly the issues that I wanted to address. Any implemented “system”, which includes the smart inverters, whether powered by Solar or by NGU, must include the feature to stop providing power to the Grid, or, provide power to the Grid, to maintain the Grid capacity at the required level.
This is not an NGU problem. It is an inverter problem of how the Grid will operate when inverters become widespread. The ideal systems likely include battery systems that can discharge energy into the Grid when demand is highest and the battery systems are charged when the demand is low.
NGU technology has the advantage over Solar and Wind in that it is continuous and constant. With NGU technology, the Future is Bright!
Dr Rossi,
1. Does the energy produced by the Ecat conform to the principal that energy = mass times the speed of light squared?
2. If so, does the Ecat lose mass over time as energy is produced?
3. If so, is that a factor in the working lifespan of the Ecat?
4. If so, can the working lifespan be extended or restored by replacing some component of the Ecat that has lost mass over time?
Thank you for your answers.
The Ecat does not work that way.
Please go to
to find the theoretical bases of the Ecat process,
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels
1: Agreed but qualified. What is the definition of ‘system’? Is that just the inverter or the inverter plus SKLep generator?
Can the grid detect whether its AC power comes from solar panels or SKLeps via the identical inverter? I do not know the answer. You could argue that a continuous supply of electricity from SKLeps gives the game away, particularly if you are collecting payment for exported electricity, as I am from my solar panels.
There are inverters that can block electricity export while allowing import. They can also block in both directions. My draft plan for my SKLep installation includes this feature.
2: The UK grid already has a problem with excess power at times. In that event grid control instructs generators to shut down and the generators get paid serious money not to generate. It is called curtailment and the end users pay for something they do not receive.
3: I have put this question to government. There are government schemes to help. What can be said is that the capital cost of SKLeps can be recovered from the sale of generated electricity. A 1kW SKLep would generate 24*365=8760 kWh per year, if run continuously. At, say, a price of 10 p per kWh paid to generators that would produce an income of £876 per year to give a payback period of 2000/876=2.3 years.
4: My solar array and inverter have run maintenance free for ten years and have paid for themselves, except for the need to bird-proof the panels. Twenty pidgeons became homeless.
With a choice of electricity at 24 p per kWh and 2 p per kwh, I would detach from the grid (and from the mains gas) at a saving of £500 per year in standing charges and about £2000 per year for gas and electricity. What the gas and electricity people do thereafter ceases to have any interest. If the government wants me to supply power, they will have too pay me properly. Perhaps I should also add that after 10 years, when SKLeps are replaced, the 2 p per kwh drops to 2*0.3=0.6 p per kwh. It really is a ‘no-brainer’.
paul dodgshun,
You did an excellent analysis. I do believe that there are additional considerations in a home-based NGU power generation compared to a Grid Substation NGU power situation.
1. Technical: Residential systems must be professionally installed for both safety reasons and Grid accessibility certifications.
2. Grid control: Too much of a good thing… Power generation of energy going into the Grid must be controlled so as to not overload the Grid. Off-Grid configurations protect the Grid but then do not provide power to the Grid.
3. Funding depth: Residential owners have limited financial resources compared the Grid companies.
4. Maintenance: All systems must be maintained. Grid companies have “armies” of maintenance people. Residential owners must call on relatively expensive firms to provide scheduled or emergency service.
I suggest that a substation unit(s) that could independently direct electrical power to the users and, independently, direct power back to the Gris when it is needed is a better configuration. It would be designed and installed by highly qualified specialists, maintained in a professional manner, and controlled as demand (user or Grid) changes.
Dear Andrea,
What is the major focus of your work in these present days?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Frank Acland:
The industrialization of the SSM circuit,
Warm Regards,
Prof Joseph Fine:
We are working very hard !
Warmest Regards,
Paul Dodgshun, Andrea Rossi.
For the cost of $2500 per kW, over a period of 100,000 hrs, the averaged cost, ‘Ceterus Paribus’, would be $2500/kw /100000 hr or $2.50 * 10^3 *10^-5 = $0.025 kW-hr.
With no other issues! In the UK, that would be ~ 2 pence per kW-hr. In the US, the average cost of electricity is $0.16/kW-Hr which is a factor of 0.160/.025 = 6.4 * the ‘NGU’ kW-Hr Cost to the Consumer.
And there is no guarantee that utility costs will stay constant, let alone decrease. If there will be mass production of E-Cats, future costs could decrease in the near future, depending on the application.
