Rossi Blog Reader

This website tracks recent postings to Andrea Rossi's Journal of Nuclear Physics, sorting the entries with priority to Rossi's answers, which appear under each question.

• Email to Andrea Rossi - Journal Of Nuclear Physics
• Website comments to the Webmaster (who has no contact or connection with Rossi).
• Updated: 2024-10-22 15:30:09.304758Z

  1. Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    I continue to update the stats of Researchgate, since the increase is really exponential !
    Today the stats found on
    Total Readings 158473, +1653 more than yesterday, of which 145233 (+1665 more than yesterday) only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions)
    And counting !

  2. Andrea Rossi

    It is unbelievable; as you know, all the reads and the recommendations of Researchgate are certified and signed by the persons that make them, as well as the readings, and I have checked randomly who are the persons who read our papers and recommend them: they are mostly researchers, Professors, scientists, even Nobel Prize laureates: for us this is an honour, a real, big honour.
    Warm Regards,

  3. Axil

    Dr. Rossi, please allow me to express my opinion about your theory paper where there is mention of three properties of the electron clustering that may be referring to the same particle system. These three properties are Bose Einstein condensates (BEC), EV, and coherent electron clusters. It is well known in condensed matter science that BECs of electrons take the form of electron polaritons.

    An “electron polariton” is a quasiparticle formed when a photon strongly couples with an electronic excitation within a material or a plasma, essentially creating a hybrid particle composed of both light and an electron-like excitation, like an exciton in a semiconductor; it arises from the strong interaction between the electromagnetic field of light and the oscillating electric dipole moment of the electron excitation within the material or plasma. 

    Key points about electron polaritons:

    They form when the energy of a photon closely matches the energy of an electron excitation in a material, leading to a strong coupling between the two and the creation of a new, mixed entity. This formation takes place in an optical resonator that likely forms inside a fast rising spark.
    Exciton polaritons:
    There have been 70 types of these quasiparticles currently under study. But the particle most likely active in your reaction  is an “exciton polariton,” where the electron excitation is an electron-hole pair bound together by Coulomb attraction.
    Polaritons behave like bosons and exhibit unique properties like a modified dispersion relation compared to free photons, meaning their propagation speed can be significantly altered depending on the material and frequency. 
    The Exciton polariton does not have any charge. It was recently discovered that this particle has negative mass due to its dispersion characteristics.

    Hybrid particles surprise with negative mass
    Monday 8 May 2023

    It is likely that this quasiparticle is being formed in the Ecat system since the amount of light produced in the Ecat plasma system is significant. 

    The exciton polariton does have spin of 1 which makes the electron cluster of polaritons highly magnetic when a trillion trillion of these particles are packed into a volume of just a few cubic microns. 

    This polariton BEC has huge magnetic power and the negative mass of the condensate leads to the formation of a bubble around the condensate called a domain wall where a vacuum state forms that is different from that of the anbient vacuum.  It is this aberrant vacuum state that gives the Rossi reaction its ability to extract energy from the vacuum.


  4. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  5. Ernesto Seligardi

    Dear Dr. Rossi
    Gavino Mamia’s excellent reasoning leads me to the following conclusion: You would win the Nobel Prize for Physics, both if the ECAT was actually inside the safe, and if the safe was just a new type of battery you designed, with such exceptional performance. !!!! 🙂 🙂

  6. Andrea Rossi

    Ernesto Seligardi:
    Very good point !
    Warm Regards,

  7. Mitch

    dear AR, my marginal question: is the gadget hat you wear in the video for sale? and where? may be a good idea to advertise your product.

  8. Andrea Rossi

    Ha,ha,ha… no, we cannot sell hats, but…you gave me an idea: a hat could be give as a gift to all the Clients !
    Thank you for your innuendo,
    Warm Regards,

  9. Axil

    Upon reading the Ecat power paper, it dawned on me that the warranties on the Ecat might not be keeping up with technological advances. In the demo presser, Dr. Rossi said that he wanted to use an aggregation of NGU 10 watt cores to form his compound product such as the 100watt unit and the 3kW unit because these units are arranged in a way that allows any number of these 10 watt cores to fail without affecting the operation of the compound units.
    In this situation, availability of the compound unit is greatly improved. But if a number of 10 watt cores fail which would affect this availability level, the power production of these units will decrease over time as more and more 10 watt cores fail. To cover this case, Dr. Rossi could specify a schedule of reduction of power output similar to the way solar cells are warrantied. The current warranty is predicated on the 10 watt core which is inadequate to handle the compound unit availability, since these units will seldom if ever completely fail.
    As a solid state device, the behavior of the availability for solar cells is similar for the 3kW unit. For example, solar cells are typically protected against power reduction over time through a “performance warranty” which guarantees that the panel will maintain a certain percentage of its original power output over a specified period, usually spanning 25 years, with most manufacturers guaranteeing at least 80% power output after that timeframe; if the panel falls below this level, the manufacturer may provide compensation or replacement depending on the warranty terms.
    Solar panels generally come with two warranties: The product warranty covers the equipment and typically guarantees at least 10-12 years without fail, and the power or performance warranty often guarantees at least 90% production at 10 years and 80% at 25 years.
    Key points about solar panel warranties:

    Two types of warranties:
    Most solar panels come with two warranties: a product warranty covering manufacturing defects for a shorter period (usually 10-12 years) and a performance warranty guaranteeing power output over a longer period.
    Degradation rate:
    The performance warranty specifies a maximum degradation rate, which is the percentage of power reduction allowed per year.
    Linear degradation:
    Most performance warranties use a linear degradation rate, meaning the power output decreases steadily throughout the warranty period.
    Important factors to consider:
    When comparing warranties among compound NGU units, attention should be paid to the guaranteed power output percentage, warranty duration, and any conditions that might void the warranty ( improper installation, or environmental damage).

  10. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  11. Ambrogio Carugati

    Dr Rossi,
    The professionality of the 6 hours non stop video of the race between the Renault Twizy powered by the Ecat and the Renault Twizy without the Ecat has been made with impressive professionality. At last I saw a veritable top level test, certified by an expert of the Renault Twizy that piloted himself the car powered by the Ecat. Congratulations, impressive, solid, convincing job.
    Ambrogio Carugati

  12. Andrea Rossi

    Ambrogio Carugati:
    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  13. Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    Is this comment from ECat World

    From this video I think I now understand why he didn’t open the box. If I’m right he mentioned a lighter weight for the e cat a few (or 3kg?). There was some background noise though so I could be mistaken. If So the 8kg would be for the ecat plus all the other electronics in the metal box.

    The 10W devices in their plastic pucks weighed 30g as ircall

    I think this might indicate that the ecat is naked in the box with out the plastic containers. in effect since it’s contained in a metal box he didn’t need it

    If so then that would explain a lot as opening the box would have exposed its inner workings.


  14. Ambrogio Carugati

    @Gavino Mamia:
    I agree with your intelligent comment,
    Ambrogio Carugati

  15. cesare

    Caro Dottor Rossi,

    mi ha colpito il resoconto del PROF. circa la crescita”esponenziale” delle letture del documento su cui si basa la Sua invenzione e, di conseguenza l’ottima DEMO del 27 settembre, il cui filamto pare inizi a circolare in alcuni ambiti diciamo … interessanti?
    Così ho deciso di inviare il suddetto resoconto ai maggiore quotidiani italiani – a cui avevo già inviato il Doc, di CAMILLO, sperando che qualche giornalista nostrano desideri documentarsi!


  16. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  17. Herwig Lautner

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    To get back to your answer to my last post, I hope that the ECAT heating demo does the same thing with Count Dracula as happens to him at his birthday party in “Minions”!
    I am simply convinced that such a clearly visible separation of the entire unit would rule out a lot of speculation from the start.
    There are still a lot of people who are very skeptical about something that, in their opinion, is too good to be true!
    Good luck !

  18. Andrea Rossi

    Herwig Lautner:
    Too bad !
    Warm Regards,

  19. Gavino Mamia

    Dott. Rossi
    1) una macchina, con motore termico, col serbatoio pieno fa meno km/Litro di una col serbatoio quasi vuoto, perché alleggerendosi aumenta il rendimento.
    2) in una EV succede il contrario perché le batterie scariche pesano uguale a quelle cariche ma sono diminuiti i Kw di potenza.
    Facciamo finta che il punto 2 non sia vero e che una batteria carica abbia la stessa potenza di una quasi scarica.
    Nel Test di Latina la Twizy Orginale ha percorso 73,54 Km con una carica del 98,6%, quindi ha percorso 740 metri ogni 1% di batteria.
    la Twizy con E-Cat, partita con una carica del 62,18% (facendo riferimento 0,74 per 1%), si sarebbe fermata dopo 46,01 Km.
    Invece (quando è stata fermata) ha percorso altri 154,61 Km (totale 200,62 km meno i 46,01 Km fatti dalla batteria in dotazione).
    E siccome si è fermata col 82,42% di batteria (avrebbe fatto ulteriori 60,99 Km) in totale sarebbero stati 215,60 Km.
    Quindi, caro Dott. Rossi, la sua batteria nascosta nella cassaforte di sicurezza ha avuto un rendimento triplo di quella standard pur avendo un peso ed un ingombro molto inferiore.
    La smetta allora di accettare i preordini dell’E-Cat e di mostrare teorie fisiche incomprensibili alle persone normali.
    Venda questa fantastica batteria e così la gente sarà contenta.
    Scherzo ovviamente
    Scrivo il commento in italiano e anche tradotto da Google Translator perché non ho idea che sia una traduzione fatta bene.
    Buon lavoro
    1) a car, with a combustion engine, with a full tank does less km/liter than one with an almost empty tank, because the lightening increases performance.
    2) in an EV the opposite happens because the discharged batteries weigh as much as the charged ones but the kW of power decrease.
    Let’s pretend that point 2 is not true and that a charged battery has the same power as an almost discharged one.
    In the Latina Test, the Original Twizy traveled 73.54 km with a 98.6% charge, so it traveled 740 meters for every 1% of battery.
    the Twizy with E-Cat, which started with a 62.18% charge (referred to 0.74 for 1%), would have stopped after 46.01 km.
    Instead (when it stopped) it traveled another 154.61 km (total 200.62 km minus the 46.01 km done by the supplied battery). And since it stopped with 82.42% of the battery (it would have traveled another 60.99 km) in total it would have been 215.60 km.
    So, dear Dr. Rossi, your battery hidden in the safety deposit box had three times the performance of the standard one despite having a much smaller weight and size.
    So stop accepting pre-orders of the E-Cat and showing physics theories that are incomprehensible to normal people.
    Sell this fantastic battery and then people will be happy.
    I’m joking of course

  20. Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    Good point !
    Warm Regards,

  21. Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Now the stats of your papers on
    2200 total readings only in the last 24 hours: the increase is getting exponential, never seen anything like that on Researchgate !
    Here are the stats:
    Total readings: 156820, 2200 more than yesterday an more of any paper published on Researchgate ever, of which 143618 only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions”, 2200 more than yesterday
    Research Interest Score: 3076, higher than all the papers of Researchgate ever
    Recommendations: 11915, more that all the papers of Researchgate ever
    And counting….