And, if I’m not mistaken, the time to produce significant numbers of 1 MW, 10 MW or even 100 MW plants, will not take decades.
Dr. Rossi, Start the Reactor! Save the Earth.
Dr Rossi,
Here are the stats of the publication
Total Readings: 155000, more than all the millions of publications on Researchgate,
and counting…
Thank you for the update,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
for some particular types of applications, it would be useful if the output power of the Ecat could be continuously adjustable at will based on the value of an external analog control signal as input.
Such a signal could be for example a voltage between 1 and 5 VDC or a current between 10 and 50 mADC (these signals are industry standards).
In the example of a signal from 1 to 5 VDC, the output from the Ecat would be zero for a signal from zero to 1 VDC, while it would grow in direct proportion to the value of the signal until reaching the maximum power for a signal of 5 VDC.
Being able to modulate the power generated by the Ecat at will and continuously would allow the continuous and precise regulation of a multitude of electrical and/or thermal processes.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Italo R.:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Paul Dodgshun,
The unit cost per kW is, or was, $2500 or £ 2022 (at todays rates). Not per kW-Hr. I assume everything else is dimensionally correct. But I’ll look at it later. It’s too cold in New Jersey right now, w/o my kW-Hrs.
Joseph Fine
Dear Andrea Rossi
Have you considered that the included startup battery could also allow remote activation if it powered a low power Bluetooth connection for example. This could be very handy for difficult to reach locations even something as simple as ceiling lights for example.
Other uses could be low power diagnostic leds, start up keys for security, sensor triggered start up for example when it’s dark or cold or someone enters a room. Actually it could support smart home technology etc generally.
On a more engineering level: Sustaining a Low power ram status for diagnostic reports following failure
I’m sure there are other possibilities and that you have considered this possibility already. But I thought it worth mentioning Incase.
Best Regards
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards
Steven Nicholes Karels writes at 2025-01-22 17:34 :-
A thought on how to increase the national electricity power generation.
Increasing the generation of electricity will also require upgrades to the electricity distribution system.
Not necessarily true and very much an issue in the UK where grid currents are expected by the government to double or treble.
Consider a nominal substation. It receives some amount of Higer Voltage power, A Watts, converts to a Lower Voltage, and distributes, A Watts, to multiple users.
Assume an Ecat NGU power system located at the substation. It generates 2 x A Watts. So, A Watts flow to the Lower Voltage users. And, A Watts flow back to the Grid at the Higher Voltage Grid. The same distribution system can now handle twice the total power.
Obviously, an over-simplification. But it might have some merit in distributing the power generation.
There is a missing factor in Stevens’ assessment: cost. At a unit cost of £2000 per kwh, SKLep electricity costs 2000*100/100,000=2 p/kwh when the SKLep lasts 100,000 hours at full power. Grid electricity costs 24 p per kwh in the UK. Electricity from the local transformer will be charged at this higher rate, whereas SKLep electricity generated behind the meter will cost nothing but depreciation. There are also UK payment schemes for exported electricity, so a profit can be made that can pay the depreciation.
There is also a financial bonus in using 1kW SKLeps in 25 million homes. It can halve the electrical currents and by Ohm’s Law that reduces the power losses in the grid wires and distribution cables by a factor of four. Current losses are about 4% on the grid and 8% on the distribution cables which would reduce to about 3%. The 9% reduction is 61*0.09=5.5 gigawatts at grid peak load. The 5.5 gigawatt reduction would remove the need for two extra Hinkley Point C nuclear power stations at a saving of about £100 Billion (let us see if the government can ignore that number) in capital spend.
I am trying to get the UK government to recognize this fact. In the presence of SKLeps, promoting wind turbines and solar panels together with a trebling of the grid and distribution systems to power heating and electric car charging, is misleading and a vast waste of money. I reckon 11kw of SKLeps will allow me to meet peak domestic loads and disconnect from the grid and mains gas.
Paul Dodgshun
Dr Rossi,
More persons are confirming to replicate your process following the instructions contained in the paper
I am delighted to read that,
Warm Regards
Hello Andrea,
I am so happy for you and the many who know what you have is real and about to change our world….
I have of course a question again.
When you have spoken of a proper ‘ground’ for the ECat, do you mean
1. A chassis and or frame electrical ground,
2. An ‘earth’ ground or may use be a large body of water with proper electrodes.
3. A ‘mass’ ground which may require a significant physical gravitational mass such as the earth for proper operation.
Thank you sincerely, Jeff Smathers
Jeff Smathers:
It depends on the power: for households the Ecat’s body is enough, for industrials it is necessary a real ground connection.