  22. Andrea Rossi

    Unbelievable, yes, I noticed,
    Warm Regards,

  23. Gian Luca

    Caro A.R.

    Suggerisco, a riguardo il prossimo collaudo, che gli osservatori presenti abbiano a disposizione anche speciali occhiali per poter veder ciò che gli altri non vedono. Inoltre suggerirei che l’ECAT fosse vesso all’interno di un super magnete (del tipo ITER) e fosse circondato da M1 Abrams.

    A.R. il Sommo Poeta diceva……….”Non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa (Inf. III, 51)”. Così faremo tutti noi.

  24. Andrea Rossi

    Gian Luca:
    Warm Regards,

  25. Xavier

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    what belongs to the question of Mr. Lautner i reckon he meant it not malicous.
    But it would be enough to use a simple 50 Euro electric heater which is available in every DIY market and maybe to show that under the ecat is no connection, so just move the ecat 20 cm so that conspiracists have nothing to complain.

    Have you already a date for the test of the ecat with an electric heater? It will be the most important test for many people.
    Warm regards

  26. Andrea Rossi

    Obviously it was not malitious; I just joked, ut you mus understand that we simply do not take in account conspirators, trolls, … you name them, we ignore them.
    Warm Regards,

  27. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,


    “The world’s largest all-electric ferry yet has gone into service in Norway on a route across the Oslo Fjord. Bastø Electric is the first of three battery-powered ferries operated by the shipping company Bastø Fosen to enter Norwegian waters with more in the making in Turkey.

    The Bastø Electric is 139.2-metre-long and 21-metre-wide and was built by the Turkish Sefine Shipyard and has room for 600 passengers and 200 cars or 24 trucks. The battery and fast-charging systems for all three ferries are supplied by Siemens Energy from the battery factory in Trondheim. Bastø Electric uses batteries with a capacity of 4.3 MWh. The fast-charging system has a capacity of 9 MW, according to the shipping company. When docking, the ferry is always “charged at lightning speed”.

    The approximately ten-kilometre-long ferry route between Moss and Horten is Norway’s busiest ferry connection, according to Bastø Fosen. Annually, 3.8 million passengers and 1.8 million vehicles are transported on this route. “During 2022, emissions on this ferry route will be reduced by 75 per cent,” the shipping company says. Two other ferries are also to be converted from diesel to electric operation shortly. According to the company, each ferry docks and departs 20 to 24 times a day. The crossing takes around 30 minutes.”

    Consider 2 each 9MW land-based NGU systems, one at each port. About 24 ship transits per day. Charging takes about an hour (or less). Each system would have the equivalent of 90,000 100W NGU units. This would relieve the electrical grid of providing that power. And at a much lower cost (over time).

  28. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  29. Italo R.

    Dr. Rossi,
    I anticipate that the upcoming demonstration of the E-Cat powering a stove will be equally groundbreaking, and I am eager to see it.

    I understand you are already working on the setup, but I would like to propose the following:

    E-Cat Specifications: Utilize an E-Cat similar to the one employed in the Renault Twizy (approximately 3 kW), but without the safety enclosure.

    Inverter Configuration: The two wires emerging from the E-Cat will connect directly to a standard DC/AC inverter, which will be left exposed, without its external casing.

    Power Distribution: The output from the inverter (either 110 VAC or 220 VAC) should be routed to a series of traditional electrical outlets.

    Device Demonstrations: Various devices can be connected to these outlets, including:

    Fan: To illustrate its ability to power an AC motor, with paper strips placed in front to visibly demonstrate airflow.

    Lighting: Both incandescent and LED bulbs can be used.

    Stove: A conventional stove featuring visible incandescent filaments.

    There will be no requirement for measuring instruments.
    My suggestions may seem redundant since you likely have everything covered; however, they could easily be integrated into your existing plans.

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  30. Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  31. Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Here is a link to a video I took at the racetrack prior to the test, it might interest your readers:

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  32. Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  33. Dr. Rossi,

    Maico Marzocchi has mentioned that he did not see the contents of the explosion-proof box during the Latina demonstration, but can you tell us if you revealed the contents of that box to any of the potential business partners in attendance that day?

    Warm regards,

  34. Herwig Lautner

    For the upcoming next demonstration of an ECAT-electric heating unit combination, I would suggest placing it in a “free-floating” manner, so to speak, using strong opposite-pole neodymium magnets in order to make it clear to every observer that there is no physical connection to the device combination.

  35. Andrea Rossi

    Herwig Lautner:
    What about a chest of garlic and a system of crucifixes all around the Ecat, to be sure that the box under the Ecat is not the tomb of some descendent of Dracula the vampire, that hides very strong batteries in his tomb, connected with the Ecat ? When it turns to Andrea Rossi and the Ecat you can’t give nothing for sure. NOTHING !
    Warm Regards

  36. Italo R.

    Dr. Rossi,
    An interesting article by Gregory Daigle about your demonstration in Latina:

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  37. Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for this US publication,
    Warm Regards,

  38. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for this Polish publication,
    Warm Regards,

  39. Jan Srajer

    Mr. Rossi
    1. Is the Ecat SKLed safe against falling from 1m
    2. Will Ecat SKLed still work at 9V?
    3. Is the Ecat SKLed rain resistant?
    4. Is the Ecat SKLed resistant to frequent switching on and off
    Warm regards

  40. Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    As I already said, the theoretical ground of the Ecat, has been described rigorously in the paper
    specifically in paragraphs 2,3,4,5. Our experiments have corroborated our theorization.
    Warm Regards,

  41. Raffaele Bongo

    Hello Doctor Rossi
    It is considered that the earth connection of an installation must be less than 5 Homs. However, most aging installations far exceed this value.
    Your invention requires earthing.
    Can you tell me what is the maximum resistance required for the earth connection for the E-cat to operate correctly?
    What happens if the resistance exceeds the maximum value?
    Kind regards

  42. Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    The earth connection depends on the power and the system. For normal applications the earth can be a mass inside the Ecat’s body; for high power systems it is necessary a regular earth connection.
    Anyway, in the houses the plugs are already earthed, so the plug of the Ecat will automatically get a regular earth connection.
    Warm Regards,

  43. Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    I think a useful application for an NGU cell would be for charging USB devices such as mobile phones

    In my car, I have a device like this plugged into my cigarette lighter 12 volt socket:

    This one is rated for 63 W.

    My question is: Since the 100 W NGU outputs 12 Volts DC, could I connect this charger to it, and charge my phone?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  44. Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    The 10 W module can do that,
    Warm Regards,

  45. Andrea Rossi

    Hi Craig !
    I will never forget the years we worked together in New Hampshire.
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  46. Craig Cassarino

    Dear Andrea,
    I saw this national news of the USA this morning. You are getting the international recognition you deserve for this needed product for society:
    “SUBJECT:EV with ‘unlimited? range tested, car battery’s energy increases as it travels more”.
    Warm Regards,

  47. Jan Šrajer

    Let me describe your invention based on your theoretical work. Please don’t make it public if you don’t want to.
    E-cat is a resonant vacuum chamber with a little argon. Nickel and lithium is deposited on the resonant line in the chamber and is subjected to a magnetic flux through the winding. As a result, the chamber lights up, an electric field is created and it is possible to draw an electric current. The plasma generator oscillates in the THz range and draws energy from the vacuum via Argon.

    All the best J.Š

  48. Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Here are the stunning stats of your papers I found today on
    Total Readings: 154620 ( of which 141428 only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions” ), about 1000 more than yesterday and more than the 100% of 1.5 million publications on Researchgate.
    After the demonstration of the Renault Twizy powered by the Ecat the readings, also the Recommendations and the Research Interest Score have increased exponentially…and counting

  49. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update; actually we all are stunned for this unbelievable increase of interest in our theoretical work, although the demonstration of the race between the two Renault cars with one of them powered by the Ecat is an experiment that reinforces strongly the theory described in the paper
    Warm Regards,

  50. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another NGU Application – Battery Trickle Charger

    A smart battery trickle charger permanently installed in a non-NGU equipped vehicle – motorcycle, car, truck, or boat. It will charge and maintain the 6V, 12V, or 24V battery, while automatically sensing ambient temperature to avoid undercharging or overcharging. Powered by a single NGU 10W unit, it slowly charges a partially or fully discharged battery. No need to plug into an AC socket for power.


  51. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  52. Jaroslav Dobrovolny

    Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi
    We congratulate you on the successful E-cat Latina test.

    1.Did I understand correctly that the Sigma 5 e-cat Test was succsessful?

    2.Is it possible to use the Ecat Skl NGU for autonome Dry machine or heat pump in CZ?

    thank you
    Jaroslav Dobrovolny

  53. Andrea Rossi

    Jaroslav Dobrovolny:
    Thank you for your support.
    1- yes
    2- yes
    Warm Regards,

  54. Cesare

    Dear Camillo and Readers,
    considering the link: very interesting and exhaustive, I thought it appropriate to turn it over to the editorial offices of the following newspapers:
    Corriere della Sera – Repubblica – La Stampa – Il Fatto Quotidiano – Domani – New Your Times, Associated Press, The Time….etc, etc adding the links to the videos of Youtube,
    … inviting them – after having researched – to decide whether it was appropriate to inform their readers about the content of the proposed document.

  55. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  56. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you !
    Warm Regards,

  57. Italo R.

    Dott. Rossi,
    I wrote to the magazines “Focus” and “Quattroruote” talking about the demonstration in Latina. No response.

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  58. Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  59. Camillo

    I find it astonishing that at the end of almost 20 years of testing it presents discoveries, various emotions… in the end a “little ant” of just 10 W emerges which becomes the basic building block. With this brick for subsequent aggregations we start and we will see where we arrive. So a small vacuum tube with “xenon” gas inside is induced to emit an electric current at the ends if I understand correctly. I suppose there are random electric discharges of variable INSTANTANEOUS power… the declared power is therefore only the average. I used Xenon lamps in my fifth year of school, I remember that the light they gave off was similar to sunlight and allowed us to evaluate whether the color we had put in the fabric was similar or the same as the sample. (I am a dyer chemist, then a graduate in electronic physics). The Xenon lamp is strongly ionizing and poisonous Ozone is created in such quantities that one could only remain for short periods with the lamp turned on in a special, suitably ventilated environment. Now I wonder, in this E-Cat LED which is at the base there must also be a small battery that triggers it, which is then continuously recharged by the voltage generated itself. Is that so?

  60. Andrea Rossi

    To understand the theoretical bases of the Ecat technology you can, if you want, study the paper
    In particular the paragraphs 2,3,4,5.
    Warm Regards,

  61. Brice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Do you permit me to insist on the proposal to fly a toy drone?

    It doesn’t matter which cheap toy drone you would buy (10-30 Watt). While it would normally fly between 10 and 20 minutes… you could let it fly for many days. I believe this is just a very simple setup, made in day. So very convincing, it would blow everyone away, just as proof of concept of your reactor! I believe orders will flood in!

    With kind regards,


  62. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm regards,

  63. Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers,
    Please go to
    to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  64. Brice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Are you sure we’re talking about the same drones? I mean a toy that can fly or hover about 13 minutes in the air:
    The DJI Tello has a 3.8V 1100mAh (4.18Wh) battery. The average power consumption is about 10 Watt. So, if you buy such a drone ($150) today, it can already fly today when you connect 2 E-Cats! Instead of flying 13 minutes, it can keep on flying for years. Such a test is quickly done, within a day, is very cheap and is extremely convincing.

    What’s your opinion?

    With kind regards,


  65. Andrea Rossi

    I definitely am not a drone expert,
    Warm Regards,

  66. Lars Olov Lindberg

    Dear Andrea,

    I thought the only extra wiring was in the suitcase above the steel box, but:

    1. Did you also include a lot of extra wiring together with the E-Cat inside the steel box? If so, I can better understand why you don’t want to show what’s inside.
    2. When you do the demo with the heater, will it be without a larger box around the E-Cat?
    3. Could you use a standard heater at the next demo to avoid any questions about the heater itself?
    4. Is it possible to order E-Cats connected in a way that provides 240 V AC output, so I don’t need to do any additional connections myself? (so it works directly in Sweden)
    5. You mentioned previously that you studied in Sweden. Can you speak some Swedish?

  67. Andrea Rossi

    Lars Olov Lindberg:
    1- yes
    2- yes
    3- yes
    4- yes
    5- I never mentioned that I studied in Sweden, I said that we made many tests with Swedish Professors that you can see also in my profile here:
    I have Swedish friends and some word of Swedish I have learnt, but very poorly.
    Ha en fin dag,

  68. Brice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    There are endless possibilities with the E-Cat-SKL-NGU. However, I understand the safety concerns of ‘Paul’.

    Imagine that I install my home with a complete E-Cat-SKL-NGU-installation. Then I always need to be aware that I need a BMS for my car, my laptop, my rechargeable screwdriver… otherwise they could catch fire, isn’t it? I cannot imagine that charging an electric car with built-in E-Cats needs a BMS, while that same car doesn’t need a BMS when being charged by a wall socket that is powered by E-Cats? Can you assure that my neighbour can safely charge his regular electric car in my E-Cat-wall socket?

    This might imply that it is not possible to develop an E-Cat power plant, because customers always need to be aware not to use the electric power for charging batteries… or am I wrong?

    With kind regards,


  69. Andrea Rossi

    We are still far from flying objects,
    Warm Regards,

  70. Axil

    Dr Rossi has found over years of experimentation as typified when he developed the big 250kW reactors for industrial heat, that in only a very short amount of time, those big reactors failed because of corrosion. This failure of the structure of these powerful reactors was caused by transmutation of elements.
    Transmutation is an inescapable result of the nature of the LENR reaction. Transmutations’ effects on matter are scaled to the power density that the reactor puts out. At very low power density, the reactor just affects isotopic makeup of the elements in the reactor structure. Matter that has an even atomic number is affected more than elements that have an odd isotope number. The LENR reaction is magnetic in its nature, Because of this, the magnetic force of the reaction more easily penetrates into the nucleus of the atom when the number of protons in the nucleus are even. In nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), this feature is termed NMR active elements. Odd atomic elements are more resistant to transmutation than are even atomic number isotopes.
    In more detail, an atomic nucleus is NMR-active if it has a non-zero nuclear spin quantum number (I), which means it can interact with external magnetic fields and produce EMF based signals in NMR. These signals weaken the energy that can penetrate into the nucleus of an element since the EMF signal remove energy from the total magnetic power value:
    Nuclear spin quantum number
    This quantum property is similar to an atom’s spin and characterizes the nucleus’s angular momentum.
    Odd or even number of protons and neutrons
    Nuclei with an odd number of protons and/or neutrons have a non-zero nuclear spin and are NMR-active. Nuclei with an even number of both protons and neutrons have a nuclear spin quantum number of zero and are not NMR-active which means that the magnetic field of the LENR reaction enters the nucleus of the element at full power.
    Spin ½ nuclei or greater
    These are the simplest to study and are commonly used in high resolution NMR studies since they produce strong EMF signals.
    Spin quantum numbers of isotopes greater than ½
    These are also common, but are also generally well-suited for use in reactor structures
    Some examples of NMR-active nuclei that are not likely to produce transmutation include:

    1H, the 1H isotope of hydrogen
    13C, the 13C isotope of carbon
    14N, the 14N isotope of nitrogen
    As a result of all these considerations, there is a power density limit to the power that a LENR reactor can produce in order to keep transmutation in check during reactor operations. Dr. Rossi has found that this limit to be 10 watts of power. So a large LENR reactor must be composed of many 10 watt cores to keep the structure of a large reactor from disintegrating over time. Also, by using a large number of multiple small cores, enhanced availability results when any single core fails, its contribution to the large core aggregation is automatically compensated for by the aggregation of small cores.
    Furthermore, the isotopes in the plasma are not affected by transmutation giving the low powered reactor core a maximum lifetime compared to a high powered reactor.

  71. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  72. Brice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I’m still very impressed by your Twizzy-demonstration. I think another impressive demonstration can be done with a toy drone without batteries. Imagine that you keep it flying during days in front of the public! Then it is very hard to deny that the E-Cat SKLep NGU is real!

    Of course you’ll need security people and a security net around the small flying area against theft. Automated hovering or flying a fixed pattern with a drone can be done with a program, so you don’t need an operator.

    What is your thought about it?

    With kind regards,


  73. Andrea Rossi

    This issue is related only to recharge Li batteries,
    Warm Regards,

  74. Estremamente interessante:

    Ciò che ancora mancano sono le prudenti timide reazioni del mondo accademico.
    Siamo pazienti e attendiamo
    Un saluto

  75. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link !
    Warm Regards,

  76. Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Here are the stats of your publications on Researchgate found today on
    Total Readings: 140000, of which 153238 only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions”, the most read publication of 1.5 publications on Researchgate.
    After your demo of Latina the readings had a strong increase.
    And counting…

  77. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update; yes, we are receiving from all the world important requests,
    Warm Regards,

  78. Camillo

    From the recent interview we understand that the application in the automotive field will be long-term and will necessarily involve some car manufacturing company. The application in photovoltaics seems closer and simpler. If I understand correctly, the symbiosis of your system with a photovoltaic system doubles its output. In practice we could say that if we had solar panels that went from a yield that we estimate at 25% (the latest ones have even more) with the addition of your new device they would go to 50%. An epochal revolution.

  79. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  80. Paul

    Do special safety measures need to be taken for e-cats installed at home?
    I refer to the security measures taken in the electric car.
    Kind Regards,

  81. Andrea Rossi

    Absolutely not ! I have already explained here why.
    Warm Regards,
    Warm Regards,

  82. Rik

    I am sorry. I mean is it possible to charge lithium lifeo4 batteries, since their voltage is a bit higher at around 13.4 V

    Also: would there be any way to sell your products in third party websites?
    We have a platform that focuses on wellness and sustainable products. Your product would be a perfect fit for our target audience.

    Thank you!

  83. Andrea Rossi

    Yes, it is possible.
    When we will start delivering the Ecats you can contact us to see what we can do.
    Warm Regards,

  84. Viggo

    Dear Andrea,

    It was very exiting and inspiring to watch your latest interview just shared on the E-Cat World youtube channel.
    Thank you very much for sharing valuable information!

    Last week I ordered another 10 x 100 W e-Cat NGU (I like the “NGU” – so true!)

    Best of luck with everything that lies ahead now!

    Kind regards

  85. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you !
    Warm Regards,

  86. Klas

    To All:

    I fully agree with Koen.
    I also find the newly published whitepaper about E-Cat Power a good complement to the videos and quite useful for linking media and professionals.


  87. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you !
    Warm Regards

  88. Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Enthousiasts,

    I would like to inform you that Frank Acland’s website, [](, has been almost inaccessible for days. It is even more difficult to reach than websites like (Russia Today).

    This started after the demonstration of the E-Cat SKLep NGU in combination with the Twizzy. Before that, I never encountered any issues.

    Nevertheless, today I managed to briefly watch the Skype interview between Andrea Rossi and Frank Acland, where Andrea clearly mentioned that we all need to spread the world-important news through word-of-mouth recommendations.

    I deliberately neglect my own social media, as I prefer to gain connections and clients through personal recommendations from satisfied partners. Still, I immediately shared the videos of the LATINA demonstration on my FB page. Within the first few minutes, I received two “likes,” but many other people I know usually watch haven’t reacted. I suspect that even here, visibility is deliberately hindered by algorithms.