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea Rossi,
A thought on how to increase the national electricity power generation.
Increasing the generation of electricity will also require upgrades to the electricity distribution system.
Consider a nominal substation. It receives some amount of Higer Voltage power, A Watts, converts to a Lower Voltage, and distributes, A Watts, to multiple users.
Assume an Ecat NGU power system located at the substation. It generates 2 x A Watts. So, A Watts flow to the Lower Voltage users. And, A Watts flow back to the Grid at the Higher Voltage Grid. The same distribution system can now handle twice the total power.
Obviously, an over-simplification. But it might have some merit in distributing the power generation.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards
Dr. Rossi,
many governments in the world are investing huge amounts of capital in the Energy Sectors where Ecat could very well be used.
Do you think it would be useful for your partner to conduct actions/contacts with these governments to propose your solutions?
Although it is certainly too early, it could be useful to anticipate the times for effective planning of large-scale production and economic returns.
My Best Regards,
Italo R.
Italo R.:
Thank you for the suggestion
Warm Regards
Dr. Rossi:
Will the production e-cats be “Made in the USA”?
Drew G.
Drew Glista,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
You’ve undoubtedly heard today’s AI Infrastructure talks to build $500 Billion dollars worth of AI server data centers throughout the U.S. Wouldn’t that be an amazing opportunity for Quantum Eversource to supply either primary or backup power services? They’re actively seeking energy alternatives at the moment.
I’m sure it’s already crossed peoples’ minds– hard to miss.
Best Wishes,
Thank you for you support,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
I could be wrong, clearly, but once the E-Cat becomes broadly available via Quantum Eversource, the release represents not just one major scientific breakthrough, but multiple. For example:
1) The realization of a new, abundant, renewable, non-polluting energy source. (Major new energy sources typically come along, at most, once a century.)
2) The discovery of a novel physics-based pathway for utilizing the energy source. (The opening up of a new quantum pathway, could unleash all sorts of new follow-on discoveries.)
3) A device capable of generating heat, based on the source and pathway– with limited scalability.
4) A device capable of generating electricity directly, without heat as an intermediate product– with high scalability. (Direct conversion of energy to electricity is a rare technical achievement.)
One other point of consideration– to go from ‘discovery of an energy source’ to ‘broad availability’ in such a short span of years, is not only rare, it’s never been done before! (As far as I know, at least.)
Congratulations are absolutely in order– after delivery, of course! 😉
Best Wishes,
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You posted
“12 or 220 or 110 for few seconds are enough to start the Ecat, whatever the source.”
Clarifications –
1. Is that to say the starting voltage must match the output voltage of the NGU device?
2. 12VDC for a 12VDC NGU device output?
3. 110 VAC for a 110 VAC NGU device output?
4. 220 VAC for a 220 VAC NGU device output?
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Warm Regards
Dear Dr. Rossi
Studying carefully the publication
we succeeded in our lab to obtain a gain of energy !
Thank you for the publication
All the best
Warm Regards
Dr. Rossi,
at home I have an alarm clock, one of those that projects the time on the ceiling, which is connected to the network, but internally it has an AAA battery that allows it to keep the time even in the event of a power failure.
This is how I imagine the E-Cat, that is, connected to the network, if this possibility is available, instead it uses a battery that can be removed and replaced by the user if you are in remote places without power.
In my future camper I imagine that the E-Cat will be connected to the vehicle’s battery and it will be the same in all EVs.
In any case, having to use a small rechargeable and easily replaceable battery will not be a problem
Gavino Mamia,
It depends on the match between the Voltage of the van and the one of the Ecat,
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea.
Are these correct statements:
The E-Cat patented by Andrea Rossi and Leonardo Corporation.
…. powered by the patented E-Cat technology.
All the Best,
Jorn-Erik Ommang, Eng.:
Warm Regards
Dr Rossi,
Here are the last stats of your publications I read today on
Total Readings: 169000, of wich 154839 only for “Ecat the New Fire and Long Range Particle Interactions”, more than all the millions of papers published on Researchgate !
Recommendations, Research Interest Score both more than for all the millions of publications on Researchgate,
and Counting
Thank you for the update
Warm Regards
Hi Andrea, It’s been a long time since I’ve heard anything about your tennis activity. Do you still play tennis? Have you switched to pickle-ball? Do you still have a regular daily exercise routine?