    Hence, my suggestion here on JONP is for every enthusiast to share the videos themselves and perhaps check if they are getting fewer responses than usual.

    Our word-of-mouth marketing is less effective if the people we speak to cannot find the correct sources and, when searching for “ECAT,” only land on so-called “Skeptics” who extensively explain why Pons and Fleischman only occasionally and very irregularly achieved bursts of cold fusion. The trend continues to suggest that cold fusion is something long sought after, but with no real success so far. Many people lose interest and move on to the next video about cute kittens.

    Spread the word!

  89. Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    Thank you for your precious help,
    Warm Regards,

  90. Gianluca

    Gentile A.R.
    Ho appena ascoltato l’intervista rilasciata a Frank e sono curioso di sapere se, nei tuoi piani produttivi, ci sia anche l’Italia. Grazie
    English: do you plan to distribute the Ecats also in Italy ?

  91. Andrea Rossi

    We will serve all the Clients of the world, without any territorial exclusions.
    Warm Regards,

  92. Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for taking the time for an interview yesterday. Here is the published video:

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

  93. Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  94. Interview with Andrea Rossi, October 15, 2024

    Quando la fisica ufficiale, quella dei grandi accademici, ci spiegherà il mistero della “INVENZIONE IMPOSSIBILE”?????
    Noi attendiamo risposte che ci sono dovute da anni,
    Grazie per tutto ciò che hai fatto.

  95. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  96. Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    The NGU data sheet gives information on the size of the 10W unit. diameter 60 mm, height 30 mm.
    For the NGU 100W unit what would be the typical size. A cylinder with diameter? and height? Or will it be a box with W? x L? x H?. Thank you if you can answer.
    Kind Regards,
    Calle H

  97. Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    Thank you for this question: the dimensions of the module are fixed, for the assemblies depend on the situation and the optional.
    Warm Regards,

  98. Rik

    Can you share lithium lifepo4 batteries? with the 100w

  99. Andrea Rossi

    What do you mean ? Can you rephrase ?
    Warm Regards,

  100. Andreas Maurer

    Dear Andrea,

    the 100W E-Cat is assembled of ten 10W E-Cats in parallel. Would it be possible to get a version of ten E-Cats in serial connection? Is there a plan to make the 10W E-Cat available for ordering too ?

    Warm regards,

  101. Andrea Rossi

    Andreas Maurer:
    Yes, the Ecats can be assembled in series and in parallel,
    Warm Regards,

  102. Giuseppe Censorio

    Dear Andrea,
    first of all congratulations for the brilliant test of Latina. Reading your comments in this blog one thing is clear and evident, who is NGU, never give up, is Andrea Rossi, the Ecat is only by reflection.
    Congratulations. Giuseppe

  103. Andrea Rossi

    Giuseppe Censorio:
    Let me correct you: the Ecat is the reflection of our great Team,
    Warm Regards,

  104. Giulia

    Dr Rossi, it is impressive the increase of total readings of your papers published onResearchgate
    Surely this is due to the videos on the Leonardo Corporation youtube channels of the 2 EV cars competition, but I think it is also due to the fact that this paper in particular teaches how to replicate the effect.
    It is a game changer, above any possible doubt.
    Giulia Manfredini

  105. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  106. Pierre

    Dr Rossi,
    We all are hoping your deals born after the Latina EV test will shorten the time to deliver
    This would be great,
    Good Luck,

  107. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  108. Gianluca

    Grazie Axil. Di difficile comprensione ma, per quanto ho potuto, mi pare che il contributo di A.R. E del suo Team alla comprensione del fenomeno sarà considerevole
    English: I understand from your comment that the work of Rossi and his Team give also a theoretical help to understand the mechanisms of this effect.

  109. Axil

    Both the measured power density of both Zero Point Energy and vacuum energy are far too weak to produce even 10 watts of electrical power let alone 3 Kw of power.
    The best candidate for extracting energy from the vacuum seems to be vacuum decay,
    The theory of vacuum decay, specifically the concept of a “false vacuum” which can decay into a true vacuum state, first emerged in the late 1970s, with key developments related to the electroweak interaction and the Higgs field, particularly in the work of physicists studying the stability criteria for these forces based on particle masses like the top quark and Higgs boson.
    Key points about the timeline of vacuum decay theory:

    Early development:
    The foundational ideas related to quantum field theory and vacuum states were established in the early to mid-20th century, laying the groundwork for the concept of a “false vacuum.”
    Formalization of “false vacuum”:
    The stability criteria for the electroweak interaction, which is often considered the most likely candidate for a metastable “false vacuum,” were first formulated in the late 1970s. The concept of a “false vacuum” is central to vacuum decay, where the current vacuum state is considered locally stable but not the absolute lowest energy state, allowing for a potential transition to a more stable “true vacuum”.
    Experimental verification:
    The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 provided crucial experimental evidence supporting the possibility of a false vacuum in the electroweak interaction.
    Recent advancements:
    Recent experiments have produced what is considered the first experimental evidence of “false vacuum decay” by observing bubble formation in carefully controlled atomic systems, further validating the theory.
    The theory of vacuum decay is primarily based on the field of quantum field theory within physics, as it describes the behavior of the vacuum state at the quantum level and the potential for transitions between different energy states, including a hypothetical “false vacuum” that could decay into a more stable state.
    Key points about vacuum decay and quantum field theory:
    Cosmological implications:
    Vacuum decay is often discussed in the context of cosmology since it has a determinative impact on early universe big bang processes and mechanisms, as it could have significant implications for the universe’s origin, the way that the universe first evolved, and its ultimate fate.
    Going forward, Dr. Rossi is destine to make a groundbreaking contribution to quantum field theory as well as many other fields of scientific study when science is able to expand on Dr. Rossi’s work and integrate his seminal work into quantum field theory and particle physics.

  110. Axil

    Dr. Rossi builds a bubble of the vacuum that is different in its power from the vacuum of our universe. This bubble will grow on its own by sucking in energy from around itself until it gets to a size that is unstable. This bubble will then explode whereupon the exploding bubble will produce energy that it has absorbed that Dr Rossi can use to produce electrical power.

    See an explanation of the complicated science behind this hypothesis:

  111. Andrea Rossi

    Willelm Van Ouystel:
    It is difficult to answer, because the curves of the numbers oscillate with high energy along the integral dO/dT ( orders in function of time ), and this is why: it is not rare the case of pre-orders for meganumbers, followed by a brutal fall when we make a due diligence on the guys who made that preorders and discover that their company is an empty box. This is why it would not be serious to answer this question before the target is reached. When ? I am not able to answer, but I hope soon: after the Latina demonstration we had extremely important contacts with which we are presently dealing.
    Warm Regards,

  112. Dan Galburt

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    When I am discussing the E-Cat SKL-NGU-10W, I will refer to it simply as E-Cat.

    I would like to discuss a simple system consisting of an E-Cat connected to a load resistor.

    Based upon your spec sheet I generated the following table of the E-Cat’s response to different values of load resistor.
    Since there are no manual or remote adjustments the E-Cat should have a unique response for each value of load resistor.

    R – Ohms E-cat – Status Power – Watts Voltage – Volts Current – Amps
    0.05 OFF 0 0 0
    0.1 ON 10 1.0 10.0
    0.2 ON 10 1.414 7.071
    1.0 ON 10 3.162 3.162
    10.0 ON 10 10.0 1.0
    14.4 ON 10 12.0 0.833
    20.0 ? ? ? ?

    Please correct any errors you see, and fill out the row that has question marks.

    I believe there is confusion as to how the E-Cat responds to different values of load resistance, and I don’t see how having a corrected table like this would give away any confidential information. The more confident customers are with how to interface with an E-Cat the more likely it is they will make a pre-order.

    Best Regards,
    Dan Galburt

  113. Andrea Rossi

    Dan Galburt,
    I suspect that our clients are not interested to this log.
    They need only to know that the Ecat must have a power equal or minor than the power demanded by the load, whatever it is. All the rest will be managed by the Ecat, as it happens with any electricity generator, DC or AC as it might be.
    All the Clients want to know is how much is the power necessary to their load and its Voltage.
    To make all simpler: if the user needs to activate anything that needs a max power of e.g. 100 W, he needs a 100 W Ecat. That’s what counts for the Client.
    About your question: the Amperes will have a value along the Ohm’s equation A=V/R and W = A x V; consequently, W/V= A
    This way, as I am sure you know, any Client, that will have a compulsive need to know how many Amperes is discharging his generator, will be able to know exactly using these equations…albeit I suspect that they won’t give a damn about these equations, disappointing to Ohm as this might be.
    Remains to answer the last case I was forgetting: when you shut down the Ecat, A and V will drop to zero and the load will cry, whatever the Power (W), that remains what it is, but jobless: no Wh/h, no job.
    Warm Regards,
    P.S. I know you are intelligent of the matter, so I am laughing with you, not at you. Let me take some rest during these extremely pressing days.

  114. Prof

    Dear Larry G,
    moreless yes,

  115. LarryG

    Hi Prof….
    So there has been about ten fold or more increase in read rate for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions” since the EV demo?

  116. Willem Van Ouytsel

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    It was communicated that you/Leonardo Corp will only start full scale production if you reach 1 million pre-oders of 100W ECat SKlep, right? At this moment, October 15 2024, where are you at when it come to pre-orders? How many are in, and when do you expect to reach 1 million.
    Kind Regards

  117. Adam Roy

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    E-Cat is a very important technological innovation and it needs media coverage for a smooth launch.

    1) That’s why I ask You: Will the planned demo/test with the photovoltaic system be carried out in the presence of a larger number of journalists and media?

    2) If NO, are You planning any kind of demo at all with the presence of more journalists and media?

    Thanks and Best Regards

    Adam Roy

  118. Andrea Rossi

    Adam Roy:
    Yes, when we will launch the Ecat ready to be delivered to our Ecat.
    Now it is premature.
    Warm Regards,

  119. Mattias Andersson

    Dear Andrea,

    Thanks to you and your team for a most excellent demonstration of the e-cat powered electrical vehicle!

    I noticed that the Niagara Falls seems to have been a major ingredient leading you to the discovery.

    Curiously, I found the following interview with Nikola Tesla, where he’s also mentioning the Niagara Falls:

    JOURNALIST: Tell me, please, what conditions does an Angel adopt on Earth?

    TESLA: I have ten of them. I keep a good watchful record.

    JOURNALIST: I’ll document all your words, dear Mr. Tesla.

    TESLA: The first requirement is a high awareness of your mission and the work to be done. It must, albeit only vaguely, exist in the first few days. Let us not be falsely modest: The oak knows that it is an oak tree, a shrub beside it which is a shrub. When he was twelve, he was certain he would reach Niagara Falls. I knew from my childhood that I would get most of my discoveries, although I was not entirely clear … The second condition to adapt is determination. All I could, I finished it.

  120. Andrea Rossi

    Mattias Andersson:
    Thank you for this interwiew.
    Very interesting…
    Warm Regards,

  121. Gavino Mamia

    Dr. Rossi, has this company faced the same problems you have faced?

  122. Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    Warm Regards,

  123. Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Today I found the new stats of your papers on
    Total Readings: 151000, of which 138560 only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions” more than 1.5 million publications on Researchgate
    Total Recommendations: 11882, more than 1.5 million publications on Researchgate
    Research Interest Score: 3065, more than 1.5 million publications on Researchgate
    And counting…

  124. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  125. Jan Srajer

    Is the life time of the Ecat SKLed 100 000 hours independently from the luminous flow ?
    Warm Regards,
    Jan Srajer

  126. Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  127. Jan Šrajer

    Mr. Rossi
    I look forward to demonstrating the heat radiator with E-cat. There could already be journalists you would invite from different corners of the world.
    All the best J.Š.

  128. I have activated company Intelligent Technologies Inc., by placing financial assets into the company. To see my linkedin page (google gene quong linkedin). I am currently trying to build my network
    by connecting with Engineers who are working. I have been following your work since 2010. My advice to everyone is to buy, because I believe that eCat NGU’s work. Since we had
    two blackouts in May, 2024 in Burnaby, BC. I have already created a backup system with 7.92 Kilowatt in batteries and 1000 watts of solar panels. I am currently testing a 2000 Watt Inverted 12 VDC
    to 110 VAC that I bought using my business account at Amazon. The main purpose of my connecting to as many Engineers as possible is to promote your product. Since I ordered 3 eCAts on January 2022,
    and one on April 2022, I am very eager to get my units. When I get these units they will provide the energy to ensure that I have backup power for a very long time.

  129. Andrea Rossi

    Gene Quong:
    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  130. nicola volpe

    Hi mr. Rossi
    judging by the test result, since your Ecat can power the vehicle with a positive balance (having also recharged the battery during the test), it would be more than sufficient to have a small buffer battery (1..2kWh), necessary for peaks absorption, which could be integrated into the vehicle system. I believe the cost of the system would be equivalent to the battery alone. What do you think? Has anyone thought about this? Congratulations anyway

  131. Andrea Rossi

    Nicola Volpe:
    No, the issue is much more complex, as the batterie of the EVs have a much more complex BMS.
    Warm Regards,
    P.S. Your comment is the N. 68000 of this blog

  132. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    The unusual request of a 13-volt output is driven by the desire to employ a number of 100W NGU units in series to feed the PV input of an EG4 6000XP solar inverter. The EG4 specs indicate a startup voltage of 100VDC +/- 10VDC and the MPP starts at 120VDC. I am concerned the MPP (which dynamically changes the load slightly to track the best power production Voltage and Amperage point) would trigger an NGU unit shutdown if overcurrent occurred. So, there is a “sweet zone” between 110VDC and 120VDC. By selecting an output between 110VDC and 120VDC, I could avoid the potential problem.

    The “best” solution would be a 13VDC output from the NGU units. 9 x 13VDC = 117VDC.

    Another possibility is adding a diode with a 0.6 voltage drop in series with each 12VDC NGU unit. 10 such units in series would produce 120VDC – 6VDC = 114VDC. Each diode would have to dissipate about 5 Watts of power.

    Or, replace the diode with a resistor. For a 0.5VDC drop and a current of 8.33 Amps we would need a resistance of 0.06 Oms and a power dissipation of 5 or 10 W. This would yield a voltage at the EG4 input of 115VDC.

  133. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    I confirm the answer I already gave you,
    Warm Regards,

  134. Tobias

    When the Ecat has to charge a battery it is necessary to apply an instrument that disconnects the connection between the battery and the Ecat when the battery is completely recharged. For this specific application, that has to be declared to us from the Client before we deliver, because without this interface the battery can explode.
    Warm Regards,

    So eCat keeps running power through connected wires, if no wires are connected it does not produce energy? or where does the energy go?

    Can the ECat be turned off?

  135. Andrea Rossi

    When the Ecat is disconnected from a load it automatically shuts down. The Ecat has a switch, obviously.
    Besides, the fact that the Ecat needs an instrument to disconnect is true for batteries that do not have a BMS.
    Warm Regards,

  136. Frank Acland


    Leonardo Corporation does have an active X account at

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  137. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I have existing orders for many eCat 100W units. If I asked them to be delivered as 9 each 100W, @ 13 VDC and serially connected to output 117 VDC,

    1. Could that be done?
    2. Would there be any additional charge of the 9 * $249USD cost?

  138. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1- to modify the modules to make 13 V instead of 12 is possible, but it should be a custom manufacturing, that would cost: yoi can resolve easily the problem putting in series one more module followed by a resistance to reduce the excess of voltage: this “home made” solution will cost you much less
    2- see 1
    Warm Regards,

  139. Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    Thank you for the links. Yes, I know them,
    Warm Regards,

  140. Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    From the NGU Technical Data sheet I read that the voltage output of the 100W unit is maximum 12 Volt. Can you deliver the 100W units with the 10W cells connected in series for maximum 120 Volt?
    Kind regards,
    Calle H

  141. Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    Warm Regards,

  142. Andrea Rossi

    Rik: thank you for your kind support.
    Answers to the 2 questions:
    1- the explosion happened for an error in the interface between the Ecat and the battery of the Twizy; we made an R&D dedicated soecifically to this problem, then we made tests to arrive to
    Sigma 5
    2- yes
    3- go to is the photo
    Warm Regards,

  143. arjen

    Dear andrea

    I could not find you on X platform of Elon Musk
    Is there a reason you are not on there?

    The fastest way to move forward is to have it integrated in robotics, ev Cars
    Did you try to contaxct tesla(or did tesla contact you)?

    if not why not? it seems 1 million units it’s a no brainer when tesla gets involved so why not working togehter for the benefit of humanity?

    kind regards Arjen

  144. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  145. Camillo

    What happens if the apparatus is put in parallel with a photovoltaic system that is producing 2500 W?
    1) There will be an increase of another 2500 W
    2) There will be an increase but it is unpredictable
    3) There will be a multiplicative increase

  146. Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  147. Rik

    Thank you for your work.This might be the biggest invention i have ever witnessed.
    Do you have any plans to let it be tested by third parties in the near feature?
    I also have read that in 2023 there was a small explosion. Could you explain a bit how this happened and how you prevent it now?
    How could this work in a household? We connect the Ecats in parallel to a Battery, we connect the battery to an inverter and have AC power throughout the whole household?
    Can I find any pictures of the modal that could be used in the near future, digital or real?

    Thank you so much for your work. I am looking forward to hear more from you and make it one of my missions to spread the word!

  148. Maico

    Dear Dr. Rossi

    This last year and a half dedicated to the preparation and execution of the E-Cat EV Demo has certainly been a very demanding period for both of us.
    It is undeniable that the demonstration of September 27, 2024 has had and is having a great success. I must say that letting to that September 27, starting from 0 (at least for the Twizy) was not “a linear evolution”.
    Starting from hypotheses, we tried to transform ideas into practice, not always successfully but certainly getting a little closer to the Goal.
    There have also been very difficult and dramatic moments (the critical event that led to the cancellation of the October 2023 demonstration), but it is precisely in moments like these that the “Phoenix” can rise from its own ashes. Never was a comparison more appropriate :)).
    That “critical and difficult moment” gave birth to the most “resilient” version of E-Cat ever, namely the NGU version (even in this case, a NAME was never more appropriate).

    When at the beginning of September 2024 we met for the Static Integration tests (in my box on Friday and on the roller bench on Saturday), I was very sure that the mutual work done up to that moment on “our own creatures” would have created a “successful symbiosis”!!! ….and so it was 😉

    I remember as if it were today the wonderful feeling I felt when I saw what we had achieved, it had taken a year and a half but it was ALL TRUE!!!

    I don’t think I’m reporting anything hard to believe, or even confidential, saying that at the end of those 2 days, exciting and exhilarating, you too were particularly happy and enthusiastic about what your E-Cat together with my Twizy were able to do 😉

    I took the liberty of attaching to this message some testimonies of that day. Up until now, videos of the Saturday tests had never been published (only photographs), I’m sure that those who follow you will be happy to be able to live “with Us” that day that I would define as Historic.

    That “Friday and Saturday” were 2 “Private” days, but on September 27th, the day of the “public” demonstration we shared with the world what your E-Cat is able to do and that is, Wonderful Things!!!

    Below is what was anticipated

    and below is the moment when “completely satisfied and happy” with what we had achieved, we “sealed” the culmination of our collaboration in the E-Cat project EV

    we still had to do the Demonstration of September 27th, the tension and nervousness were still a lot, but we knew that “technically” we had already “tried everything”, we just had to repeat on a racetrack what we had tried on a roller bench 😉

    I hope with this testimony I have managed to transfer to those who follow it what We have lived and felt in the last 78 weeks
    They have been weeks of hard work, so much dedication, so much anxiety, but the satisfaction, the joy, the exaltation that we felt at the end of that September 27th is something that at least I but I think also You “will carry with me/we will carry” always in our Heart 😉


    Ciao Maico

  149. Andrea Rossi

    Dear Maico:
    Thank you for your moving and sincere testimonies.
    Ad majora !!!
    Warm Regards,

  150. WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,
    I understand that the circuit breaker aspect (trip-off on overload) of the Ecat is a firm & settled decision– questions:

    1) Is that behavior an inherent aspect of the Ecat technology, or something deliberately imposed by the hardware/firmware/AI?