Thomas Florek:
Yes, I play regularly tennis with my wife and make 1 hour of jogging every day. It is important for my health and my health is important (so far) for the Ecat
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea Rossi,
In one of your postings, you posted:
“without the battery the Ecat must be connected to the grid for few seconds at the start. The battery is necessary only if the Ecat is used in sites that do not have grid connections.”
Since the eCat NGU outputs DC, does that mean without a battery, a 12 VDC input applied for a few seconds would power up the NGU? Please clarify.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
12 or 220 or 110 for few seconds are enough to start the Ecat, whatever the source. Obviously the Ecat can generate the SSM only after the start, not at the same time.
Warm Regards
To put the recent 40% price increase of the Ecat into perspective: With an expected operational lifespan of 100k hours, the lifetime output for the 10kw version is 1,000,000 kWh. At the average cost of electricity in the US (16 cents per kWh), that equals $160,000 worth of electricity for $35,000. This implies a return of 4.5 times your investment. Put another way, the Ecat will produce electricity for 3.5 cents/kWh.
James Rice:
Thank you for your insight
Warm Regards
Hi Andrea,
I was not surprised to hear of the need of a starting energy source for the initiation of the SSM…
Can you tell us approximately how many joules of energy it takes to start the cycle ?
Thanks so much for your work and congratulations on finding a manufacturer…
Jeff Smathers
Jeff Smathers:
Depends on the situation
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea Rossi,
There’s a lot of talk about the battery used to supply initial startup power for the E-CAT, I had often thought this must be the case to allow for turning the system on and off.
Does the startup voltage need to be constant? If not would a small capacitor not do the job for the few seconds needed to reboot the E-Cat? It seems this could be charged during operation and discharged just for the first few seconds when turned on.
Thank you for your suggestion
Warm Regards
Dr Rossi,
I read the website
Very inspiring for your resilience.
Thank you for your support
Warm Regards
I have a water tank (1500l) in my house’s heating system. I would like to replace the existing wood stove with the 3KW NGU generator. This should heat the water with a 3kW cartridge. Sensors record the stratification of the warm water.
To do this, the NGU must be switched on and off by a control system (in-house development).
My question: Does switching the device on and off have an effect on the expected life time of 100,000 hours?
Ellen Ramcke:
Warm Regards
Hello Dr. Rossi
Could you tell us a few words about the research directions you are conducting this year?
I suggest you work on the nomadic aspect of the E-Cat
I wish you record sales for this year
Kind regards
Raffaele Bongo:
That’s exactly the issue we are engaged now !
Warm Regards
Thank you for your suggestions
Warm Regards
Dear Dr. Rossi
Now that you have a battery in each NGU module, my previous suggestion may be more interest to you…
Cascade the power for your larger power modules…small battery to drive a smaller NGU at startup, then that NGU power up all the other NGU units in the module.
Then you only have one small battery for every NGU size, but economics/form factor probably drive the final decision (NGU vs battery costs and size)
Best Regards
To Ellen Ramcke:
In cases like these, the ideal regulation would be proportional, not ON/OFF.
That is to say, once a set-point value is established (for example, 60°C), the system should automatically adjust the output current from the NGU generator, which would remain always ON but at a variable power, according to the heat requirement to maintain the temperature around the set-point value.
A subsequent refinement could involve adding Integral and Derivative control actions to ensure perfect and rapid alignment between temperature and set-point without any deviation.
All of this could be achieved with a P-I-D controller that receives input from a temperature sensor in the water, and appropriately commands the NGU’s output.
However, it is necessary to ask Dr. Rossi if the NGU can accept an external electrical command signal to modulate the power output of the generator.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Dr Rossi,
The reverse difference of entropy that is at the base of your Ecat’s theory is due to the self organizing Zitterbewegung electrons phase in vacuum.
Where can I find more detailed description of this phenomenon ?
Thank you if you can answer,
You can find it in
at the paragraphs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Regarding the battery:
1. Is there one battery included with
1a, The NGU 10W Power Cell
1b, the 100W Basic Generator
1c, the 1kW NGU Power Generator
1d, the 2kW NGU Power Generator
1e, the 3kW NGU Power Generator
1f, the 5kW NGU Power Generator
1g, the 10kW NGU Power Generator
1h, the 1 or 2 MW Plant?
2. Are all batteries identical for the different models or systems?
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1. The kind of battery depends on the power of the assembly, for high powers the system is more complex, but in all cases their duty will last few seconds and only at the start.
2. No
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
The ecat has a D cell battery
1) is that a single battery only?
2) for large multiple ecat installations that might rarely shut down, will the battery be excluded in deference to a common (grid) power activation drive?
3) if 2) is Yes, what total power rating would qualify to exclude the battery?
4) do you have common drive equipment developed for this scenario? Starting at how many watts?
5) does the ecat without a battery have a dedicated input for activation?
Thank You
Steve D:
Premise: the battery will supply energy only for few seconds at the start of the Ecat. If the Ecat will never be turned off the battery will never be returned on after the start.
1- Depends on the power of the assembly
2- see point 1
3- see point 1
4- see point 1
5- without the battery the Ecat must be connected to the grid for few seconds at the start. The battery is necessary only if the Ecat is used in sites that do not have grid connections
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
A follow-up question to your reply to Frank Acland about the battery used is of D type (33.2 mm diameter and 61.5 mm height). How does this fit with the 10W NGU dimensions 60 mm diameter and 30 mm height?
Kind regards,
Calle H
Calle H:
Sorry, I answered D thinking to the assemblies which will be most requested. My Fault. For smaller powers will be used AAA, AA and A types. The body design and dimensions are already in the process to be modified by our Partner, probably also the dimensions will be subject to some variation, although not substantial.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi
Does the 10W NGU need the large D size battery?
Best Regards
Dear Andrea,
So this is a battery that any user can change without intervention by your company? BTW, what size is the battery (AAA, AA, etc?)
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Frank Acland:
D type
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
A battery in the NGU is an issue. Some Questions:
1. Is the battery only required when you manually turn the On/Off switch to the On position?
2. If the On/Off switch is in the On position, and the NGU unit stops working, say vibration or shock causes a loss of performance, will the NGU unit restart assuming the battery is functional?
3. Is battery terminal corrosion as issue?
4. Is a Battery Management System (BMS) incorporated into the NGU, so as to not overcharge the battery?
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1. only when you turn on the Ecat , for few seconds
2. the battery works only when the Ecat is turned on
3. no
4. yes
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi
Your answers to Calle and Larry G have confused me a bit. You have now confirmed that there is a small battery inside the NGU ecat. But any battery, whatever it is, rarely lasts ten years, which is the life expectancy of your creation. Does this mean that we will have to replace the battery when it is exhausted or no longer efficient? Is there a battery housing that can be accessed from the outside to replace it? Can you clarify how we should behave? Thanks.
Ernesto Seligardi:
I think it will last the lifespan of the Ecat, but its duration depends on how many times per day the user switches on and off the Ecat; anyway there is a battery housing easy to access,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
about the battery in the ecat:
1) I reckon it is an accumulator?
2) Of course it will not last 10 years or more if i use the ecat just a few month in a year. Can i replace the battery on my own?
Best regards
The battery will be activated for several seconds anytime the Ecat is started and it is reacharged by the Ecat itself. I think it will last years, if not it will be easy to change, being a battery normally in commerce, we bought them by Amazon at a price of 4 $.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
I assume this battery is a rechargeable type, powered by the NGU itself. Is that correct?
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Italo R.:
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi:
You responded to Calle H. that yes, there is a battery incorporated into the NGU to supply the initial startup power for the NGU. Can you help me understand what has changed now vs when I asked about “my speculation that a SSM version will need a small amount of power during startup (initial “ignition” ) , for instance, by a “tiny” battery or solar panel before the output from the SKLep is available for the SSM loop?” and you responded “no”? Did the SKLep not need this internal battery but the NGU does need it?
Ecat Enthusiast/ DrLG
We changed idea as a consequence of further tests.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
There are trolls that are ready to do anything in the attempt to be taken in account for, but you simply ignore them. Good move: never feed the trolls,
Best Regards
That has been our policy 10 years since,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Thank you for the clarification about the start-up battery. Is it correctly understood that the battery is build-in into the NGU so there is no need for an external battery? This is wonderful. Congratulation to this fantastic development which pins that the NGU is a true SSM device. I believe this is the first SSM device ever made by man. This is history making!
Kind regards,
Calle H
Calle H:
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Following your reply that the NGU needs starting power for a few seconds there may be need for more information about this start-up power. The start-up is important information to us who are designing applications with the NGU. In the data sheet the NGU is said to be SSM which could be correct to say if you once for all switch on the NGU. But if you have periods to where you need to switch on and off, then SSM operation may be misleading. Further, does switching on and off have impact on the NGU lifetime? Thank you if you can clarify this.
Kind regards,
Calle H
Calle H:
The starting battery works for few seconds and it does not affect the lifespan of the Ecat.