    2) If some segment of the market required something with a more continuous behavior (e.g., a voltage that sags on overload, like with batteries & solar cells), would that be possible with minor changes to the hardware/firmware/AI, or would it be something much more major?

    Thanks and Best Wishes,

  151. Andrea Rossi

    1- It is an inherent aspect of the Ecat technology
    2- depends on the situations, but the Ecat gives a set voltage, does not trim it. Therefore can be connected to the Ecat only a load that
    works at the same Voltage
    Warm Regards,

  152. Dan Galburt

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I have been following the development of your E-Cat for many years, and I am happy to congratulate you on a successful demonstration. I hope it helps you get the million preorders so that you can manufacture E-Cats and I can get one.

    E-Cat-SKL-NGU-10W spec sheet says that the NGU Cell is switched ON when connected to an allowed RLOAD.

    I have a few questions about the range of allowed load resistance.

    1. My understanding is that the lowest allowed load resistance is 0.1 ohms. Is this correct?

    2. Load resistances of between 0.1 and 14.4 ohms are allowed and the voltage is automatically set to keep the power output at 10W. Is this correct?

    3. For load resistances above 14.4 ohms there are two possibilities

    3.1 The E-Cat SKL-NGU-10W is switched off. Is this correct?

    3.2 The E-Cat SKL-NGU-10W is allowed to operate at reduced power, POWER = 144/RLOAD, unless RLOAD is greater than RLOADmax, then the E-Cat SKL-NGU-10W is switched OFF. I have no idea what RLOADmax is? Is this correct?

    Best Regards,
    Dan Galburt

  153. Andrea Rossi

    Dan Galburt:
    Welcome back !
    Thank you for your support.
    1. depends on the load
    2. no, the voltage is fixed, the Ampères depend on the power
    3. no
    3.2: if the power of the load is superior of the power of the Ecat, the Ecat automatically shuts down
    Warm Regards,

  154. Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    I have been informed minutes ago that there is somebody that fraudolently says him to be a representative of us: please do not pay anybody that offers you the Ecat, we are not yet selling the Ecat and we do not collect any money, because we want to be paid ONLY WHEN WE DELIVER THE PRODUCT !
    For this reason, please inform us if somebody tells you to be a representative or a licensee of us, and we will immediately answer you the real situation.
    I have received the information from a Reader of the JoNP, and this is the reason of this warning.
    Warm Regards,
    Dr Andrea Rossi, CEO
    Leonardo Corporation

  155. Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Here are the stats of your publications on Researchgate I found today consulting the paper
    Total Readings: 150000, of which 137300 only for “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions”: more than 1500000 papers published on Researchgate
    Recommendations: 11842, more than 1500000 publications on RG
    Interest Score Index: 3064, more than 1500000 publications on RG
    And counting…

  156. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your update,
    Warm Regards,

  157. Rupert

    Dear Andrea,
    Among other things, what I deem excellent is the impressive professionality of the cameramen : we can see the Twizy with the Ecat second by second without losing even one meter of its race; this fact, and all the data you reported, make the event a strong evidence of the excellency of the technological level that has been reached.
    Just one question: how many cameramen wer employed around the racetrack ?
    God bless you and your team,

  158. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team.
    There were 6 stations around the racetrack, each one with a cameraman, placed to view the whole racetrack, plus one free cameraman for actions performed out of the racetrack with the cars,
    Warm Regards,

  159. Francesco

    I watched the whole six hours video of the race in the racetrack of Latina between the Renault fuelled by the Ecat and her twin without the Ecat with its normal battery, and I got WOW !
    Congratulations, great job of you and your team. I am following you 10 years since and it is impressing your resilience.
    Best regards,

  160. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  161. Susan

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    The videos of the Latina event are getting viral, because what you and your team did is of paramount importance.
    Thank you all for your work,

  162. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  163. Ambrogio Carugati

    Dr Rossi, after studying many times the paper
    from the first to the last line, I and my fellows of laboratory succeeded to obtain energy gains !
    Thank you for the paper, and congratulations for the historic event of September 27 with the Ecat powered Renault Twizy.
    Your work is inspiring,
    Carissimi Saluti
    Ambrogio Carugati

  164. Andrea Rossi

    Ambrogio Carugati:
    Congratulations !
    Warm Regards,

  165. Andrea Rossi

    We reached 40000 V during our experiments, consequently @ 0.0025 A
    Warm Regards,

  166. Axil

    There is a complication here called the vacuum catastrophe when trying to make sence of the vacuum energy power density.
    According to current understanding, the “correct” value for vacuum energy, relative to the vacuum catastrophe, is significantly smaller than the theoretical value predicted by quantum field theory, with a discrepancy of around 120 orders of magnitude, meaning the observed vacuum energy is vastly lower than what calculations suggest it should be; this huge disparity is what constitutes the “vacuum catastrophe.”. This larger predicted value is predicted based on quantum electrodynamics, consistency with the principle of Lorentz covariance and with the magnitude of the Planck constant suggests a much larger value of 10^113 joules per cubic meter.
    Key points about the vacuum catastrophe:
    Theoretical value:
    Quantum field theory predicts a much larger vacuum energy density (which is an incorrect assumption) due to zero-point fluctuations, often calculated using the Planck energy scale.
    Observed value:
    Measurements based on cosmological observations show a significantly lower vacuum energy density.
    Magnitude of the discrepancy:
    This difference is considered one of the biggest unsolved problems in physics, with the theoretical value being many orders of magnitude higher than the measured value.
    From looking at the way that the power is produced during the EVO life cycle, it looks like that power comes from the electromagnetic field which is how science has come up with the large 10^113 joules per cubic meter value for the power density of the vacuum.
    Sabine states that the vacuum energy is not produced by virtual particles, rather it is an inherent property of spacetime as described by general relativity and the expansion rate of the universe.
    Here is Sabine’s take on the vacuum as follows:


  167. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  168. Anonymous

    Dr Rossi,
    do you confirm that you are preparing another presentation, this time with a heater powered by the Ecat NGU ?

  169. Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  170. We have several Hospitality projects in Puerto Rico and will be OFF GRID for Power and Water, a 1 mW is perfect for the larger project in Loiza and 500kw for the Miramar Project. of course, we would like to be your distributor here in Puerto Rico and also connect you to our CPA / attorney so you can get ACT 60 tax treatment for manufacturing here call me at your convenience …..

  171. Andrea Rossi

    Keith Poimboeuf:
    Thank you for your support.
    I edited your comment cancelling your personal data.
    I will contact you privately,
    Warm Regards,

  172. Paolo Rampazzo

    Gentilissimo Andrea Rossi, alla domanda di Patrick su quanti e-cat da 10w c’erano dentro l’auto del test hai risposto 10pz, quindi l’auto è stata pilotata con 300W in totale o c’è un errore? Mi sembrano troppo pochi… con quei watt si polota una bicicletta di solito.

  173. Andrea Rossi

    Paolo Rampazzo:
    Thank you for your warning: actually the modules are 300, not 10… my mistake, I made a typo, the number I put is a nonsense. Correction made thanks to you,
    Warm Regards,

  174. Juan Carlos

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Many many congratulations on the overwhelmingly successful demo.

    I was somewhat surprised and more than a little bit disappointed,
    to see how the story was not picked up by main-stream media.
    I sent off the links to major newspapers and news portals in
    five countries and received not one single reply.

    Maybe it will just take more time and I am simply too impatient?

    Hopeful and optimistic greetings,
    Juan Carlos

  175. Andrea Rossi

    Juan Carlos:
    Thak you for your support.
    Sometimes there is resistence to a change of directions…
    Warm Regards,

  176. Tom Kaminski

    In the past, you have stated that your team used “AI” to control the reaction underlying the E-cat NGU. I think that that the “AI” approach you have used is worthy of its own patents.

    1) Can you talk a bit about how it was developed?

    “AI” in the currently popular sense uses massive data sets to “program” the “AI”.

    2) Since E-cat NGU is new, where did the data come from to program it?

    3) Have you developed a detailed simulation of the process that can be used to program it?

  177. Andrea Rossi

    Tom Kaminski:
    1- Sorry, this issue is confidential
    2- see 1
    3- yes
    Warm Regards,

  178. Maico

    Dear Axil Axil and others

    We often talk about a theoretical problem of the E-Cat used to charge the batteries, and at that point we also go into details about the chemistry of the batteries themselves.

    I would like to reassure you on this aspect,

    Each battery depending on the technology with which it is built has its pros and cons and above all it must be managed appropriately.

    It is no coincidence that Dr. Rossi referred to BMS.

    Any DC generator cannot be connected directly to the battery, of any type it is, for obvious reasons.

    The electronics that I developed for the demonstration of the E-Cat EV is undoubtedly complex but it is able to manage any type of battery (it decouples the E-Cat from the battery itself) 😉
    That button, present in the electronics, that you see in the photos, if pressed is able to disable all the inputs and controls necessary for the management and control of the Twizy and its battery (Canbus), making it the perfect tool to control and recharge any type of battery.
    The control instrumentation that you saw on the dashboard of the Twizy on the right side, at that point allows you to manage the Voltage and Current of charging any type of battery (using the appropriate charging modes specific to the chemistry of the battery itself) making my electronics a very powerful and flexible “general purpose” tool to control any battery and obviously inverters and much more 😉 (IC-CPD etc … All tests already done 😉 and here I stop …. ).


    ciao Maico

  179. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    On the NGU 100W unit, what is the maximum DC voltage that the unit can provide as set by the Factory?

  180. Steve D

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Thank you for publishing the updated ecat specifications not to overlook your impressive demonstration. The output voltage range is from 1V to 12V. 

    1) Considering the 10W ecat for example how does the user set the output to 5 volts?

    1a) There is a user accessible control to directly set the desired voltage?

    1b) The user selects a load resistance of 2.5 ohms derived from R = V^2/P, and the ecat automatically adjusts to output 5V, so the voltage is indirectly set?

    2) If the voltage measures less than 12V (to 1V) this always indicates the ecat is delivering 10W output power?

    3) Is it possible to deliver less than maximum 10W power at 5V?

    4) At 12V maximum power can be delivered and at only 12V can less than maximum 10W power be delivered?

    Thank you

  181. Andrea Rossi

    Steve D:
    Thank you for your kind support.
    1, 1a, 1b: The voltage can only be changed with a step up or a step down if in DC, or with an inverter if it has to be turned into AC. In any case the voltage, once set up, cannot be trimmed.
    2- see 1
    3- the power will be the power requested by the load, so long the load’s demanded power does not exceed the power of the Ecat
    4- once the Voltage is set, the power depends on the Amperage drawn by the load: W = A x V, therefore A = W/V
    Warm regards,

  182. Axil

    By using some systems engineering, there might be an easier way for you to solve this exploding Lithium ion battery issue and avoid using a steel box and extensive shielding to protect both the NGU EV LENR reactor application and the EV battery from expulsive failure during the demo. Knowing that the Renault Twizy electric vehicle uses a lithium-ion battery:
    A lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery does not utilize oxygen release as does the lithium ion battery type in its active chemistry, which is why it is considered very safe as it is less likely to burn even if damaged, unlike the lithium-ion battery type that does contain oxygen in their cathode materials.
    Chemical formula:
    The chemical formula for lithium iron phosphate is LiFePO4, where the “PO4” group is a phosphate ion containing only phosphorus and oxygen, which is tightly bound and does not readily release oxygen.
    Safety advantage:
    This lack of readily available oxygen in the LFP chemistry means that even if the battery is damaged and exposed to air, it is less likely to ignite or catch fire.
    You can mitigate this lithium battery explosion issue by interfacing with this safe fireproof lithium battery type as follows:
    What is the safest lithium battery?
    LiFePO4 Vs Lithium Ion & Other Batteries – Why LiFePO4 is #1
    LiFePO4 batteries are the safest of the lithium batteries, because they will not catch fire, and won’t even overheat. Even if you puncture the battery it will not catch fire. This is a massive upgrade over other lithium batteries, which can overheat and catch fire.
    Many electric cars use lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries, including:
    Tesla: Tesla switched to LFP batteries for its standard range models in 2021, starting with China-made vehicles and expanding to the US in 2022.
    Ford: Ford plans to use LFP batteries in European Mustang Mach-Es and select F-150 markets in 2024.
    Fisker: Fisker Ocean’s base configuration, the Sport, uses LFP batteries.
    Rivian: Rivian will use LFP batteries in its Electric Delivery Vans for Amazon and then switch over in its Standard Range trucks.
    GM: GM’s revamped Chevrolet Bolt EV will use LFP batteries to help cut costs.
    BMW: BMW will start using LFP batteries in 2025.
    Mercedes-Benz: Mercedes-Benz also uses LFP batteries.
    LFP batteries are a type of lithium-ion battery that are commonly used in EVs, home powerbanks, and cell phones. They are made with lithium-iron-phosphate cathodes and are commonly abbreviated to LFP batteries.
    LFP batteries are becoming more popular because they are made with commonly available substances like iron and phosphate, which insulates the cells from the rising costs of other metals used in EV batteries.
    Since the NGU LENR reactor is a good fit to power Stellantis EVs the following is appropriate:
    Stellantis uses multiple types of lithium battery chemistries in its electric vehicles (EVs), including:
    Most of Stellantis’ current models use nickel, cobalt, and manganese (NCM) chemistry.
    Stellantis plans to use lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries in its European EVs. LFP batteries are lighter, more efficient, and have a longer cycle life than other lithium-ion batteries.
    Stellantis is developing lithium-sulfur batteries with Lyten, a Silicon Valley-based company. Lyten’s batteries are designed to have:
    More than twice the energy density of lithium-ion batteries and a 60% lower carbon footprint than today’s best-in-class batteries with Improved stability, efficiency, and energy density
    Stellantis has invested in Factorial, a startup working on solid-state cells.
    Stellantis has invested in Tiamat, a startup working on sodium-ion batteries that don’t use lithium.

    It seems prudent to me to test each lithium battery type for safety so that the steel case is optional for those battery types that show destructive potential.

    If a lithium battery type proves to be safe through destructive testing in interfacing with the NGU reactor, then that type of battery does not require the optional steel case.

    The designers of an EV will make a choice to include the most appropriate battery type that meets the requirements of their design which includes the use of the NGU either with or without the steel case based on safety and weight requirements tradeoffs.

    In summary, it may be best to offer the steel case as an option based on lithium battery type.

  183. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your thoroughly insight.
    You do not need any permission from me to proceed your theoretical studies, on the contrary I encourage you to send here the developments of your theoretical investigation, and thank you for it.
    Warm Regards,

  184. Pedro Hernandez

    Dr Rossi:
    Is the Ecat NGU compatible with normal solar systems and notmal appliances ?

  185. Andrea Rossi

    Pedro Hernandez:
    Warm Regards,

  186. Patrick

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations on the results of the latest test.
    How many e-cat 10W modules were inside the electric car?
    Looking forward to my deliveries of the e-cats very soon!
    Best regards

  187. Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  188. Stefano

    Dear Andrea,
    In order to make universal and easy to connect to EV vehicles, ecat should have an inverter and the generated AC power should go in the plug, as a regular power supply from the house socket.
    Everyone will buy, placing the ecat get in the trunk and at anytime the car will be chargeable (with engine off, off course).
    No need of complex systems and compatibilities.
    Cari saluti e in bocca al lupo.

  189. Andrea Rossi

    It is not that simple: I want to repeat that the assembly of the Twizy powered by the Ecat NGU is a prototype that needs further work to obtain the safety certification.
    Thank you for your support anyway,
    Warm Regards,

  190. Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    I apologize for my post 30 min ago. I conclude the data sheet has all the information I need. Sorry for my post.
    Kind regards,
    Calle H

  191. Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    You have not to be sorry, and you are free to ask what you want.
    Thank you for access our website
    Warm Regards,

  192. LarryG

    Dear Dr. Rossi:

    I placed orders very soon after you were “open for business” of taking orders, and I would like to be sure about what I can change these orders to now that you are closer to production.

    Please confirm:

    1) I can order NGU Power Cell SKL-NGU-10W units with 120V AC North America output connector/power for $25 each.
    2) I can order NGU Generator SKL-NGU-100W units with 120V AC North America output connector/power for $250 each.

    Best Regards

  193. Andrea Rossi

    1- yes
    2- yes
    Warm Regards,

  194. Stefano

    Dear Andrea,
    In order to make universal and easy to connect to EV vehicles, ecat should have an inverter and the generated AC power should go in the plug, as a regular power supply from the house socket.
    Everyone will buy, placing the ecat get in the trunk and at anytime the car will be chargeable (with engine off, off course).
    No need of complex systems and compatibilities.
    Cari saluti e in bocca al lupo.

  195. LarryG

    Dear Dr. Rossi

    Regarding the new data sheets:

    1) please confirm my interpretation that the NGU Power Cell SKL-NGU-10W will only be available with DC output voltage delivered via two wires.

    2) please confirm my interpretation that the NGU Generator SKL-NGU-xxxW will be available with
    2.1 DC output voltage delivered through two wires,
    2.2 or it can be delivered with 120V A/C output and A/C connector standard to the country of purchase/as requested by the buyer.

    3) will other configurations for the Generator be available, for instance maybe USB-A output connector?

    4) is the DC voltage output of the NGU Power Cell SKL-NGU-10W permanently factory set or user adjustable?

    Best Regards, LarryG

  196. Andrea Rossi

    1- depends on the situations
    2- 2.1: also, but not necessarily if an inverter is connected
    2- 2.2: yes, as an optional
    3- not so far, possibly in future
    4- depends on the situations
    Warm Regards,

  197. Italo R.

    Dr. Rossi,
    I think the name “E-Cat SKLep NGU” is too long. It is a name that has been generated over the years, each letter has its own precise meaning. But, apart from “E-Cat”, everything else in the name remains indecipherable and meaningless for a layman or an end customer.
    If I buy a car, I immediately identify it with a short name like “Duster”, “Panda” etc. I completely ignore all internal factory codes.
    In my opinion, the E-cat should simply be called “E-Cat” plus a meaningful suffix that refers to an important and significant feature of that model.

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  198. Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for your suggestion: I like the suffix NGU because reminds me the day of the explosion and fire, where I seriously risked to burn alive; I had to decide if to go on with that work or not, but said ” Never Give Up”, but this is a subjective choice , therefore maybe you made a good point.
    Warm Regards,

  199. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Suggested cat family name vs power rating:

    Power Name
    > 4kW tiger class,
    3 kW lion class,
    1 kW jaguar class,
    10 W leopard class


  200. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes karels,
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  201. Klas


    You always need some type of battery charger circuit/unit.
    The complexity depends mainly on the type and specification of the battery.
    For some exemples you can search on Amazon with ” dollatek batterycharger”.


  202. Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Your reply to Tobias regarding battery charging is interesting.

    When you charge batteries from the grid, there is no need to disconnect the battery from the grid connection. Once the battery is 100 % full there is no danger of the battery exploding, charging simply stops.

    Does the E-Cat charging a battery behave differently than the grid charging a battery?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  203. Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    That’s true if the batteries have a BMS,
    Warm Regards,

  204. Heinz Sause

    Hello and sorry,
    Yes, I know the origin of the name ecat.
    The company logo simply uses a cat for presentation.
    Now my thoughts on how to differentiate between the very different strength versions.
    A large dog or even a horse would be added to make it more likeable.
    So just marketing considerations!
    Best wishes and I hope you have an excellent result.

  205. Andrea Rossi

    Heinz Sause:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  206. Tobias

    If a ecat were placed in a home connected to a battery. Is there a way to turn it off when the battery is filled? Or what needs to happen with the redundant excess power generated?