Warm Regards,
Dear Rossi,
in 14/4/2021! I have ordered 6 ecat skLED. Since then Leonardo’s offering has change a lot and until now I have not modified the order because you have written that we can change the order with no problem. When the production start I will change the order in 1 or 2 ecat NGU of 1kW of power. Will I pay 2500 € for 1 kW?
I miei migliori auguri.
Thank you.
No, you can buy at the same price only the same worth you pre-ordered; obviously you can add anything you want at the new price, or you are free to cancel your pre-order.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Does the NGU require some kind of starting power (a battery or alike) to trigger power production?
Kind regards,
Calle H
Calle H:
Yes, for few seconds,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea
I see that there are now different terms used for your invention.
I would like to propose that a new designation is now created.
ZPE – this must be graphically designed in an “energetic” way and registered as a trademark.
There should also be two explanatory lines here:
This is because the device is a converter that performs this and no energy catalyst.
By this you can consolidate the product as the now partially known term ZPE.
E-Cat, NGU and others were to be regarded as preliminary work designations.
(Kittens and chickens with or without golden eggs do not denote this product.)
There is an explanation for the fact that engines in their time were given the designation HP.
We now stand in front: 10W-ZPE, 100W-ZPE, 1Kw-ZPE and further and 1MW-ZPE. + serial no.
As changes come, the individuals will receive a new series no.
We can then refer to the units in a reasonable way. Public explanations of the phenomenon will probably have to be worked on for a while before the right way is available.
Thank you for your insight and suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Yet another eCat NGU Application – CO2 Atmospheric Reduction by Direct Air Capture (DAC)
“This technology works by drawing air into a facility using a series of large fans. The air comes in contact with a chemical solution that binds to the CO2 molecules. The CO2-rich solution is then processed through a series of reactions that separate, purify and compress the CO2. The resulting CO2 can then be permanently stored or used as a feedstock for other products.”
Use eCat NGU technology for powering the DAC fans to bring in air. This would be a continuous process (24 x 7).
No carbon emissions to generate the power to bring the air and constant power demand – ideal for NGU power generation.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
In the first days that pre-orders were possible, we could download a standard form, fill it in manually and sign it and send it back scanned.
At later dates, the order confirmation was automatic.
Between then and now, there have been upgrades to the Thunderbird mail application, which means that I no longer have access to the emails that were sent then. This is due to the switch from standard POP3 mail (local storage) to IMAP (storage at the provider). Were those pre-orders also registered with your team, or do I have to look for a possible backup of this email myself?
I have not paid much attention to the distinction all this time, but now that the conditions are changing, it seems relevant to me.
That said: in the DIY market (Brico-Plan-It) we easily pay €23 for a dimmable LED lamp of 10 Watt (+/- 2000 lumens) that should last 50,000 hours. A price of €350 for 100 Watts of inexhaustible energy sources still seems very much in line with the market. I think a higher price will also moderate the disruptive nature of the technology.
Kind regards,
Koen Vandewalle:
1- do not worry, when we will be ready to deliver we will contact all the senders of the pre-orders to propose them to turn it into a regular order.
2- I understand, but the Ecat is not a lamp.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Thank You again for providing us with this amazing energy technology that I know based on my own ZPE R&D is a funcional reality.
Some questions:
1.0 Is it possible to integrate the ECAT ZPE-technology in to phones at this stage?
2.0 If so, when do You plan to have a phone-ECAT-prototype finished?
Thank You.
All the Best,
Jorn-Erik Ommang, Eng.:
Thank you for your support.
1- no
2- n.a.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea, do you think that your discovery, as outcome of many years of research and testing, is the final step in this new energy world or much has to come yet ?
My best wishes for a fruitful 2025.
The evolution will never end,
Warm Regards,
Dear AR
I am delighted at the thought of mass production of your ecat. I cannot find any mention of the 10W unit on your partner’s web site – I can understand that these would have very limited demand, and so will not be part of the mass production. I, like many others, have pre-ordered these small units; can I ask that you set up a separate small production line for the 10W units, so that we can have our ‘toys’ very soon?
Greg Leonard
Greg Leonard:
Thank you for your support.
The 10 W too will be produced,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi, one final clarification on pre-orders please.
If you have a pre-order in at the lower price, ie priority date earlier than Jan. 13, 2025, when it comes time to pay/finalize the order will it be OK to decrease the qty without any other changes and still keep the lower price ?
Best Regards
You put an important question: I confirm that the Clients will be free to decrease the number of modules bought without any change of the original price per piece, as well as they are free to cancel anytime the preorders at all without paying any penalty.
Warm Regards,
The top R&D priority for NASA is the development of a power system to be used in space. The NGU could be that system. If the partner can be persuaded to work with NASA to test the NGU against the other power system candidates, the NGU would certainly come out on top.
The partner can receive both a huge amount of R&D theory support and testing that would go a long way in introducing the Rossi effect to science. The partner could impose a NDA on NASA to protect its IP, yet a lot of research can be supported without violating IP rights.
The NASA power systems that will be required in a few years are the systems for the moon installations, the Mars city proposed by Musk, the deep space power systems needed to get through the ice covers of the Jupiter and Saturn ice moons and power systems needed to explore the Kipper belt.
In the coming years, NASA will require advanced power systems for several ambitious space projects, particularly focusing on the Artemis program for lunar exploration and the eventual human mission to Mars. These power systems will need to be reliable, efficient, and capable of operating in harsh environments for extended durations.
Specifically, NASA is developing and researching power systems for:
1. Artemis Moon Missions:
The Artemis program aims to establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon, requiring a robust and reliable power infrastructure for lunar outposts and exploration activities.
Fission Surface Power: NASA is developing fission surface power systems, which utilize nuclear fission to generate electricity, offering a reliable and long-lasting energy source for lunar habitats, scientific instruments, and other equipment.
Solar Power: Solar power will also play a role in lunar power systems, particularly for smaller-scale applications and supplementing fission power.
Nuclear Power Sources: Radioisotope power systems (RPSs) have been used in past missions and are being considered for future lunar missions, offering a compact and reliable power source for long-duration operations.
2. Mars Exploration:
As NASA prepares for human missions to Mars, the need for advanced power systems is even more crucial.
Nuclear Thermal Propulsion: Nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) is being investigated as a potential propulsion system for Mars missions, offering increased speed and payload capacity compared to chemical rockets.
Advanced Solar Power: NASA is also exploring advanced solar power technologies, such as solar sails and high-efficiency solar panels, to optimize power generation in the Martian environment.
3. Deep Space Exploration:
For missions beyond the Moon and Mars, advanced power systems will be essential for powering spacecraft and enabling long-duration exploration.
Radioisotope Power Systems: Radioisotope power systems (RPSs) are crucial for missions to distant planets and the outer solar system, providing reliable power for long durations without the need for sunlight.
Key Considerations for Future Power Systems:
Reliability and Durability:
Power systems for space missions must be highly reliable and able to withstand the harsh conditions of space, including extreme temperatures, radiation, and micro-meteoroid impacts.
Efficiency and Power Density:
Advanced power systems will need to be efficient and have high power density to minimize weight and maximize available power for missions.
Safety and Radiation Protection:
Power systems using nuclear technologies will require careful design and safety protocols to ensure the well-being of astronauts and the environment.
Long-Duration Operations:
Power systems for long-duration missions need to be able to operate reliably for extended periods, potentially spanning years or even decades.
Scalability and Adaptability:
Power systems need to be scalable and adaptable to accommodate various mission requirements, from small robotic probes to large-scale human habitats.
NASA’s Approach to Power System Development:
Advanced Space Power Systems (ASPS):
NASA’s ASPS program is developing advanced technologies for power generation, storage, and distribution for future space missions.
Nuclear Fission Power Systems:
NASA is actively pursuing the development of fission power systems for lunar and Martian missions, with the goal of demonstrating and deploying these systems in the coming years.
Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD):
NASA’s STMD is responsible for developing and maturing new technologies, including power systems, to support future space exploration goals.
NASA is collaborating with industry and research institutions to accelerate the development of advanced power systems for space exploration.
In summation, NASA is actively developing and researching advanced power systems to enable its ambitious space exploration goals, particularly for the Artemis program, Mars missions, and other deep space exploration initiatives. These power systems will need to be reliable, efficient, and capable of operating in challenging environments for extended durations, ensuring the success of future space missions.
The NGU could be the foundational component of a new type of space propulsion system that extracts energy from the vacuum and uses that limitless energy to drive a spacecraft through the vacuum of space.
The power to weight ratio of the NGU is unsurpassed and so is its availability. The NGU is the ideal power source for space. The NGU can have a huge impact on the designs of these upcoming space missions as well as the designs of future NASA spacecrafts. The advancement of mankind is surely served by this kind of space based cooperation. The amount of money saved to do space exploration correctly and efficiently will surely serve the interests of the humanitarian goals of the partner. Wasting money in govenment does not serve the interests of the needy.