  207. Andrea Rossi

    When the Ecat has to charge a battery it is necessary to apply an instrument that disconnects the connection between the battery and the Ecat when the battery is completely recharged. For this specific application, that has to be declared to us from the Client before we deliver, because without this interface the battery can explode.
    Warm Regards,

  208. Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    I have the feeling that the time for production start is getting closer. I hope you agree and congratulations to you and your team.
    May I ask, will you soon release data sheets for the 10W and 100W respectively including information such as: open circuit voltage, short circuit current, maximum power at X current, mounting holes, physical dimensions, electrical connection type, illustrations, etc. Will there be available a user manual with application examples for the most requested applications such as space heating, connection to PV inverter, etc. Will you set up an application support web site for solving individual problems. Thank you if you can answer.
    Kind regards,
    Calle H

  209. Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    Thank you for your support.
    The Ecats will be delivered with a manual.
    About the datasheet we just updated them here:
    Warm Regards,
    Andrea Rossi

  210. LarryG

    Hi Dr. Rossi
    Followup to your answers to B.Walz and h. Calle H. regarding order status.

    1) for clarity, the “one million orders” threshold for production is actually some combination of 10W and 100W units that total 100 million watts of output power if you summed up power of all units together.
    2) Are you currently in contract negotiations with new customers that if all are successful, there will be enough orders to send you over the order threshold and begin production.
    3) Are you currently in contract negotiations with new customers that if only half of them are successful, there will be enough orders to send you over the order threshold and begin production.

  211. Andrea Rossi

    1- yes
    2- yes
    3- even some of them
    Warm regards,

  212. Andreas


    thanks for your response. I would use the ecat to charge the battery when the sun isnt shining btw for providing the base load of my one family house, which is around 400-500 watts/hour in the evening / night. So i plan to order only 4 to 6 e-cats.

    Thank you and warm regards,


  213. Andrea Rossi

    You can place your pre-order here:
    Warm Regards,

  214. Andrea Rossi

    B. Waltz:
    1. We hope to reach it soon
    2. Not yet
    Warm Regards,

  215. ernesto Seligardi

    @ Italo R. and @ Tom Kaminski.
    Perhaps it would not even be necessary to make precise measurements, neither calorimetric nor electrical, with so many instruments that could raise objections from skeptics and trolls.
    What is needed is a transparent, graduated, heat-resistant glass cylinder with a capacity of at least one liter, a coil resistance sized to support the 3 kw ecat, to be introduced inside the cylinder. A reserve of water, perhaps distilled, in a tank or a visible bin, and a graduated glass jug. Also the E Cat in full view with the two cables that connect it to the coil. All on a table, perhaps outdoors. Fill the cylinder via the graduated jug with one liter of water, turn on the ecat which will start to heat the resistance and therefore the water.
    After a few minutes the water will start to boil and evaporate. When the evaporated water is about 1/2 liter, you will add, with the graduated jug, another 1/2 liter of water, and so on, ad infinitum. A streaming similar to that with the lamp. After a few hours of repeated fillings, I challenge anyone to question the reality and efficiency of the ECat. You could go on for days. Nothing existing, much less lithium batteries, would be able to do this.

  216. B.Walz

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    referring to your answer to Calle H.
    1. Are the one million orders already reached or are you sure to reach it soon?
    2. Have you already set a date for the start of the mass production?
    Best regards

  217. Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    It is very pleasing to hear that you may be at MRL 9 för production of the E-Cat. I would believe your production facilities are now preparing for multi-million E-Cat production in the wake of the successful Latina test. And not just the one million that is your threshold to start production.
    There is a concern from us who have placed small orders many years ago that we will be overridden by disregarding by the big orders from big companies. Could you please confirm that we who have placed ourselves in the queu line long before the big ordering companies that we will be in priority of delivery.
    Kind Regards,
    Calle H

  218. Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    do not worry,the priorities will be respected. Thanks to the demonstration made in Latina we are signing agreements that will empower significantly our production capacity.
    Warm Regards,

  219. Andreas

    Dear Andrea,

    congratulations to the Latina test, this is simply jawdropping. I am now ready for placing a order!

    I asked this question already a few month ago but now with details.

    I am at the moment finishing my 15kwp Photovoltaic System. I have a high voltage hybrid inverter which requires 180V at least at the PV input to start. The battery connected to the inverter is a high voltage system too.

    What ecat version do i need and how is this integrated in my system to charge the battery if needed?

    Maybe the german readers here can form a email group for sharing configurations and so on ?

    Warm regards,

  220. Andrea Rossi

    We will contact you when ready to deliver to fix the details of your particular situation.
    If your peak demand of power is 15 kW you can pre-order 150 modules of 100 W. We will deliver the assembly designed along your specific situation and will suggest you the proper inverter.
    Warm Regards,

  221. Italo R.

    to Tom Kaminski:

    I think the setup could be much simpler.

    This for 2 reasons:

    1) – The load is resistive and all the electrical energy supplied is converted into heat. I think it is more than enough to measure only the voltage, current and power output of the e-cat (which powers the heater). It would also be enough to measure only voltage and current to calculate the power, since the load is purely resistive. The additional measurement of power would serve to confirm the measurements and calculations.
    So, by measuring with 3 instruments only those three parameters, the heat generated by the heater is calculated exactly.

    2) Calorimetric measurement is complex, requires several measurements and devices susceptible to errors and subjective interpretations and this would create endless discussions (as it has been in the past with this type of measurement).

    Best regards,
    Italo R.

  222. Andrea Rossi

    Garret Wawell:
    Thank you for your kind support,
    Warm Regards,

  223. Tom Kaminski

    Congratulations on the Latina Demonstration. I hope your path to commercialization is short and successful.

    I understand that you are planning a demonstration of the E-cat NGU as a source of energy for heating. If you do so, I hope that you will consider a thermal measurement system based on calorimetry, similar to the system that you used for the E-cat QX demonstration. An even simpler system of calorimetry might be a bucket of ice, heated by the E-cat with a resistive heater. Measuring the volume of ice-melt water would confirm the energy generated.

  224. Andrea Rossi

    Tom Kaminski:
    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  225. Lucio Martini

    I saw the EV demonstration in Latina, I was convinced that the future of electric cars lies in E-CAT, which implies the elimination of expensive, delicate, cumbersome and dangerous batteries.
    Best wishes Ing. Rossi, the future is in your hands!

  226. Andrea Rossi

    Lucio Martini:
    Thank you for your kind support,
    Warm Regards

  227. Stephen

    Dear Andrea

    May I ask if the orders made for the SKLED (lamp version) some years ago are automatically converted to the SKLEP (electric power Version)?

    If so does each SKLED order correspond to the 10W version?

    Is there a way to check our order status (number of units) without putting an overhead on you or your team?

    Thanks and Best Regards

  228. Gavino Mamia

    Dr. Rossi
    here is my summary translated into English

  229. Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    Your video is a masterpiece !
    Thank you for your generosity,
    Warm Regards,

  230. Garret Kawell

    Dr Rossi,
    After what I have seen yn the videos of the Latina test I can say: the Ecat is a game changer !
    Garret Kawell

  231. gianluca berteletti

    Cortese A.R.
    la produzione di ECAT sarà concentrata in un solo luogo (stato) oppure puoi già dire che potrebbe essere decentrata in vari continenti per velocizzarne la logistica e per evitare problematiche di tipo doganale, anche in relazione alla tipologia di oggetto da spedire?


  232. Andrea Rossi

    Gianluca Berteletti:
    We are making manufacturing licenses in different parts of the world, exactly for the reasons you cited: logistic and customs.
    Warm Regards,

  233. Benjamin

    Dr Rossi,
    I watched all the videos of the Latina test with the two twizy and I want to congratulate for the high level of professionality, the sophisticated and convincing measurements and the historic result.
    Kudos to all your team: for once we could see at least part of the team of Leonardo at work.
    All the best,
    Benjamin Defoe

  234. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  235. LilyLover

    Dear Andrea,
    Your confidence about MRL 9, makes me really happy for the World.

  236. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  237. Andrea Rossi

    Pablo Ramirez:
    Warm Regards,

  238. cesare

    Dr. Rossi,
    I sent the QUATTRORUOTE editorial staff the link proposed by Sven Larsen –, because it’s in English.
    I hope they are moved by “constructive curiosity” and get in touch with you.

  239. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind help,
    Warm Regards,

  240. Pablo Ramierz

    Dr Rossi
    Are you studying the application od the Ecat to the drones ? I think to obtain certification for non manned flying objects is much easier than manned.

  241. Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your thoroughly batteries update; I am not a battery expert, anyway, and we must take for good the batteries the cars actually have been supplied with, and find out a safe way to make the Ecat interface fit for them, one kind or another as they might be.
    Warm Regards,

  242. Drew Glista

    Dr. Rossi:

    Does Leonardo Corp. Have the manufacturing capabilities in place to immediately start producing E-cats when the one million unit order goal is achieved? Will manufacturing be an in-house production line or done using a contractor facilities. Can you provide the current manufacturing readiness level (MRL) for in-house or contractor capabilities. See this website for definition Of MRLs:

    Congrats on the test!


  243. Andrea Rossi

    Drew Glista:
    We are ready, combining internal and outsourcing: in the MRL scale I’d say 9
    Warm Regards,

  244. Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Here are the stats of your papers found today on
    Total Readings: 149000, of which 136000 only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions”, more than 1.5 million Researchgate publications
    Research Interest Score: 3057, more than 1.5 millions publications on Researchgate
    Recommendations: 11865, more than 1.5 million publications on Researchgate
    And counting…

  245. Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Let us assume the major areas of the eCat NGU energy production are transportation, energy production, and heating. You have a good demonstration in the area of transportation. Heating should be straightforward demonstration. Heat something for a sufficiently long time to preclude chemical processes considering the mass of the eCat NGU units.

    The energy production has some alternatives. One might be solar panel supplementation. Measure the power both day and night. Or, you might skip the solar panels and go straight to conversion to battery and/or generating power into the grid.

    The off-grid makes the most sense to me as there would be no grid power that the opposition could claim provided the generated power. There are plenty of off-grid suppliers to choose from. For example, power a house for a week using power stored in the batteries and the batteries refilled from eCat NGU units. Run it long enough to demonstrate more energy provided then stored in the batteries. Start with a low State Of Charge like you did with the car.


  246. Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  247. Andrea Rossi

    Neri Accornero and Gavino Mamia:
    I agree with the comment of Prof Neri Accornero; if you have difficulty with the translation, make it translated by a professional and I will refund your expenses, just send the bill to
    Please also send me the link to it after it will be translated, so we will put it in all our contexts
    Warm Regards,