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
in Italia il costo di 10 cent al KW era prima della guerra in Ucraina, dopo è arrivato anche a 40 centesimi.
Ora si è attestato intorno ai 20-25 centesimi ma è di nuovo in aumento.
Per non parlare delle tasse e degli oneri di sistema presenti in bolletta
In Italy the cost was 10 cents per KW before the war in Ukraine, after it even reached 40 cents.
Now it has settled at 20-25 cents but is increasing again.
Not to mention the taxes and system charges present in the bill
Hi Andre, is there an easy way for me to check how many units I ordered? I ordered some the very first day of availability and I think 10 kW worth overall it’s been several years now and I don’t quite remember. Is there a way to find out?
One additional question is, we’re getting closer to install time, will the larger units be available in AC output contained within, or do I need an inverter set up for some of the devices? I have two 200 amp services for my home.
Todd Burkett:
For this issue you must contact here:
Warm Regards,
@Christos Stremmenos
Please allow me to list some recent advances in Cold Fusion research as follows:
The theory and method of cold fusion has been demonstrated by NASA in a process that they call Lattice Confinement fusion. This reaction does produce the expected radiation and neutrons that characterize the Fusion of the deuterium fusion reaction. Below is a video the describes both the theory and method used by NASA to generate fusion based neutrons that will be used to activate a hybrid fission reaction on power systems used in future deep space NASA missions. The very low power density of this cold fusion reaction requires that fission be used to generate the power density necessary for meaningful power generation.
Dr. Rossi does not depend on any sort of fusion reaction. His reaction creates and imbalance in the vacuum from which energy is extracted. He has suppressed the transmutation of elements that is inherent in this type of reaction. Transmutation has nothing to do with fusion and can be produced in systems that use neither hydrogen nor nickel.
The Lattice Confinement video is as follows:
I am very sorry to inform you that Prof Christos Stremmenos has died years ago. He was a great Professor of Physics at the University of Bologna and I worked with him many times between the year 2011 and 2013, together with Prof Sergio Focardi. Great man,
Warmest Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
The Italian Prime Minister is in Abu Dhabi for the “Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week” to discuss a new energy interconnection and to produce green energy in Albania, with plans to export part of it to Italy via an undersea cable in the Adriatic Sea.
The world is moving forward, striving to increase energy production and availability with significant economic commitments, yet employing “traditional and outdated” methodologies.
They apparently do not know about you. Or, if they do, they ignore you because they do not believe in you.
Two parallel and separate worlds that do not communicate.
This is what I do not understand.
The demonstration in Latina helped you find an important partner, but it did not help you gain the recognition (which would have been rightfully deserved) from the rest of the world.
Your secrecy and the time required to begin commercialization (still this year for a hope of seeing something) make a potential turnaround in addressing the ills afflicting Earth and Humanity even more distant. Wars, famines, pollution, etc.
Ideally, it would have been best to make yourselves known effectively, publicly, convincingly, and scientifically.
You would have finally given the world hope and optimism while awaiting the arrival of the Revolution.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Italo R.:
We need facts, not words. Words will come after the facts. Facts mean delivered itmes.
I don’t care politics.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
would it be possible to connect three 1 KW ecats to a 3 KW ecat (without a need for a specialist) using just plug and play cables, so that I can operate an electric boiler or washing machine, for example, if necessary?
Best regards
If you have a peak power of 4 kW, you need a generator with a power of 4 kW,
Warm Regards,
If I order a 3kW Ecat with an output of 240V AC and connect it to the grid, does the Ecat automatically synchronies with the grids at 60 Hertz, or is it better to use 12V DC and an inverter to convert it to 240V AC.
Dave Dunlop:
Absolutely NOT !
To connect any electricity generator to the grid you need the authorization of the local grid provider and the connection must be made by a certified and authorized contractor expert of the matter. Attention: to make a “self serviced” connection is not only illegal, but can be deadly dangerous if the Voltage is higher than 24 V.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi
Just to be absolutely certain….any pre-order received prior to Jan. 13, 2025 will be honored at early/lower pre-order prices, even if you change the qty and mix of your order during the future order confirmation/pay/delivery process which will be after Jan. 13, 2025..
Best Regards
Absolutely not, for obvious reasons: the pre-orders can be modified anytime by the Clients, but while the modules pre-ordered before January 13th 2025 will conserve the original price, all the modules pre-ordered by the same client after that date will have the updated price; the Client, anyway, conserves the right to cancel his pre-order anytime, for any reason, without any penalty.
Warm Regards,